
The Xenomorph on Pandora

When the RDA first arrived on Pandora, they weren’t expecting any intelligent life on the beautiful planet. But when they discover that the natives to the planet were indeed intelligent, they tried to get their experiments off world. However, that would draw too much attention. Forced to keep their illegal experiments on Pandora, they work in secret. But then one of their experiments escape. What will happen to this experiment? Will it survive the harsh environments of Pandora? Or will Pandora and it’s people change because of it?

DeadHydra · Película
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19 Chs

Chapter 9 - Protector


It has been a few years since Shadows heat cycle and it oddly hasn't happened again yet but everyone keeps an eye on him just in case. With Grace staying with the Omatikaya clan within the home tree has been a dream for her.

She has learned more and more about the Na'vi and their way of life all the while teaching their children about humans and their cultures. 

With Neytiri she had grown into a beautiful and strong woman now.

(Image Insert Here)

Over the years she had continued to train and learn what she could and the clan was proud and impressed with her progress and couldn't wait for her to be ready for the trial. Shadow was also proud and impressed by her but was still confused as to why she was training so much. 

But despite his confusion he noticed how much she had changed since he first new her and he was very happy with the change. Neytiri noticed how Shadow was proud of her and her heart swelled in delight at impressing her love. 

But she also noticed his gaze, despite that he has no eyes, looking at her. She knew he was looking at her whole body and she shivered under his gaze but it was a very pleasant feeling to be looked at in such a way by him and her core began to warm in anticipation. 

But they both knew that they had to wait until she had completed her trial and finally age to adulthood but they also knew that it would be worth the wait. 

As for Sylwanin she had stopped going to the school much to the despair of Grace at losing one of her best students but understood why. Sylwanin could no longer go because she was disgusted by the Sky-people. 

She had seen what they were doing to their home, their animals and their people and so in anger she, with a few other children, left the school to help rebel against the RDA. Grace tried to convince her to stay as well as Neytiri but they could not stop her. 

Shadow was saddened by this but respected and understood her decision and still checked in on her. She was happy to have Shadow by her side and was grateful for his care and thanked him for being her greatest friend and did not once blame him for what the RDA had done despite being created by them. 

Although she had left the school Sylwanin had also turned into a gorgeous and brave woman now.

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This also caught Shadow's eye and was pleased by the change in her as well. Sylwanin felt a pair of eyes recently but didn't know immediately until she caught him looking. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment but also in delight. 

She had continued her dirty thoughts of Shadow, despite her not wanting to, and she had learned why but she felt it was incredibly wrong to think of him that way unlike her sister. But she still couldn't banish the thoughts no matter how hard she tried.

And for Moat she still had her thoughts plagued by the night she and Shadow mated and wanted it to happen again but she still believed it was wrong to betray Eytulkan and so she held on to that thought and continued her duties as tsahik. But because Shadow hadn't had his heat cycle yet he was allowed to travel with Moat to the forest. 

With the two alone in the forest it was incredibly difficult for Moat to restrain herself from jumping on Shadow and fuck him again and again. But she managed to but she had felt his gaze on her. Or more specifically his gaze on her ass. And it sent shivers down her spine of the thought of him fucking her ass again but she tried to ignore it.

In the present Moat and Shadow were in the forest once more to look for more herbs. Shadow was cutting some out while Moat was looking for more and found some Ovumshrooms and walked over to them but stopped before she crouched down and looked back at Shadow, seeing him almost finished.

(Warning teasing, no smut... yet)

Then an idea formed in her head and she figured she would show Shadow what he wanted. So keeping her legs straight she bends over and starts collecting the herbs with her ass high up in the air. She hears Shadow move behind her but he stops. 

She knows she caught him off guard with the sight she's giving him and hums an innocent tune as she takes her time cutting the herbs while moving her ass left and right slowly. Shadow was surprised by this but he didn't dare look away. 

He watched as her round perfect ass wiggled slowly, almost inviting him, but he didn't move, just watched. He knew what she was doing, he knew she was teasing him, he knew this was payback for staring at her ass so many times. 

