
Chapter 1 the protagonist appeared

It was like every morning the boring day over and over again.My name was himuka miyu i was born in korea and was living an average and boring life٫but one day one of my close friend told me about how making novels and storys that may take away my boredom so I started creating a novel and thinking it was quite fun i contiuned it .

The protagonist of the book i was writing name was kira٫he had no last name as he lived in a orphanage that did not gave him a name so he named himself instead٫hes personality wasn't the greatest as he did not know how to communicate with people and having to kill monster everyday made his personality worsen.kira was a type of character that did not get along well with strangest even the female leads.The female leads were normal people but after kira saved them they started liking kira٫the protagonist they did everything in their power to be with him.in the end the protagonist killed the female leads.It was the best story that could make but some of the people who read it disliked and told me to give up on it٫I didn't cared about what they said and continued it but when i wanted to finish the story i was transported to dimension without any light it was pitch black.

When a voice in the dimension told that the protagonist٫kira٫ is coming to my world to meet me and do anything in his power to keep me safe.I was confused on what the voice in the dimension meant٫and without a second I was thrown me back to my room where i was working on the novel٫but when I went to check my laptop that had my novel i made inside٫it disappeared.I was confused.

When heard a sound coming from the sky."thud"my eyes widen٫"what is that light?"As I looked at what it was .A man appeared from the light laying on the ground unconscious.I stared in amazement "is this what the voice meant when the protagonist٫kira appear?"the man on the ground had the same prescription as the protagonist٫like he white hair and his sword laying right beside him٫"this could not be a coincidence...."As I was lost in thoughts٫the man on the ground٫woked up and stood up and asked"are you my creator?"I looked at him and replied"u..um yes."he smiled"i am kira.i am here to protect you as you are my creator."in confusion i asked"why do you need to protect me ?"Kira looked at me and replied"as monsters from my world are coming to this world by a portal.""what?!?monsters from your world are coming to this planet!""indeed."as he nodded."crack"

To be continued...