
Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Manipulation Technique In Naruto? That's what this webnovel is about! How will Shin use this newfound power of his in this world? Author note: This book will contain a mix of light and serious tone, so don't be too surprised at its occasional inconsistencies

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15 Chs

The Third Hokage

Once Itachi had finally done his deed, his painful part had subsided, and he could finally move to report.. to the Third Hokage. He disappeared and headed towards a hidden location in which he had coordinated with the Third Hokage to meet at this night.

It was a secret compound, hidden away from all the villages and standing there was the Third Hokage. Itachi, seeing this, kneeled in front of the Third Hokage and said, "Lord Third... I've killed my own clan in order to keep the peace of the hidden leaf..."

The Third Hokage flinched slightly, before sighing. "Why did you do this... on your own... Itachi? Things could have been settled peavefully" to which Itachi replied,

"It would have to happen eventually... I would rather kill hundreds of my own clan than to leave things be and create a war that would shed thousands of deaths." Itachi said, wherein you could hear the tremble behind his voice.

The Third had no choice but to sigh... "Understood Itachi, it was your choice to make..."

"I want you to guarantee the wellbeing of Sasuke, away from Danzo, that's all I ask for.. In exchange.. I'll be Konoha's outside eyes, providing information on any potential threat that Konoha may face..." Itachi said in a solemn face.

The Third Hokage, understanding this was but a minor task could easily agree to it, "Itachi.. you're a hero to the Konoha, but we'll have to put you in the Bingo Book as the sole proprietor of the Uchiha massacre, that way.. your clan will restore its honor, and Sasuke won't be victimised for the Uchiha's plans for revolt..." The Third explained...

"Understood Lord Third..." Itachi said, before thinking and providing a tip. "Also... a mysterious teenager was roaming around the Uchiha compound, he likely knows I was the one to murder the Uchihas... He has this weird ability... the ability to stop entities completely. Be aware of him... It's a jutsu I have yet to understand..."

The Third was confused but noted it in his head. Without saying much else, Itachi left the compound in which he had to warn Danzo, and leave Konoha for good.. or so he thought.

The Third was astonished and felt a huge migraine coming... It seemed like he had failed as a Hokage, to force a barely teenager to massacre his whole family due to his indecisiveness... The consequences to these would be quite heavy too... and also.. who was this person that Itachi had warned him about...?




Shin was still busy in the training compound, experimenting the leaves. He discovered that.. his ability was not limited to just pausing.. but he could specifically fast forward an entity, or even go backwards. He could do it towards the entity's state, or its movement. So for instance, Shin could make the leaf wilt if he fast-forwards the entity's 'state'. However, he could also fast-forward the entity's movement, wherein the leaf drops faster down to the ground. Shin also knew he could do it backwards.

It was amazing. It felt like there was so much he could do in this world, that on top of him having an invincible body made him felt like he could control so much power in this world. Maybe, he could be the Hokage, or maybe he could choose to build a new village of power. Shin still had no idea, but he was sure of one thing, Shin refuses to become a nobody in this new life of his... In his old life, he tried being a good man, a hard worker, but nothing ever returned well for him, in fact, those who were resorting to violence, bullying the weak for money and were borderline evil ended up more successful than him. Shin did not want to be like those assholes, but he does want to be more selfish in this life than he was previously. However, it was the middle of the night, and Shin needed to find a place to rest.

So, he went back to the village and wondered, wherein the hell is he supposed to sleep. He was confused at first, but he remembered, he could slightly exploit his power. Shin headed to an inn, it was a regular housing with only a staff waiting at the reception. Immediately as he entered he scouted the reception table to see several keys dangling behind him. It was late at night, and Shin doubt there would be anyone else that would stay over at this inn; so, he paused the receptionist and took the key that was behind the reception. The key was listed with the number 013, and he could only assume that was a room number. He hopped over the reception table once more before slightly saying "sorry" to the paused receptionist. Immediately, Shin went to the part of the hotel where the reception could no longer see him and unpaused the man, before heading off to his room.

After a short period of time searching for the room, Shin finally spotted the door that said 013 and used the key room that he had.

"Phew," Shin thought to himself slightly nervous. Inside the inn were a nice comfortable bed, a lamp and a table and what he was anticipating the most, a shower room. He was feeling so drained and dirty that he wanted to just shower as soon as possible and get out of his clothes, which he did. He enjoyed his long-awaited shower before realising something he forgot one tiny thing... He had no clothes to change into.