
Chapter four- School

Xanderia POV

As I get out of my vic I sense the boys. Kyle pulled up just behind me and Xain just a few seconds later. How we almost always do this is beyond me. I bend over to grab my pack when I feel Kyle come up behind me and grab my sides.

"Don't you even think about it." I say as I swing my pack over the center of my seat and back out.

"I wasn't going to do anything Xan, honest"

"You're not a good liar Kyle," Xain says as he approaches the vic.

"Morning Xain." I say standing up straight as we start to walk into the school.

Those two always seem to know exactly how to get me nervous. We always walk to our lockers and get ready for everything, school wise, together. It's going to suck come next week. I'll have to start my priestess training and not go have fun much anymore.

"Hey guys why don't we do one last hurrah video game, movie, pizza night before we graduate next week?"

The boys look at me like I'm talking tongues or something. "What we haven't done that in forever. And who knows when the next time we will be able to hang out will be."

"I'm down," Kyle says with that smirk that started to make my heart race, "But whose place are we going to? Last time it was at your place Xan."

"And frankly your aunt Nova is kinda, how do I put this nicely, a huge flirt." Xain says hiding a shiver.

I laugh and smile as the boys try to finger it out. "Why not your place Kyle? Your family is relatively normal. Even with you having a huge family."

"Yeah, I don't think so. My mom and dad are working on getting something done for next Saturday."

"Next Saturday?" Xain and I both say. "Like a graduation party type thing?"

"Something like that. But it's going to be totally boring with all the family coming. It's a huge mess right now."

I open my locker and start to feel my heart race. Next Saturday is mine and Kyle's birthday. So his family must be throwing him a mixed party.

"So I guess my place it is then," Xain says with a sigh. My graduation party is next week as well but my family doesn't start planning till about two days before."

"Sounds good to me. I'll let my parents know." I say closing my locker and walking to my first class.

"Alright I'll be there." Kyle says walking away.

All of us come to the agreement of meeting at Xain's after school so we can set up his bedroom for our last night together as the freak squad. Things are going to change after this weekend. I can just feel it.

Kyle's POV

Walking into class I see a few other teens from the pack whispering about something. Ignoring them I take my seat at the back of the class and get out my class book.

Why can't I just tell them. The three of us have been together forever now. This weekend I need to tell Xan how I feel about her. Hopefully we can find a moment alone together.

We've done these nights so many times but with it being so close to our birthday I don't want her to freak out. It could ruin our friendship with each other. Ugh why must it be so difficult.

"Morning Kyle," Chole says walking up to me, "Can't wait till next weekend. It's going to be the party of the year. You being promoted and graduating at the same time. Man your parents must be stoked."

"Yeah I guess Chole."

"Hopefully you'll find your mate that night so you can start focusing away from that girl. She always has that scent of burning incense on her. And honestly your mate will be so much better then her." She says grinning like a fox about ready to eat the mouse.

"Chole, do not insult Xanderia like that. We've been friends since fourth grade. And secondly who knows who my mate will be. I just hope they are kind and can help the clan as a Luna."

Her face turns red as she storms off on a huff. The ladder climbers of the pack are really something else. If I don't find my mate things will be hard to deal with. But I can do it with the help of Damon. He's already found his mate. So I won't have to deal with all the politics involved as long as he can help me.

The class begins and I can't seem to focus. Should of gotten a drink from Xan this morning.

Xain's POV

Leaning in the door way on my class I get a smell of fresh coffee and cigarettes as Xanderia passes by to enter. What in the hell is she doing her? Shouldn't she be in math right now? Walking up behind her I see she talking to Camile.

"So I was thinking we could go to the mall and pick out our graduation present for Xain this weekend." Camile says with a smile on her face.

"Well, the three of us were going to be at your place tonight possibly. So if we get the all clear from your parents we can totally do that." Xanderia says as she looks at her phone. "Shit I got to go. Text me the details later ok?"

Just as she turns to leave I'm right behind her. Of course she jumps and smacks me on the arm.

"Xain! What the hell!? Don't scare me like that."

"You know I can't help it. Just the thought of those eyes showing the surprise how can I not?"

She huffs and leaves with a smirk on her face. Something I haven't seen in quiet a while.

"Xain, you should just ask her out already. We all know you like her. And not only that something has changed about her." Camile says examining her nails.

"That would only make things worse you know. She is one of my best friends. And if we were together long term then eventually I would have to change her. I couldn't do that."

"Whatever, you are just too chicken to deal with the possibility that someone could be with you."

I walk away not wanting to deal with this love thing everyone was talking about. I don't even know what that is. As an immortal, you don't normally fall in love with anyone because there is no point.

As the class starts I put on my headphones, press random and ignore everyone. And of course a love song comes on. What… the... hell… I can't wait till we are in Remaz class and get this whole day over with.