
Chapter 2- The Werewolf

The woods are dense and feel calm as any other morning. Running is the best thing I can do before school since my wolf will be caged through it. Having all the humans around is a pain. I have to hold back so I don't hurt anyone. And all the smells oh god the smells. You'd think after 17 years I'd get used to all the different things that come with being a wolf. But such is life.

I come to the clearing and head on inside the pack house to my room to shower and change into my school clothes. The only semi decent clothes I have. Living out in the woods is one way to get most of the things you own ruined when you are like me.

Looking in the mirror my yellow eyes turn sky blue and my black hair is a mess. With the shower turned on I step in. Thinking about Xanderia, my best friend, her long long flowing rose red hair and jade green eyes I can't help but start to feel my heart race. The way she walks with a sway in her hips like she owns the place. I can't help but wish that she was anything but a human. She doesn't know about the werewolf thing and she can never know. As soon as I turn 18 I may find my mate and leave this little town. This last week of school will be great considering that our senior project is just about done and we are done with school on Friday. I just hope nothing changes between us and we can still be friends after next Saturday.

Getting out of the shower I go to my closet and get out my gray v-neck shirt and my ripped jeans that show my tanned skin. Once I get my combat boots on I go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Yo Kyle, where were you man? The Alpha was looking for you." my pack mate Damon says.

"Yeah I know. He mind linked me in the middle of my run. Something about choosing my beta soon so the pack can live on." I say with a smirk.

Damon is one of my closest friends in the pack and considering the fact that his father is the beta in the pack I'm most likely going to have him as my beta when the time comes.

"Geez you should know by know who your beta is going to be. Next Saturday isn't that far away you know."

"I know."

"Have you talked to Xanderia about coming to your party? We know she is human but since she has been your friend since 4th grade your father made an exception for her to be here."

"No I haven't yet. I can't just tell my best friend, hey I'm a werewolf and I'm the next Alpha of the Moon Shadow pack. Do you want to come to a party that may or may not get you killed?, yeah not going to happen."

"Well you should think about it. Not all of us find our mates once we turn 18 you know. You may never find them."

Looking at the clock I realize it's time for school and I walk out. "See you later Damon. I have to get there before Mr. Remaz starts in on the importance of being on time again."

I head for my jeep and get on the road. Hopefully nothing will happen next Saturday and I can still see her. My heart starts to race as I pull into the parking lot and see Xanderia getting out of her vic.

She looks stunning as always. Hope today wont be too long, and Xan will share her coffee.