
Chapter 2 Monsters appearance

There was a loud crack sound outside the apartment I was living in٫when I stepped out of my apartment.I found myself stunt by the the large portal in the sky."looks like the portal appeared sooner than expected...""Is this what kira meant when he said monsters are appearing?!?"Thoughts in my mind started piling up.suddenly٫a earthquake started below the building i was living in٫kira picked me up easily and jumped to another building."are you alright?"kira asked٫"i..im..f..fine.."i replied٫a sigh of relief came out of kira.

i looked at kira in confusion"why is he treating me so well٫ isn't he suppose to be ruthless?!"Kira slowly put me down on the buildings rooftop٫looking at the portal"there probably would atleast have a thousand monsters in that portal that is C or B ranked!"kira looked at me and smiled and jumped to the portal.standing on the rooftop I looked at the monsters that were lizard men pouring in from the portal and looked at kira٫he was very calm and pulled out hes katana٫i knew kira was strong but I was still scared that he may get injured.kira ran towards the lizard men and slaying three of them in a row.

Looking at kira Killing atleast half of them already he wasnt tired at all.all the citizen looked at kira in amazement.after killing all the lizard men that came out of the portal.kira jumped backed to me and looked like he wanted me to praise him٫i patted his head and said"g.good job kira."looking at his face he liked me praising him٫i suddenly realized all the citizens around the buildings was looking at us."u..um kira can you bring me down to the ground."he looked at me and nodded.

The TV screen on one of the big mall suddenly turned on٫it was on the news channel٫it was that the entire world has portals appearing in the sky.It was a disaster٫when suddenly people gained abilities٫"abilities?!"According to what the tv screen was saying٫all the people around the world started having to system thing show up in front of them and were able to defeat the monsters٫but some people didnt get the systems٫even though people gained abilities it was still a disaster around the world.looking at all of this٫it was like the novel I was writing.When suddenly a screen popped out٫it was the system.

Name:Himuka miyu


abilities:creation٫reading a person٫cleanse٫copy perfection٫inventory and mimic

(Press on any ability to see what it does)

Strength:6 agility:9

durability:5 mana:164

To be continued.....