this existed back in the day
A bright flash. Luckily, my eyes are used to that from being blinded by the scroll every time I use it, so I guess the eye damage payed off in the end. After having my eyes shut for a few seconds, I opened them back up and faced the source of light, and let me tell you - I would not want to walk into that.
So, what is "that"? Well, take a wild guess.
Still don't know? Then here's the answer; It's a wall of death.
Well, it's not literal death, but rather a wall of white fire, which is rather fitting considering that stairways to heaven are usually percieved as pure white hallways.
One thing is innacurate though - there's no way I'm going to heaven, in fact I'd imagine quite the opposite.
It's pretty interesting that my thoughts strayed off this far, considering that this wall is literally going to burn me alive and I'm not even reacting. The flame wall started moving towards my side of the room at a leisurely pace, giving me plenty of time to think about all the mistakes I've made which lead me to this point.
As an added bonus, I can also observe what's going on around me while I die, so let's do just that.
Over on the right side of the room, which is where the cerberus was standing, I saw something peculiar. The cerberus was still there but it was now lying down, and that means it ran out of mana.
So this spell is so powerful that it used up his entire manapool?
The wall kept moving towards me, and the cerberus was eventually swallowed up but the flame, so I guess that he is immune to fire damage.
I think it would be a pretty interesting experience to get swallowed by a wall of flames which looks like literal light. Swallowed by light.
Isn't that something I've experience before?
Something clicked in my brain, giving me the last bit of hope.
This is a cuicidal mission, but I've got nothing to lose now, do I? Let's try it.
"Scroll, get me behind that wall of fire." I held the scroll and said the words in my mind, since I'm still unable to talk.
I could have avoided so many dangerous situations if I just remebered to use the scroll in time, and now I feel like an absolute moron, but what's done is done, right?
There is a good chance that the side of the room which has been eaten by the flame is still burning, in which case this will be literal cuicide, but what choice do I have? It sure as hell is better than certain death.
I closed my eyes, and the result was satisfying. I was alive, and the wall was moving in the same direction. That was the other thing I feared. There was a chance that the wall would keep tracking me and turn around once I got to the other side of the room, and that would, for the third time, be unavoidable death.
I held onto one manipulator with my hand and had it pull me over to the chest, which was previously being guarded by the cerberus which is why I was unabe to get to it. Dungeon chests always have potions in them, so it would have been really handy if I could have just walked over and taken a health potion as soon as my leg got severed, but now is still better than never.
The manipulator pushed the lid open and I grabbed the potion. Having chugged it, my thirst was finally relieved by I was disappoined by one thing - my leg didn't grow back, but I suppose it's good enough as is.
The potion must have been a really high grade one because I just felt like I was reborn or something, full of energy once again.
I summoned the rest of the manipulators back into existance and made them attack the cerberus. His manapool is massive and he probably doesn't have that high of a mana regeneration because high mana regeneration also makes you channel spells faster, and his channel was very slow.
I was sitting against the wall and watched the cerberus get attacked by the manipulators for about an hour, and then decided to look through the chest to see if there was anything worthwhile in there. I used a manipulator as a walking stick to help me get over to the chest.
I found three things in it.
1. A device which looked like a garage door opener, and once I pressend the button on it the door thorugh which I entered the room opened back up. I'm not going to leave just yet though, because I want to wait until the verberus dies and get all of its' experience.
2. The potion, which I have already used.
3. A cube with the label "consumable" on it.
I did the most logical thing I could think of and tried to bite the cube, and to my surpised it worked.
A holographic sign showed up in front of me, and it was once again orange.
"Lets you turn an item of your choice into a skill. One time use." I read the sigh out loud, and decided to use it on the scroll without any hesitation.
The scoll dissolved before my eyes. The hologram said that a new skill has been added and disappeared as well.
I checked my status.
[Name: River]
[Level: 68]
[Race: 98% human, 2% ?????]
Health: 780/780
Mana: 780/780
*Level up or use a status plate to see more information*
Oh, that's right. I can't see my full status because I don't have a status plate. That catgirl I met a while ago, I'm gonna pave to pay her back for that.
I'll test out the skill a little later because right now I have a new issue. Even though my health are full from drinking that potion, my stamina is still low as ever.
I sat inside the elevator and closed the door behind me, while the manipulators stayed and kept attacking the cerberus. They should be able to work even when I'm asleep, or so the dwarf told me before I left.
Finally, I was able to take a deep breath and peacefully doze off. Ahh, what a great feeling.