
This Yandere Boy Is Crazy

"I am just protecting you from all those filthy animals out there... Why are you afraid of me instead of them..." He tell me as he touches my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I pushes him away. He remained silent then all of a sudden he smirks coldly at me. "I guess...pain is the only way to keep you to be well mannered, right?" He leaps towards me and choked my neck against the wall. He then leans towards me and whisper. "You will only allowed to talk and laugh for me. If you do that again with another people no matter if it was female or male. I. WILL. KILL. THEM." At that very moment, I regretted not to listen to her advise when she say , 'He is really crazy....' *DISCLAIMER* I make that cover myself using pitzmaker. I hope that picture could help you guys to know each of the mains character batter. Thanks~

PotatoLoveToWrite · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
105 Chs

Chapter 29

As I hurry back to the class, I notice that Yuuto has been waiting for me in the hallway. He was crossing his arm and look at me in disbelief.

"What happened to your clothes, Miyu-chan? Why are you all wet?" Yuuto asked me as he creases my dimed clothes. I scratch my head and laughed awkwardly.

''It-It was nothing...I just accidentally turn the water fountains upside facing towards me...It will dry soon...'' I said. Then, I went into the classroom and went to my seats because I know that he will find out what really happen to me just now if I keeps on talking with him. Ignoring him who is about to say something, I close the door quickly.

I pretended to look for my bento on my place until I feel that someone is starring at me. Looking at the door, Yuuto was there looking at me with his emotionless expression.

"Eek!!" At that moment, I was surprised and unconsciously make a surprised Jojo's face. Yuuto then takes out a towel from his bag and give it to me.

''Here, have this. Later when you are ready to talk what happens to you just now, let me know.'' Yuuto wraps his towel around me. Holding his towel that he offered around me, I feel warm deep down inside me. His towel smells were soothing, it makes me a lot better right now. I wonder what detergent he uses to wash his clothes because it smells so damn good.

''I hope that you have already washed this towel before you offered to me.'' I teased.

''Damn, I already wash it! Do you think that I am that lazy like you, who only wash the socks at the weekend?'' Yuuto pointed at me while he started to complain about my bad habit that no ones but he and my parents knows. Seeing him like that makes me chuckled a bit.

''Anyways, thanks a lot, Yuuto-kun, but it was really my fault. I am very clumsy lately.'' I said in order not to make him worry about me.

''Are you sure? But really, if they're anything that's bothering you... let me know, okay?'' He said as he was concerned of me.

''Yea, yea. Of course, I will don't worry about me.'' I replied to him with a wide smile.


The bell ringed. The students from the cafeteria are coming to the classroom, and so does the girls. I look at the door and one by one the students come in the class.

As soon as I saw Yui and Himari, I didn't dare to look at her in the eyes. I look down at my feet and clutches my fist. Yuuto also noticed that change. He stares at their directions coldly with his green eyes that seem to darken a bit. I feel a bit terrified if in case they will spill water on me again.

''Miyu-san, I hope you remember what I said on our welcoming party. Let's meet again next time.'' Yui suddenly approached me. My eyes widen as she stares at me with her murderous gaze. She then leans closer to me and whispered something.

''I will make your life miserable if you tell anyone about this...Be careful' Miyu-san...'' She whispered. Yui smiled at me then waved at Yuuto. He smiles back at Yui and she seems to blush a bit.

I turn and look at Yuuto to only see he starring at his note. He tilts up his head and smiled at me warily. He then mouthed at me, 'Miyu-chan, focus at the teacher not at me. Don't stare at me even though I am stunning.' He shamelessly mouthed at me.

Then I mouthed him, 'Shameless as hell!'. He then chuckled a bit. Soon enough the teacher comes in our class and continues the lessons. Little did I know that Yuuto has been starring at Yui and Himari who is sitting on the second's row of the class. His expressions have darkened ever since he noticed that my weird actions as I first saw her going in the class.


'Looks like somethings have going on between Miyu and that bitches... I guess I can't delay it any longer. This time she is all wet and her face were a bit bruised. What will happen next time to her if I don't start now...' Yuuto thinks to himself as he goes through his note.

'First I need to know how many people that have joined her to bullied Miyu. Then, I need to hack her phone to see what might be her biggest fear...' Yuuto planned a chart in his notebook.

'I need to hurry up before she hurt my angel anymore, even if that means I will need to kill her by myself...' Yuuto scribbled his notebook like a psychopath.

''I will kill....'' Yuuto murmured.




The bell ringed and the teacher dismissed the student so that they could hurry up and get back home before it's going to be late in the evening.

Yuuto brings me back home with his bicycle. Before he leaves me, he pets my head and advised me to be careful especially when I am alone at the house.

''Remember to lock the door before you go to sleep and lock the windows too. Don't forget to eat your dinner and heat it in the microwave.'' Yuuto tells me as he pets my head like a mother too was worried sick of her child.

''Yea, yea! I know, geez you sound like my mother though, not going to lie.'' I rolled up my eyes to the back of my head.

''Seriously though, you should take good care of yourself. You always make me worry about you...'' Yuuto said as he looks at me with his concerned expression.

''Ok, fine, I will. Now get your butt moving before I kick your ass to your home.'' I punch him lightly on the shoulder.

''See ya' tomorrow, Miyu-chan.'' He waved goodbye at me.

I close the door behind me and went to the kitchen. Then I look at the fridge, taking out a bottle of water and put it in a recycled bag with a red bean bun in it.

''I guess he must've been hungry since he didn't have anything from yesterday night. I wonder if he still asleep or not...'' I murmured to myself.

Placing a key in my pocket that I have gotten from the monk who passed away 3 years ago and he used to be a monk of the shrine which located on the back of the mountains, I look at the time. It was just 7 in the evening.

'I should go at 10 night then... it's still early and it will be risky for me to go early..' I think to myself as I went to the living room to chill around first.