He knew she wanted him but didn't want to betray Eytulkan. It annoyed him greatly that he couldn't mate with her right here right now because of him but he wasn't going to force Moat to mate with him. He knew she wouldn't last much longer and the sight before him was proof of that.

But that didn't mean he couldn't tease her as well. 

Moat had placed the second last herb into her basket and grabbed the last one when she heard movement behind her. Shadow was walking towards her and in both curiosity and arousel she pretended to not notice him until he was standing right behind her as he stood on his two back legs. 

Without turning her head she looked back and saw Shadow leaning over behind her looking over her shoulder, as if he was interested in what she was doing but his crotch had touched her ass and she took a sharp intake of breath. 

He pulled his hips back but he brought them back slowly as if he was slowly and sensually fucking her but his cock wasn't out yet. He kept repeating this over and over and Moat had to bite her lip to hold in a moan and her pussy was starting to leak out some juices. 

She continued to cut the last herb but even slower than before, wanting to keep this going. Shadow wanting to take it a little further places his hands on her hips and brings her ass to his crotch. 

She gasps but smiles lustfully and continues cutting. Their breaths become quicker and heavier as they continue to tease each other...

But as good as it gets it must sadly end.

(Teasing is now over)

Moat, much to her disappointment, puts the now cut herb into the basket and stands up straight and turns around but Shadow hadn't moved. He stares at her and she stares at him, her chest rising and falling as she tries to calm down. 

Then he leans his head down to her and she leans up and their lips lock together and a heated make out ensures. She drops the herbs and he pushes her back into a tree, without breaking the kiss. She lifts her leg up around his leg and wraps her arms around his neck ad he grabs her waist. They continue to make out another minute before they pull away. 

They stare at one another again and Moat places a hand on the side of his head and smiles lovingly at him. 

"Ever since that day I have wanted you again and again" She says and he purrs in delight. 

"I know I am mated to Eytulkan but I also know this..." She says her voice getting quieter.

"I lov-" She didn't get to finish when Shadow suddenly snaps his head to the sky and his body tenses. She understanding his body language quiet downs and listens. She can't hear anything but she knows he can. 

He lets go of Moat and his head and body snap around and he looks around trying to find the source.

Then he screeches and takes off running on all fours. 

"Shadow! Wait! What's wrong!?" She yells out but he ignores her so she runs after him, abandoning the herbs. 

She runs for a few minutes tracking Shadow as she practically lost him in the first few minutes until she arrives at a familiar site.

Graces school. 

And her eyes widen at what she sees. 

Moments earlier. 

Sylwanin was running with some other Na'vi hunters but this wasn't the playful running... 

They were running for their lives. 

Moments ago they had set fire to one of the RDA bulldozers to try and stop them from destroying more of their home but it had made them mad and they began to chase them. 

"Shadow!" Sylwanin screamed hoping he hears her and comes to rescue them but he didn't. 

"We need to get to the home tree!" One of the hunters yell. 

"It's too far! They'll catch us before we reach it!" A second hunter yells back 

"Then where do we go?!" The first yells again but Sylwanin quickly recognised the area. 

They were near Graces school. 

"Follow me! I know a place we can hide!" She yells and with no other choice they follow her. 

They run for another five minutes while Sylwanin was still screaming out for Shadow until they finally reached the school. 

"Grace! Grace!" She called out and ran up to the door and opened it quickly and let everyone in. Grace was at her desk and some Na'vi children, plus Neytiri were at their own but they all were shocked to see them running into their school panicking. 

"Sylwanin? What's wrong?" Grace asks while standing up. 

"Sky-people are coming! Please you must help us!" Sylwanin says quickly but before Grace responds they hear soldiers coming. 

"Please help us!" Sylwanin begs but Grace is confused on the matter and one of the soldiers starts pounding on the door. 

"Please!" She begs again and before Grace moves Sylwanin cries out once more. 


Then she hears it…

She hears him. 


Everything and everyone goes quiet... 

Then hell breaks loose as gunfire and screams can be heard outside the school. Everyone stares at the door in total silence but as quickly as it had begun, it ended...

No one moves, no one says anything...

But then they hear a voice. 

"We got it!" And Sylwanin, Grace and Neytiri blood goes cold at what they heard and Sylwanin bolts to the door and opens it and is shocked at the site... 

