
Chapter three- The Vampire

The sun is starting to rise as my alarm goes off for another day of school. Why I have to do this is beyond me. I'm the second prince of the Nightwing clan and I still have to act human. I'm not even going to be ruling the clan. But at least it is the second to last Friday before I graduate high school for the uptenth time.

I walk to my closet to start getting dressed. Pulling out a black long sleeve shirt and black skinny jeans I put them on.

"Xain! Hurry up. I know you are awake." My brother says as he walks passed my room.

"I'm coming Henry."

Walking into the bathroom I comb out my dirty blond hair and apply the anti sun serum so I don't burn or freak the humans out. At least I have two friends that never judge me for being weird. Xanderia, being the only human female I know that has this spark to her that no one can really ignore and Kyle, the human male that seems to be bigger then life. With school being almost over I don't know if I should tell them that we aren't going to be able to see each other much after this.

Hoping Xanderia will see me today. I can't stop thinking about those plump red lips, her bright jade green eyes and her perfect curves. If only she were a vampire, we would be able to be together for ever. I don't know if I'd be able to live without at least talking to her anymore.

Walking down stairs I notice that the kitchen light is on and enter to see Henry and Camile having their morning rouge.

"Finally you show up Xain. We were starting to think that you had run off again." Camile says taking a swig.

"Nope just thinking about how I'm going to finally get to leave the clan house after next week. And how my senior project is done already."

"Remaz still being a hard ass?" Henry says looking over the morning paper.

"Yeah, but at least Xanderia and Kyle will be able to pass with the project."

"You have let them know that your party is next Saturday with you being knighted as the second prince right?" Camile states as she sets her cup in the sink, "They are invited. I know we know that humans aren't supposed to be here for their own safety because of the young ones but we can make an exception for them if you wish."

"No, and I don't plan to either. With the three of us already being the freak squad as is I don't think I'm ready for the, Oh I forgot to tell you that I'm a vampire and my clan would like to personally invite you to my knighting, I couldn't do that to Xan. She already feels like a freak and Kyle is just Kyle. Though he most likely would care I still wouldn't want to put them in danger."

"Well think about it. You never know. We are supposed to interact with humans anyway."

Looking at the clock I wave and go to the garage and start my bike. Nothing like the wind on your face to clear your mind.

Once I get to school I park and see Xanderia getting out with her normal travel mug of coffee and that beautiful curved ass of her as she bends down to get her pack. And Kyle standing there waiting to pounce on her at any chance he can get.

It's not going to happen though. She will be mine on day, even if I have to turn her.