
My secret

It was a sunny morning as usual in San Diego, California. And my first day to the university of California. Am not nervous and am sure if that.....even though my rapidly beating heart says otherwise.


An hour later am standing in front of an extremely tall building, and did mention majestic? Nah, probably not. I pushed in my gut and with head held high, I went through the massive gates of the school.

The inside is even more beautiful. There were beautiful ornamental flowers around the school, tall coconut trees as shades over benches, tiled walls and floors, snack centers and the classes are well furnished.

If you're wondering, then yes, this is a very expensive school for the rich. I am rich, but not snobby or proud. I went into a door that read admission office.

"Good morning, Mr..." I glanced at the head plate "....Mr Fernando" I smiled.

He didn't as much smile or glance at me, but that didn't bother me. I just wanted my stuff and get out of here.

"Name". Was his simple question or..... was that a statement?

"Mirabel Hernandez".

He immediately looked up at me for the first time since I entered the room. I put on my fake smile.

"Oh, miss Hernandez, do forgive my manners, please have a sit" he stood gesturing towards the leather chair for me .

"No thanks I just want my stuffs"

"OK so we don't do hard copies anymore. I'll just email you your time table and other important details" he smiled.

"OK thanks. I'll just wait for the email" I said

"Oh no don't worry I'll do it right now" he immediately sent the details to my email. After I received it, I thanked him and left the office.

I had CHM 101 first. Oh great!

I entered into the class, and since I was a little late, a lot of students were already in class. Great! All eyes on me now. I hope they don't ask for introductions. I put my head down and scanned for empty chairs, I found one at the back. Perfecto.

So no introductions. Good. Half way through the class, my watch beeped. Everyone looked at me, including the teacher.

"Um...excuse me" I ran out of the class to the ladies toilet. This better be good. Bank robbery? Gosh.

"Pixy, its game time" I spoke into my watch. I immediately transformed and teleported out of there.

My name is Mirabel Hernandez. Daughter of the present Californian president. This is my secret. The other side of me.