"SHADOW!" He had heard her scream his name when she ran into the school and saw the eight soldiers about to open fire on the school, so he got their attention.

Everyone and everything went quiet when he roared and the soldiers spun around to see him on a branch looking down on them. 

"Hostile! Bring it down!" A soldier yells and fires his weapon. 

Shadow jumps from the branch and onto a soldier and uses his claws to stab him in the chest, with one dead he charges at the closest soldier and pounces on him causing them to roll on the ground before stopping and Shadow bites onto his head and pulls and rips of the soldiers head before throwing it away. He sees a third near a tree and charges at him and upon reaching him he grabs him with one arm and climbs the tree. When they are high enough he throws the soldier away and the soldier screams before he hits the ground dead. The soldiers fire up into the tree but Shadow had jumped onto another tree and snuck up behind one of the soldiers and grabbed him by the head and snaps his neck. Noticing another dead soldier they turn and fire but he already reached them and he swiped at ones throat with his claws and blood sprays out. He turns around... 

And freezes. 

He looks down at the three holes in his chest, then looks up at the final two soldiers staring in horror at him before he collapses to the ground. 

One soldier steps forward to make sure he's dead and lightly kicks his hand but Shadow remains motionless. 

"We got it!" He calls out to the remaining soldier who lowers his weapon but raises it again when they hear the school door open and spin around to see Sylwanin at the door staring with wide eyes at the now dead Shadow. Neytiri and Grace appear by her side and they too go wide eyed at the Motionless Shadow. 

Moat quickly arrives too opposite of the soldiers and school and she sees Shadow laying on the ground with one soldier standing over him. 

"SHADOW!" Neytiri screams and she falls to her knees and covers her mouth with her hands and tears stream down her face. Grace goes very still but tears begin to fall. Moat leans against a tree and her face is full of disbelief and streaming with tears. Sylwanin was also still and tears poured down her cheeks as a single thought went through her mind... 

Did I get Shadow killed? The thought repeats in her mind over and over... 

Until she was interrupted by one of the soldiers. 

"You bitch! You called this thing here!?" He screams in disbelief and anger. 

"My friends are dead because of you! You are fucking dead bitch!" He yells before raising his weapon at Sylwanin. 

"No!" Grace cries out and shields Sylwanin with her body...

"Arrrrgh!" The soldier cries out in pain. Grace turns around and everyone sees... 

Shadows tail through the soldiers chest and being lifted from the ground and thrown to the other soldier. Shadow pounces on top of the last trapped soldier and smashes his domed head against his and again and again until his head is mush. 

Silence fills the air as Shadow stands up on his back legs and stares at the dead soldiers before he takes a step forward... 

And collapses again. 

"SHADOW!" The girls yell and rush to his side and check on him. 

"Oh god! Shadow! Hold on you'll be fine!" Graces says trying to give him hope and checks his wounds and finds three bullet holes in his chest. 

"I have tools I can use to get the bullets out but I need your herbs!" Grace tells Moat and she nods before turning to the Na'vi hunters. 

"Two of you! Carry Shadow to the home tree! Now!" She orders and two of them spring forward and start carrying him to the home tree while Moat runs ahead and Grace races into the school to grab her medical equipment. 

Neytiri and Sylwanin follow behind Shadow while holding onto one another. 

After an hour or so they finally reach the home tree and everyone moves out of their way when they see Moat run into the healing tent then they see Shadow being carried by the two hunters. They set Shadow down in the middle of the tent as Grace rushes in with her medical kit. 

Grace and Moat usher everyone out as they need concentration to work on him. Eytulkan arrives and sees Shadow wounded and his daughters sobbing. 

He asks what happened and through her sobs Sylwanin try's to explain about the bulldozer, then how they arrived at the school, and then Shadow defending them again. After she explains she begins to blame herself for what happened. 

Saying how if she never called out for him, he wouldn't be hurt like this. Eytulkan pulls his daughter into a hug and tries to calm her before pulling Neytiri into the hug as well. 

For the next hour Grace and Moat try to heal his wounds...

And they were successful. 

Grace sighs as she wraps the last bandage around Shadow. 

