
Chapter 2 : How it all started

2 years ago

I was just coming back from a party at my friend's place. I was walking through the dark silent night when I saw a shining bright light in one of the bushes. As a curious teenage girl, I got closer to it. It was a big, bright, shining stone, which I later learned was a meteor. I was amazed at the sight. I so wanted to touch it, my mind was telling me not to but ....when do I ever listen?

I got closer to it and stretched out my hand to touch it. I was like time was moving really slow, but at the same time, wasn't. The tips of my finger was just a second away when a withdrew my hand to myself. 'What am I thinking' I thought. What if this was some kind of alien rock from the sky just waiting for me to touch and then it can c claim my soul and body? Or... What if touching it means death? What if...? Ugh! So many what if's both the good and bad ones. I paced back and forth, thinking of the pro's and Con's, forgetting that my parents will be home worried about me, especially since I might have 'unintentionally' bypassed my driver. Ooops!

'What advantage could touching this do to me, I mean, I have a good and wealthy family, am a model, my dad is the president and am happy. What more do I want?' 'I could even risk scalding my body.' I looked at the shining stine again and it drew me in, almost like I was hypnotised. And I touched it. I fucking touched it? The effect was slow, yet extremely fast. It felt like electricity ran through my veins, exploding on the inside, like fireworks. It gave a burning, yet soothing sensation. I felt....different, full and what's that word....black out.....

When I opened my eyes, it was already day time , in my room, on my bed and in my night dress. When, how...I tried getting up when I realised someone else in the room, my mom. Her hand was on mine, she was sitting on a chair with her head in the bed. That must be uncomfortable. 'M' I called. My mom immediately jerked her head up and started crying. 'Ohhhk...'

"Thank God you're awake" she cried she immediately stood up and called for my dad.

"Darling, Mira is awake!!"

"Madre" I called, "what's going on?"

"Oh, mi hija, you're finally awake"

"Finally, how long have I been asleep?"

"Two weeks! I was so scared Mi Hermosa hija"
