
Thunder God Rising

Jin started with everything and wasted it, dying a meaningless death in a war against a god. Yet somehow he didn't die on that battlefield pathetic and a failure, he instead awoke back in a time much simpler and with only the goal of fighting against the chains of his fate and carving out his story.

GhoulKingJay · Cómic
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4 Chs


{Just a quick heads up, this first chapter is in first person but the rest of the fanfiction will be in third person, I just felt that first person was more appropriate for this first chapter}

I woke up gasping for breath, my heart pounding in my chest. The memories of my previous life were still fresh in my mind, a bitter reminder of my failures and wasted potential. I had the ability to make a difference in the world but I let it slip through my fingers, and it cost me everything.

Rather than dying a death in the war against HIM in a blaze of glory I lost control of my powers and hurt myself and my comrades. I can still feel the searing sting of my storm release going out of control and blasting me and my comrades with undistilled power. I had to lay there on the battlefield moaning and groaning as the blood seeped from my veins and the life force faded from my body.

I wanted so badly in my last moments to curse the heavens and scream my frustrations to any god that would listen, but...I knew that it was my fault for wasting the potential that I had been given. So in my last moment in an act driven by fear or desperation, I sent a plea out into the universe merely asking for a second chance to let my potential bear fruit and use my potential to crush HIM and his wretched inhuman forces.

But fate had other plans.

Instead of the void I expected, I found myself awakening in my old bedroom decorated with all the fun ninja trinkets and toys I kept in my room as motivation. The sight of the juvenile room brought a tear to my eye as all the memories shared with my parents came flooding back alongside the determination to make sure that his parents have a happy and safe life.

My second chance was a gift, a rare opportunity that few ever received. I would not squander it. Fate had given me a blank canvas, and it was up to me to paint my own destiny.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I left my room marched downstairs, and stood confidently in front of the figure of my mother and without an idle thought the words slipped out "Mother, I want to be the strongest could you please train me?"

I stood there in front of her with bated breath as her face morphed into confusion before and wide and amused smile dawned on her face "So you're finally gettin' serious, training starts tomorrow" she said crouching to meet my diminutive size "Once I start training you no matter how difficult it is there's no backing out" my mother's youthful and slightly crass voice added.

The road ahead would be treacherous. The challenges I would face would test my resolve and push me to my limits but with this second chance, I know that can't ever lose sight of my goal: to become a shinobi who could protect those dear to me and change the world.


I've been meaning to write this story for a while now but I just put it off but randomly I decided I could at least start with this and see how it goes.

{Mc image}