"It's done. He'll make it" She says as she looks to a also tired Moat who smiles in relief. They stand and leave the tent to find some Na'vi, Sylwanin, Neytiri and Eytulkan waiting outside the tent. They all look up at the two. 

"He's hurt badly but he'll make it" Grace says and everyone breaths sighs of relief and both Sylwanin and Neytiri cry in joy that Shadow will live. 

"It'll be awhile before he can properly move around again but as long as he rests" Eytulkan nods in understanding. 

"Of course. He can rest as long as he wants after what he did for my daughters" He says as he looks at the two sobbing girls. 

"But now we must discuss about the attack upon the school" He says sternly as he turns his gaze to Grace.

"Both my daughters and other Na'vi children were in harms way at your school and so it is up to me to decide to no longer send the children to your school" Everyone stares wide eyed in disbelief at Eytulkans announcement but no one was more shocked than Grace. 

"W-what? You can't. It is a safe-" She tries to reason but he puts his hand up silencing her. 

"No it is not. The Sky-people would have killed you all had Shadow not showed. And he only showed because he was nearby with my mate collecting herbs and Sylwanin was calling out to him" He says and Grace stays quiet knowing he was right. 

"I'm sorry but the children will not go out to forest for your school anymore" He says sternly and Sylwanin stands up to defend the school. 

"Father no. Please. The attack happened because I led the soldiers there. The fault is mine" She says and he looks at her. 

"That may be true but they still tried to kill you all despite one of their own people there" He says as he glances at Grace. 

"But father-" She tries to say but he holds up his hand again. 

"I'm sorry daughter but this is for your and all other children safety. The school will be-" He was saying as he turned back to Grace but stops and his eyes go wide. 

"Shadow?" He says in disbelief and everyone snaps around to the tent to see Shadow staggering out of the tent. 

"Shadow!? What are you doing!? You should be resting!" Moat exclaims as she rushes to his side but he keeps limping over before lying down and he starts to use a finger to draw in the dirt.

He draws a house, the forest, and the home tree. He draws an arrow from the house to the forest and Grace understands what he is trying to say. 

"The school?" She asks and he nods then wipes away the arrow before making a new one but pointing to the home tree and she understands. 

"Bring the school to the home tree?" She asks and he nods again and everyone is confused. 

"Why?" She questions and he draws a person with a bow by their side. 

"Because it would have people defending the school and the home tree" She says in realisation and Shadow nods again and Eytulkan hums in thought. 

"It is a good idea" Neytiri says agreeing with Shadow and Sylwanin nods in agreement.

Moat looks at Shadow before looking at Eytulkan and nods to him. He looks at the drawings for a moment before nodding as well. 

"It is not a bad idea my friend. Very well. The school may be moved to the home tree" He declares and everyone smiles in relief. Moat and Grace carry Shadow back into the tent while Sylwanin and Neytiri follow them. 

They set him back down and immediately Grace smacks the side of his head surprising him. 

"That's for not resting when your suppose to" She says sternly with a slight glare before she smiles and leans down and kisses his forehead. 

"That's for saving the school..." She says then surprising everyone, she kisses him on the lips. 

"And that's for saving us" She says and smiles lovingly at him as he chirps happily but tiredly. 

Moat, Neytiri and Sylwanin glare at Grace for kissing Shadow but let it go as they too want to show their appreciation for saving their lives. Grace looks at Moat. 

"Will your herbs help ease his pain?" She asks and Moat nods. 

"Yes they will help but he must rest" She says and Grace nods and leaves the tent. Then Neytiri moves to Shadow and carefully hugs him and cry's. 

"I thought I lost you. Please don't leave us" She sobs and he whimpers sadly and rubs his head against hers. Then he feels Sylwanin hug him too. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You almost died because of me" Sylwanin sobs and he licks the top of her head and chirps. 

"I thought you were going to die and it was all my fault" She says in between sobs and he rubs his head against hers. After a few minutes of hugging and crying they finally manage to calm down but before they leave Sylwanin kisses Shadow as well, surprising her family. 

"Thank you. For always being there for us" She says and leaves the tent. 

Then Neytiri, who doesn't want to be left out, kisses Shadow as well. 

