
There is No Epic Loot Here, Only Puns (Dungeon)

Delta was a teacher who traded her name away for a chance. Now reincarnated as a dungeon core, Delta strives to survive and thrive without becoming a death trap that kills everything, including human beings, like other dungeons. She filled her dungeons with jokes, friendly monsters that could turn deadly if you decided to be violent, mushrooms, more jokes, funny traps, riddles, and most importantly, puns! Her dungeon is also located near the town of Durance, an ordinary-looking town that is actually filled with retired legends of both the famous and infamous kind. In a broken world that is slowly falling apart, watch as Delta repairs it by creating smiles instead of killing! Original Work’s Synopsis: She became a dungeon core. Everything pointed Delta to murdering her way to success. People were just mana farms, right? No, that was wrong. Delta refused. Then everything became odd. *IMPORTANT NOTE* This is not my work but another author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link. Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332 Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

H3R0Y · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Author's Thoughts on Novels

As I sit here a little drunk, I like to ramble.

As per normal, my plot for this story is... well, it's like the cartoon of Tom and Jerry where one is stuck on a train and is quickly laying down the toy tracks before they crash.

I am the same, always have been, and always will be.

I've seen a few people comment on the Light Novelness of the story, and I agree.

The reason I wrote this is mostly due to my life crashing down and things getting tough. Another thing is that every Dungeon story... this sounds rude and very bad but...

We're very male-written.

Light Novels, in general, have a problem like this. Let me explain real quick. I was reading an Ash Golem Familiar Light Novel recently, and it had a cool premise. Imp Demon Familiar that grows quickly and learns new powers.

Come 20 chapters in, and it goes through a massive evolution, and just boom, Sucubbus.

Just like that, the "Kya! Master!" attitude came out of nowhere despite the Imp's past personality being a silent but loyal learner. It was that bad. I just quit it there and then. It was such a... wish-fulfilling thing, and that is the weakest offender.

Harems. Edgy MC. Reincarnation that brings gunpowder to the first fight and demolishes all foes. Cultivation and all non-MC males as American dick jocks or fatties, while the rival had zero qualities that make them human. While every woman is a silent, cold teacher or noble girl.

Humans were fodder. Elves were toys. Demons were target practices.

Even Dungeon fics had key problems in common.

Every male MC that had a sexy Fairy companion or quickly found the waifu princess or Snow Elf girl and Monsters and traps were designed and forgotten. People were just walking sheep that proved how smart the Dungeon MC was, and it...

It just goes on and on and on.

There's a real disconnect between people and what they write. They write cool stuff, and it comes off to me as hollow. The best series are those devoid of sexual feelings. But a lot of time. It slips in, and it just taints things.

When I say male writing, it is because I am a male that I can see the easy signs of bad writing.

An underdog is good. An underdog that suffers no hardship other than a day's worth of grinding is not enjoyable in the long run. To me, anyway. I may be gay, but men work in a pretty decent similar fashion when writing wish fulfillment. It stinks, and it turns good stories into crap.

Delta is my feelings of what would a normal girl do when she became a Core.

Kill people? Build genius-level traps and Monster designs? Hand wave all responsibility?

Well. We can see that isn't the case

Boss Monsters, Mutations, Rares, Elites...

So many options to expand your Dungeon, and the First Floor is all forgotten after the Second Floor is built. Monsters become so unimportant.

I can barely write without feeling attached to my characters. I try to imagine if I made a living being, I would be hella concerned about it.

Mr. Mushy was a thought process as I went through these thoughts. A creature told to enjoy life and be friendly. How would it cope?

How does it feel? What has it learned?

The town of Durence. A town that isn't going to be curb-stomped by Delta. Like, laughable so, and that's okay.

I think having the 'seen it all" type of people makes for the best reactions.

I never intended Ruli to be such a big part of the story. She was only meant to be the skeptic and annoy Quiss. Look at her now.

It is important to state that I have passively shown off Ruli as a laid-back powerhouse. She shines without me ever having to make Delta comments on her breasts. Quiss could have been an MC magician edge lord, but we see that while it is true, to an extent. He has his thoughts.

I am rambling a tad, so let me wrap up by saying Epic Loot was my attempt to take Light Novels and rinse out the black marks that ruined interesting stories for me.

But it is also my attempt at testing SB.

Efficient traps and ideas aplenty. Clever Dungeon twists. More Monster ideas.

I see how people are excited to see the next floor and Monsters, not due to winning but due to the Monsters themselves and their new creations and gimmicks.

I'm glad to say SB is passing the test.


Chapter 30 was the last chapter that the author originally posted on this platform, so from this pseudo chapter onwards, the source is from RR and Space Battle. If you want to read unedited chapters ahead, go ahead and read there. I am mostly editing this because I like WebNovel's audiobook system and to perhaps get more people to read this great novel.

I'm also pretty active, so if you spot any mistakes or have any thoughts, comment. With almost nobody reading this right now, seeing comments would give me encouragement, you know? Also, vote Power Stone so maybe more people can see this, and if you enjoyed the story, go support the author.

These three things are the only thing I ask of you.

This is not my work but another Author’s. I just found this novel unique, fascinating, and splendid. I had a perpetual smile and often laughed while reading this novel. It needs more recognition, so I decided to edit it for any mistakes and post it here on WebNovel. The Author does post on RR and a forum website called Space Battle, so check it out if you’re interested. If you're actually spending time reading this note of mine, then I hope you had an enjoyable time reading the novel. If you really enjoyed the novel and would like to support the Author (Not Me!111!1!!!), I’m also gonna include his Patreon and PayPal link.

Author's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3031332

Author's PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ConnerStewart

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