

The Earthmover was moving along its way to the factory. The engineers said that it would take 2 to 3 days to get there assuming no machines infiltrated or Earthmovers got in the way. I was just spending my break day looking at the Earthmovers giant 15 meter tall heart through the glass. And I do mean heart as in the flesh and blood heart. It's one of the Earthmovers major facilities to keep its blood fresh and running. The engineers told me that the heart uses the dna of several different animals and is lab-grown in the factories. It really amazes me the things that the factories can do.

"Enjoying the view?" I looked behind me and saw my gramps Aaron.

"I was just thinking about how big the lab needs to be to grow a heart like this."

"look around kid you can see arteries and veins going out of that heart into the walls, it clearly was made right in that room."

"So how did they grow it?"

"Nanomachines, son.1"

"Makes sense." I said "Did you see that other Earthmover?"

"Haha of course I did, I'm way up in the crane, I could never safely get down with our Mover shaking around in combat" Aaron replied heartily.

"But did you see how we won?"

Aaron's face twitched then he smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, that mover probably ain't seen the light of any factories for a long long time. So it's only natural it failed."

"ok" I was already walking out the room cause I had enough of my gramps accent for today.

"You should stock up on some long shelved food now" Yelled Aaron as I was leaving. I ignored that advice cause I already bought food this morning.


I was busy looking at the ground watching our machines fight the other machines. This area we were currently walking over was probably an old battleground from the first phase of the war. Because of the absolutely insane amount of gutterman machines right below us. But our Movers security systems were simply too powerful for the abandoned gutterman on this field. Watching the explosions and gunfire simply mow down all the machines below is one of my favorite passtimes. The older population always tell us to beware the machines if they ever get up here but I'm not feeling any danger so I'd say we're safe.

Just as I finished that thought. Our Mover stopped moving and we stood next to this humongous factory. Imagine a building with the height of a skyscraper but it's a mile wide both ways. It always makes me feel small which is rare when you literally are above everything. And it was time for me to head down as my assigned job as bodyguard with the mayor of our Mover town to the factory to get some resources.