
Chapter 5- A long time coming

*Xanderia's POV*

As the bell rings I'm off to my locker to grab the project. This report had better go well or so help me goddess I will kill them two. Why can't we just one normal day before graduation? Looking at my locker it is of course blocked by the idiot of the school.

"Come on Lucas, we go through this everyday. Go make out with your girlfriend at her locker."

"Why would I do that when I get to see that lovely scowl come across your face?"

Glaring at him I shove past and get to my locker. That guy is such a jerk. Why can't he just leave me alone. As soon as I think that I feel him behind me, so close I can feel him breath down my neck. "Xanderia," he whispers. "You do know that you will never be with anyone but me. Your aunts have already discussed this with my parents. And at the coming of age ceremony it will be announced that I am your fiance."

"I will never accept you to be my anchor, nor will you ever love me the way that you are supposed to as an anchor." I whisper back harshly. "Now go be with your girlfriend before the bell rings."

I grab the project and start to leave but that doesn't happen. As I turn around I come face to face with Lucas. He looks like he's in some kind of pain but I'm not going to read much into it. I will not be forced to marry this jerk. I'd rather marry Kyle or Xain before that even happens.

"I told you, you will be mine." he says as he places his hand on the back of my neck forcefully and mashes his lips on to mine. I struggle to get away from him, smacking him in the face. I turn to leave as Kyle comes running up and decks him in the jaw.

"Kyle, I got this, you don't have to beat him up."

"He's not the only one about to knock some sense into that asshole Xan." Xain says as he walks to Lucas kicking him in the stomach so hard he spits blood.

"Guys please don't. Come on we have a project to present and I really don't need another call home because you two are fighting for me again."

Both the boys stop and look at me with a longing in their eyes. They nod and walk to class with me one on each side.

"I don't understand why both of you had to do that. You know I can handle my own."

Neither of them spoke but looked at me in confusion. Like I was the homicidal crazy one. We continued to walk as Camile and Damean come walking with us.

"What is going on Xan? You're never this quiet when the boys are with you," Camile says with a smile. "Did one of them cause you trouble again?"

I smile and nod. A laugh erupts from Damean and Kyle gives him this look of disbelief.

*Kyle's POV*

As I'm getting to Xanderia's locker I see Lucas forcefully kiss her. All I see is red. I'm not about to have my best friend harassed by him. I knock him square in the jaw laying him out on the floor.

"Kyle, I got this, you don't have to beat him up."

"He's not the only one about to knock some sense into that asshole Xan." Xain says as he walks to Lucas kicking him in the stomach so hard he spits blood.

How can she say that? He's the worst kind of warlock out there. But of course she wouldn't know that. She's human right?

"Xain and I both flank Xanderia and keep her in the middle of us as I mind link Damean.

"Damean I need you in hall C. Lucas just forced himself on Xanderia."

"He what? That Blood Moon scum. His circle is the worst. I'll be there in a minute."

We cut the mind link and walk to Remaz's class. "I don't understand why both of you had to do that. You know I can handle my own." Xanderia says with a sigh. Xain and I look at each other. Some how Xain has this look of I can't believe this just happened.

As Damean is walking up Camile is not too far behind him laughing at something.

"What is going on Xan? You're never this quiet when the boys are with you," Camile says with a smile. "Did one of them cause you trouble again?"

Damean busts out laughing and can't seem to stop.

"Damean what is so funny?"

"You haven't figured it out yet have you?"

"Figured out what?"

"That Xain and Chloe are vampires. How do you think Camile got here so fast when her class is two halls down."

I look at Damean and realize I've never really thought about it. Since I'm not a full fledged wolf till next weekend I don't have the ability to smell those trace elements of other races. Frowning I hook my arm around Xanderia and hold her around the waist. Xain looks at me with a haunted look as he places his arm around her shoulders. He better not try to claim her as his.

"Xain, Kyle, can you both please ease up? I'm alright I don't need you two to protect me all the time."

I don't loosen my grip. She doesn't understand what it is like to have someone you love claimed by someone or something else. Wait what am I thinking? Love her? I mean yeah she's my best friend but isn't love a little strong since I have no clue if she loves me back?

*Xain's POV*

I kicked Lucas hard in the stomach. I'm not about to have someone lay their lips let alone hands on Xanderia. She will be mine. I mind transfer with Camile.

"Camile get to C hall now. Xanderia just got taken advantage of by one of the Blood Moon coven members.

"Which one? If it was Lucas I know what is going on." She responses with a sigh

"What do you mean? Of course it was Lucas. He always bullies Xan like no tomorrow. Been like that since forever."

"The Blood Moon coven and the Midnight Star coven are joining together next weekend."

"What does that have to do with Xan? She's human."

"She's a witchling, and she will be part noticed by the coven come next Saturday."

I'm struck silent after that. There is no way my friend of 4 years is a witch. I would have noticed this by now. But that would explain why her family is so close nit and has so many relatives living with her. It's almost like a pack house for werewolves.

"Also Kyle and Damean are werewolves from the Blue Moon pack." Camile says as she walks past me to scout for the next class.

Thinking to myself I place an arm around Xanderia's shoulders just as Kyle is putting one around her waist. I look at him with a glare though it probably doesn't look like it. I can't have him around her anymore. She will be mine if it comes down to it.

"Xain, Kyle, can you both please ease up? I'm alright I don't need you two to protect me all the time." Xanderia says with a sigh.

I can't let her go. She is the goddess I've been waiting for. And if she is a witch of the Midnight Star coven that means that she will be at the ceremony as well as a representative. That is when I will tell her my feelings.