"You always help us, now let us help you" She says smiling and she leaves as well. 

Moat was surprised by this. Both her daughters and Grace had kissed Shadow in front of her and while she was jealous she was oddly turned on by what she saw. She moves over to Shadow and smiles happily. 

"I am glad to see your alright" She says and he chirps. 

"And it would seem it is not just me who was glad your safe now" She says hinting to the girls and he chuckles. 

"But it also seems though they care more for you than just a friend" She says and he nods.

"You don't seem surprised" She says and he shakes his head. 

"I suppose you plan to make one of them your mate then" She says sadly but is surprised when he shakes his head no and holds up three fingers and her eyes widen. 

"All of them?!" She exclaims quietly and he nods and she's almost left speechless. 

"But you can't... can you?" She asks and he nods and opens his mouth and shows his second jaw. 

"The bite mark" She says quietly and places a hand on her shoulder where she was bit by Shadow. 

"Does that also mean you wish... to have me as your mate as well" She whispers and he nods and her heart soars and her cheeks turn crimson and smiles. 

"To finish what I was saying before I was interrupted..." She says leaning down and kissing him before pulling away. 

"I love you" She whispers and he chirps happily. Then her eyes travel to his crotch and smiles lustfully. 

"And let me show you I mean it" She says crawling down to his lower body. 

(Warning small smut) 

She places her hand on his crotch and rubs it. He groans and his flesh starts to part for his hidden cock. She gently grabs it and starts stroking him. 

"Just relax my love. Let me do all the work" She says before giving his cock a long lick. He groans in delight and relaxes his body. 

She kisses the tip then gives kisses down to the base and back up, all the while maintaining eye contact. She licks the tip as she pumps him faster and then puts the head in her mouth and sucks.

He purrs and places a hand on her head as she bobs it up and down. But she moves her head off his cock with a wet pop and strokes him faster.

"Do you like it? Do you like it when I pump you of your delicious cum?" She whispers lustfully and lustful smirk spreads on her lips. 

"I wonder if you imagined my daughters doing this? Hmm? Do you wish they were here so they can enjoy your big fat cock in their mouths?" She grins when he nods. 

"My you are a dirty animal aren't you?" She giggles. 

"But I suppose I can't blame you. They have grown into beautiful women now. And soon you will have them just as you had me" She purrs and she feels him twitch. 

"That's it. Let it out. Cum for me" She whispers before putting the head back in her mouth and sucks harder. She soon feels his hot cum explode in her mouth and tries to sallow it all but some escape her mouth and onto the ground and on his inner thighs below her. 

After twenty seconds of nonstop cumming she swirls her tongue around the tip to clean him before letting go with a pop and she hums in delight. 

"It's been too long since I tasted your cum" She grins but then her eyes sparkle when she sees his still hard. 

"Oh? Still want me to prove my love to you?" She muses and he grins. 

"Well I suppose I have no- grrkh!" She is silenced when Shadow grabs her head and deep throats her. She hums sending vibrations through his cock and swirls her tongue around his cock before being pulled away to breath. She grins at him. 

"I love it when you do that" She says and he purrs before deep throating her again and starts to fuck her throat. She moans in delight but then yelps when she feels his tail at her soaking pussy. 

He rubs the flat side of his tail against her core and she moans and she goes deeper with his cock. He moves his tail faster and if it weren't for the cock in her throat the clan would be hearing her moans. 

She then feels him twitch again and bobs her head faster and deeper while feeling her own release. Then she feels him push her head down and he cums straight down her throat. She also cums when she drinks his cum and squirts over his tail. 

After cumming she releases his cock from her mouth and sits up while wiping her lips. 

"Mmm delicious" She purrs as his cock goes flaccid. 

(Smut is now over)

Moat places a hand on her stomach as she feels his warm milk.

"Your welcome Shadow and thank you for helping me too" She giggles and he chirps happily.

"Well you can be sure that after this..." She says gesturing to each other. 

"You can expect more of this later" She smile lustfully before leaving a grinning Shadow. 

But of course they're session did not go unnoticed as a unknown figure was hiding behind the tent before running off. While leaving some sort of liquid on the ground.