

THE WRONG BRIDE (Being his bride ) (An Indian romance) Written by Sampraixe Prologue "This will be our room " he said as he urshered me into his room "Must we really have the same room"I asked getting a little scared,it was one thing to be his wife and another to share his room "Of course we must,After all we are newly married and tonight is suppose to be our wedding night"He said that last part having a smirk on his face "Wh....what do you mean by that?"I asked as I began to move to the door He was quick in getting there before me,He stood in front of it and bolt the door, pocketing the key. "I simply meant that you Prachi will be sharing my bed tonight,After all you married me and so I have the right to have what it's mine"He said and I knew that I was in deep trouble,Serves me right for having taken my sister place.... * * * * * Meet Prachi Kapoor,A nerd on the outside but a kind hearted girl on the inside,She lives her life for her family and her studies. Meet Justin Kingston a rich handsome tycoon,He is ruthless when it comes to business and synical when it comes to love Life tossed this two together when Justin was in need of a wife to get rid of his evil step sisters and also to stop his mother from getting him a wife Justin could get any girl he wants but he knew that they will only be after his money and what they can get out of him. Going to Indian to deal with some problem that came up, He met a lovely girl which he knew would certainly make the perfect bride for him and luck was on his side when he knew that the girl he wanted was the daughter of the man who had been stealing in his company,So in exchange for not throwing the man in jail, he asked for his daughter instead Knowing that her sister was being forced into a marriage she didn't want Prachi decided to take matter into her own hands because she knew for a fact that her sister was inlove with some one else and that this new groom of hers was nothing but a big time womaniser She love her sister and is willing to do anything for her,So she took her place and married Justin instead Justin was furious when he found out and he wowed to make her pay for decieving him. Now the question is how would Justin make Prachi pay for her deceit? What will happen to Prachi when she is taken back to the states to live with his family ? Will this two ever become one? You don't want to miss this interesting story

Sam_Praize · Fantasy
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11 Chs





🥺(Being his bride )🥺


(An Indian romance)

Written by Sampraixe ☺️☺️☺️

Chapter 5


"Look missy,Have been driving for an hour now and we still haven't gotten to the place yet,Am getting tired as it is" Justin said as I sat more comfortably on the chair.

"Don't worry we will get there soon,Just take a right now"I said starring at him and when he didn't answer I added

"Or don't you want to see Priya?" Angrily he turned the car to his right and I smiled to myself.

Through the rest of the day,He will keep on driving in circles.

He thinks I will take him to Priya, Well I will take him some where far and then leave him to get back to Bombay on his own.

That will be my revenge on him for insulting me yesterday.

"Don't you have some songs,Let's play some music,I feel bored"I said as I tried to turn on the radio

"Don't! I hate to be distracted while driving" He said

",Oh!!!!! Well then let's talk about some thing,The drive is still a mile or so and instead of just being quiet let's talk about some thing"I said

If I can get him to talk about himself then I can find some thing on him which our parent might dislike and certainly they would stop the marriage,I thought.

"Tell me about your self"I asked

"The only person am expecting to ask that is Priya and it's only her that I will give an answer to"He said

"What ever,it's not like I want to know more about you"I said

"Tell me more about Priya"He said

"I think Priya will explain that better when you see her" I retorted and he did some thing that surprised me, He smiled

"You are the first female who treats me this way"He said

"Why? Have you always been treated like a king?"I asked

"Well some thing like that! Because of my wealth,A lot of women try to get me into their bed"

"And what? You rejected them?"

"Am a man, What do you think I will do when a girl offers herself"He asked

"You really will....."

"Of course, Being celibate isn't my style"He said

"And so when you marry my sister and she denies you sex,You are saying you will cheat on her with any woman that comes your way?"I asked

"Well if it gets to that point"He said having a smile on his face

"You really are a jerk,I was right about you,Stop the car "I yelled at him

"Hey I just can't stop In the middle of nowhere"He said

"Yes you can and you will"I said as I began to fight for the steering wheel.

He had no option than to stop the car.

"Are you mad?"he asked

"No you are the mad one, I cant believe my dad is marrying his daughter off to a disgusting pervert like you, Well for your darn information,My sister is still at school,I purposely led you out of school,So you wouldn't see her and am glad that you didn't see her"I said as I opened the door

"At school? Then why the hell did you bring me here"He said as he also got out of school.

"To punish you for your insults yesterday,Did you think I will let that pass?"

"I should look at my appearance,Some random idiot will pick me up, Well mister! Am okay as I am and I can assure you that when the man of my dreams arrive,It will certainly not be a random idiot"I added

"Try getting to Bombay on your own,Am heading back,ALONE!!!" I said and walked off.

I was expecting him to say some thing but he never said any thing,Neither did he try to stop me.

Serves him right! I thought as I head to the nearest station.


I got back home quite late and as soon as I walked inside,I knew some thing was wrong.

Both my parents were In the sitting room.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked in

"You knew right? You knew that your sister was seeing some one else,Yet you kept shut about it"My father yelled at me


"There is nothing you can say that can justify you Prachi,Your sister will be marrying Justin and that's final"He said

"But why dad? Why must she marry Justin,He is nothing but a big time womaniser"I said

"You really want to know why he has to marry Priya,Well then I will tell you, I will surely tell you why he has to marry Priya"He said

"Honey don't!"my mom said to him but he wouldnt listen

"You live in luxury,You two never lack for anything,You study in the best of college and yet you never ask how or where I got the money"

"You do work dad"I said

"And earn a meagre salary,The money I earn won't serve up to our expenses,Neither would it send you to school"He said

"So how did you get the money dad?"I asked

"By stealing it,Have been stealing in Justin company and if it wasn't for him marrying Priya,I would be in jail"He said


"I stole to make you all happy and satisfied and now the owner has come for the thief but he wants Priya and in exchange he wouldn't press charges on me"He said looking so sad and weak.

"I also don't want her to marry Justin,I know that he is nothing but a damn womaniser but I have no choice"He said as he used his hand to cover his face in shame.

"Your father is sick Prachi and if he doesn't have enough rest,He might die,He didn't want to give Priya away but he had no choice,It's either his health or Priya and I told him to choose his health, You must try to understand us and you must also convince Priya that marrying Justin will be the best for all of us" my mother said

I sat there stunned and I watched my parents leave the room.

It's up to me now to convince Priya or my father goes to jail, I thought as I went to our room.

As soon as I walked in,Priya ran to me

"I didn't know how they found out,I swear I didn't want them to know about Shivam" She said crying

"But they know now and there is nothing we can do"I said

"What do you mean by there is nothing you can do?"She asked and I told her what our parents told me.

"I can't believe this" She said as she began to cry again

"But I don't want to marry him,I don't love him,I love Shivam"She begged

"There is nothing I can do,He wants you Priya and that's the only dad won't be sent to jail"I said

"But you can do some thing about it,You have always get me out of trouble,Do this one for me Prachi,Find a way to get me out of this one"She said crying and lookingso helpless.

"Fine I will think of some thing,I will think of some thing"I said as I began to think of some thing


Sorry for the late post guys🙏🙏🙏

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