
Thunder God Rising

Jin started with everything and wasted it, dying a meaningless death in a war against a god. Yet somehow he didn't die on that battlefield pathetic and a failure, he instead awoke back in a time much simpler and with only the goal of fighting against the chains of his fate and carving out his story.

GhoulKingJay · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Jin Kaminariya stepped into the familiar hallways of the Ninja Academy, feeling a mixture of nostalgia and determination. This was where it all began, where his journey as a shinobi had taken root in his previous life. As he made his way to his classroom, he couldn't help but reminisce about the days gone by.

The academy was bustling with activity. Young aspiring shinobi filled the corridors, their voices echoing through the halls. Jin observed their excitement and eagerness, memories of his own time as a student flooding back. The days lazing around and playing games made him both nostalgic but also ashamed at how unfocused and lazy he was but he knew he needed to shake off those memories and focus on being better than he was before.

Entering the classroom, Jin found a seat near the back, his gaze wandering over the familiar faces of his new classmates, taking note of some of the most important figures in the fourth great ninja and especially Naruto Uzumaki who was mai]king himself a fool in front of the class.

Jin couldn't help but shake his head at the notion that Naruto in all his idiotic glory would go ahead and become one of the greatest ninjas in the history of Konoha. The mere mention of something like this to anyone and he'd be called crazy for the mere notion that Naruto would go on to be a village hero.

Iruka's entrance broke his train of thought and signaled his second go at the academy years. The lessons began, and Jin found himself engrossed in the teachings. Although he had already learned much of the curriculum in his previous life, he was determined to approach it with renewed vigor and focus. Every word out of Iruka's mouth Jin absorbed refining his memory and bringing back all the lessons he slept through.


The long day of classes ended and all that was left on Jin's mind was his first day of training. From his first step out of the academy to his last step to his front door all he had on his mind was training. Jin reached out and pushed open the door to his home, the young ninja was greeted by his mother standing statuesquely in the doorway seemingly waiting for him.

His mother's face was blank and empty holding nearly no emotion on any inch of her face. "Jin, I'll help you train but...I need to know that you can handle this because when training gets hard there's no backing out, no tears, and no giving up" his mother's voice was cold and steady.

For a moment the idea crossed his mind 'I could spend my childhood enjoying life and living without worries all over again. I could go to some small village in the middle of nowhere and wait out the war without dying a failure on some battlefield at 16'. Miyuki watched her son's face fall as the true weight of her words sunk in. The flame in his eyes dulled as his mind raced and for a moment she felt a sigh of relief building as she desperately hoped her son could just be a kid and he wouldn't have to spend his youth wasted away training.

Just as she was about to go and console him after showing him such an initial cold front and putting a damper and his aspirations when all of a sudden like adding wood to a fire his eyes blazed with an even more motivated flame than before.

Jin raised his hands in front of him and closed both with a confident smile on his face "I want to make my mark on history with my own two hands and I can't do that if I don't give being a ninja my all from day one.

Miyuki internally smiled at her son's motivation but her outward facade never waivered "If you insist on following through then you must show me that you're worthy of being trained by me. We'll have a spar in the backyard and I'll only use taijutsu but you may use any abilities at your disposal.

The duo stands opposite each other in the backyard. Miyuki's lithe and athletic figure radiated relaxation and nonchalance while Jin appeared like a predator on the hunt.

"Begin" was all Miyuki managed to say before Jin rushed at her in an attempt to get the first strike and blindside her. She effortlessly dodges his initial attack and sent him flying to the other side of the yard with a near-invisible kick.

Jin flew right across the yard back to the other side and crumpled to his knees the force of her kick rattling him to the core. He looked up at his mother and her face remained cold none of the seemingly boundless maternal love anywhere present on her face as he dry heaved on the ground.

Jin got back on shakey legs realizing that this fight would hold no mercy. He reached into his ninja pouch and threw 4 kunai.

Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog

3 other Jins popped out of thin air and three of them rushed at Miyuki while the fourth stayed behind before joining the rest. The Three punched at her but Miyuki grabbed Jin on the right and slammed him into the ground.

"That was impressive and maybe it might've worked if I was as green as you".

Jin smiled at her before spoofing into smoke and revealing a block of wood.

Miyuki turned around a few seconds too late to completely avoid the incoming kick.

"I win" was all a chakra-exhausted Jin said before passing out.

Miyuki's facade dropped and only could only smile at Jin's smiling passed-out face. "You did good Jin"


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