

THE WRONG BRIDE (Being his bride ) (An Indian romance) Written by Sampraixe Prologue "This will be our room " he said as he urshered me into his room "Must we really have the same room"I asked getting a little scared,it was one thing to be his wife and another to share his room "Of course we must,After all we are newly married and tonight is suppose to be our wedding night"He said that last part having a smirk on his face "Wh....what do you mean by that?"I asked as I began to move to the door He was quick in getting there before me,He stood in front of it and bolt the door, pocketing the key. "I simply meant that you Prachi will be sharing my bed tonight,After all you married me and so I have the right to have what it's mine"He said and I knew that I was in deep trouble,Serves me right for having taken my sister place.... * * * * * Meet Prachi Kapoor,A nerd on the outside but a kind hearted girl on the inside,She lives her life for her family and her studies. Meet Justin Kingston a rich handsome tycoon,He is ruthless when it comes to business and synical when it comes to love Life tossed this two together when Justin was in need of a wife to get rid of his evil step sisters and also to stop his mother from getting him a wife Justin could get any girl he wants but he knew that they will only be after his money and what they can get out of him. Going to Indian to deal with some problem that came up, He met a lovely girl which he knew would certainly make the perfect bride for him and luck was on his side when he knew that the girl he wanted was the daughter of the man who had been stealing in his company,So in exchange for not throwing the man in jail, he asked for his daughter instead Knowing that her sister was being forced into a marriage she didn't want Prachi decided to take matter into her own hands because she knew for a fact that her sister was inlove with some one else and that this new groom of hers was nothing but a big time womaniser She love her sister and is willing to do anything for her,So she took her place and married Justin instead Justin was furious when he found out and he wowed to make her pay for decieving him. Now the question is how would Justin make Prachi pay for her deceit? What will happen to Prachi when she is taken back to the states to live with his family ? Will this two ever become one? You don't want to miss this interesting story

Sam_Praize · Fantasía
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11 Chs





🥺(Being his bride )🥺


(An Indian romance)

Written by Sampraixe ☺️☺️☺️

Chapter 6


(A day before the wedding)

I got back from school only to see the house decorated with the necessary stuff for a wedding.

For days now have been wishing that some thing will prevent this wedding from happening.

But now there is nothing I can do because it will be taking place tomorrow,I thought as I walked in.

"Oh Prachi you are back,Go up stairs and help your sister get ready"My mom said to me.

I got to our room,only to see Priya all dressed and looking so very beautiful in a white (sari)

She was standing in front of the mirror Starring at herself

"Wow Priya,you look so very beautiful"I said trying to lighten up the atmosphere

"If you are trying to make me feel good then you are not doing it right"Priya said as she turned to look at me

"Am sorry! I just wanted to lighten up your mood a bit"I said

"What will make me feel better is if am marrying Shivam,You promised me Prachi,You said you will get me out of this mess" She said

"Have tried Priya but......."

"But what? It can't be done? You have always helped me in time of trouble and now that I need it so very bad,You are telling me you can't do a thing?" She asked

"What ever I think of won't work Priya"

"Then would you watch me end up with some one I don't love,Will you condemn me to a life with out love,Look at me,Just look at me, all this am wearing is all thanks to his great wealth,I feel like a doll dressed up for her owner,I don't want this Prachi,I don't"She said as she sat down on the chair crying

"Stop it,You will ruin your make up"

"I don't care,I just want to die,If I don't array Shivam,I swear I will kill myself"she cried

"Stop it Priya,Just stop it,are you that selfish that you are willing to kill your self"I asked

"If I don't marry Shivam,I will do it and I mean it Prachi"She said and left the room.

I stood there, thinking about what she said,Will she really do it? I thought as I began to get dressed for the party.

I was putting a final touch to my make up when I some one came into the room.

Thinking it was my mom,I didn't say any thing ,I was applying my lipstick when suddenly I felt some one arms around me.

"I knew you would look beautiful in the sari"on hearing Justin voice,I quickly pulled out of his arms

"Are you crazy!"I yelled at him

"So it's you! Where is Priya?"He asked

"Isn't she at the party yet?"I asked

"If she was,I wouldn't be here"He answered

"Liar,Priya had left this room a while ago,You knew yet you came to me,Touching me with those vile hands of yours"I said

"Believe me when I say that I feel disgusted by just touching you"

"Well you should because I wouldn't let a pervert like you get close to me,Neither would I let you marry my sister"on saying that last part his expression changed to one of anger and before I knew it,I was pushed back to the wall with him towering over me.

"Have told you not to meddle with my wedding with your sister"He said angrily

"Can't you see that she doesn't want to marry you, I know every thing ,I know that you want to marry my sister because my father stole from your company"

"Oh so he had finally tell you the truth,I thought that I will have to do it on my own"He said

"Can't you just stop this,My sister doesn't love you, Neither do you love her,So please Stop this wedding,I promise to work hard to pay back the mo........"

"No! I want Priya and i will have her and have warned you Prachi,If you meddle with my marriage,I will make you pay" he said as he grab my arm.

"I haven't forgiven you for what you did on that day"He said

"You deserved it and let me go!"i yelled at him

"You need one or two lesson Prachi and I will teach you one now"He said and pulled me into his arms.

"What are you..."I couldn't complete my sentence because he kissed me.

My first true kiss,I thought as I tried to push him away but my struggles proved to be futile because he kissed me deeper.

I stayed passive in his arms until he let me go.

Then I slapped him real hard on the face and he smiled in return.

"You need a hot blooded man to stir up that cold blood in you but that won't be, have had my fill and I certainly don't like it, see you at the party Prachi"He said as he wiped off his mouth.

I sat on the bed because my legs were getting weak from the impact of his kiss.

Why did he have to punish me by kissing me,I thought as I recalled the moment I was in his arms.

What's wrong with me, Why am I letting his kiss get to me,I thought as I applied my lipstick on again and then bracing myself,I went downstairs.

The party was already going well,A lot of our neighbours and families members came.

At the end of the room was Priya sitting amongst her friends,Though she look gloomy, she a smile on her face.

Only I knew that underneath that smile is a great sadness.

There was Justin and his American friend,They stood by the counter enjoying a drink.

They both look good in their Indian attire,Most especially Justin.

As if he knew that I was looking at him,He stared up at me and then gave me a smile before looking away.

I went to Priya and while the girl that was writing out Justin name on her hand left,She stared up at me looking really sad

"Try to smile Priya"I said

"Why? Can't you see whose name is written on my hand?" she asked

"I can see and I know that it's Justin"I said

"I really hate this"She said softly

"Calm down,I will think of some thing okay,I won't let you Marry that man"I said

"Really?"She asked looking hopeful

"Yes,I still haven't thought of what to do yet but when I do I....."I stopped short when Priya hugged me.

"It doesn't matter,Just get me out of this mess,That's all I want"She said

"Common girls,It's time for the dancing group to perform" our mom said as she came pull Priya away.

Not wanting to watch and feeling a bit burdened because Priya is putting her hope In me,I went out to get some fresh.

I heard the song Being played and I knew that the dancers were already dancing.

Just then I saw Shivam looking very angry as he walked towards the house.

I knew that he was going to do some thing and I had to stop him before it becomes too late.


Will she stop Shivam

Sorry that am delaying this story guys🙏🙏🙏