
The wind God

In the near future, a cataclysmic event known as the "Great Tempest" sweeps across Earth, teleporting the entire human race to a mysterious new world. This world, brimming with strange landscapes and fantastical creatures, is governed by the elemental gods, with the Wind God holding the ultimate power. Our main character, Alex, a resourceful young scientist, quickly realizes that survival in this new world will be a daunting challenge. As humanity struggles to adapt, Alex uncovers a shocking secret: another planet filled with humans also exists within this new panet. These humans, from a parallel Earth, have been here for centuries, waging a brutal war for dominance and resources. Determined to find a way to coexist and protect his people, Alex embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the secrets of the Wind God and the other elemental deities. Along the way, he encounters allies and enemies, including the fierce and enigmatic leader of the parallel humans, who views newcomers as a threat. As tensions escalate and the battle for survival intensifies, Alex must harness the power of the elements and rally the fragmented human factions to face a common enemy. In a world where the very air can be a weapon and the gods themselves are unpredictable, Alex's quest will test his courage, ingenuity, and humanity's capacity to unite against a greater threat. "The Wind God" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the relentless human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

BrownGhost · Fantasía
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3 Chs


The forest was eerily quiet as Alex and Marcus made their way back to the group, the sounds of their footsteps muffled by the thick underbrush. The adrenaline from the battle still coursed through their veins, but the weight of John's death hung heavily over them. As they approached the clearing, the flickering firelight illuminated the worried faces of their companions.

Sarah was the first to see them. She jumped to her feet, her eyes wide with relief and apprehension. "Thank God, you're back! What happened out there?"

Alex and Marcus exchanged a grim look before stepping into the circle of light.

The others gathered around, their expressions a mix of fear and curiosity."We were attacked," Marcus began, his voice steady but somber. "John... didn't make it."

Gasps and murmurs of disbelief rippled through the group. Sarah covered her mouth with her hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh no... John..."

Alex took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "It was a creature—some kind of red-furred gorilla. It ambushed us, killed John with a spear. We managed to kill it, but it was a brutal fight."

"How did you survive?" asked Tom, a middle-aged man with a serious demeanor. "Those things sound like they're out of a nightmare."

Alex hesitated, unsure how to explain the strange new development. "There's more," he said, looking at Marcus for support.

Marcus nodded and stepped forward. "After we killed the creature, something happened. Alex and I... we saw these screens, like a game interface. It said I unlocked a system."

"A system?" Sarah asked, wiping away her tears. "What do you mean?"

Alex tried to explain. "It's like... a set of abilities and levels, like in a video game. When we defeated the creature, we gained experience and leveled up. I even unlocked a new ability after the fight."

Adrenaline booster.

"You mean to tell us we're in some kind of game world?" Tom said, skepticism in his voice.

"I know it sounds crazy," Marcus replied, "but it's real. I saw it too. This system might be our key to surviving here."

The group fell silent, processing the information. The concept was difficult to grasp, especially after everything they had already endured. But the urgency in Alex and Marcus's voices made it hard to dismiss.

"What do we do now?" asked Lisa, a young woman with a determined look in her eyes.

Alex glanced at Marcus before answering. "We need to figure out how this system works. If it can give us abilities and make us stronger, then we need to learn how to use it. And we need to stick together. This place is dangerous, and we can't afford to be divided."

The group nodded, their fear slowly being replaced by a sense of determination. They had faced horrors they never imagined, but now they had a glimmer of hope—a way to fight back.

"We'll take turns keeping watch tonight," Marcus said, taking charge. "Get some rest if you can. Tomorrow, we start figuring out how to use this system to our advantage."

As the group settled down, Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement. The world they had been thrust into was terrifying, but it also held the promise of newfound power and discovery. Together, they would navigate this strange new reality and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The first light of dawn filtered through the canopy, casting a soft glow over the camp. The group was still groggy from a restless night, the events of the previous day weighing heavily on their minds. As the others stirred and began their morning routines, Alex and Marcus moved to the edge of the clearing to discuss their next steps.

"We need to figure out how this system works," Marcus said, his voice low but determined. "If we're going to survive here, we need every advantage we can get."

Alex nodded, recalling the interface that had appeared before him during the battle with the lion-man. "There must be a way to access it. Maybe we can bring up the interface again and see what it shows."

They closed their eyes and focused, trying to summon the system. Slowly, a translucent screen appeared before them, displaying various options and statistics.

"Looks like we've got some basic abilities," Marcus said, examining the screen. "I have a strength boost, and you have a quick strike. We need to test these out and see what they can do."

They found a sturdy tree at the edge of the clearing and decided to use it for practice. Alex took a deep breath and activated his adrenaline booster ability. He felt a surge of energy coursing through his limbs, and his movements became a blur. In a flash, he struck the tree multiple times, leaving deep gouges in the bark.

"Impressive," Marcus said, nodding appreciatively. "Now let me try."

Alex held out his and try to imaging the wind cutting through a rock.

"Looks like these abilities can give us a serious edge," Alex said, his excitement growing. "We should go hunting and see if we can gain more experience."

They gathered their makeshift weapons and set off into the forest, their senses heightened. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and foliage, and the sounds of unseen creatures filled the air. They moved cautiously, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger or potential prey.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, they heard the unmistakable sound of rustling leaves and hushed, guttural voices. Moving closer, they peered through the underbrush and saw a group of goblins. The creatures were small and green-skinned, with sharp, beady eyes and pointed ears. Each goblin wielded a crude stone sword, their movements quick and agile.

"There must be at least six of them," Marcus whispered. "Think we can take them?"

"We don't have much of a choice," Alex replied. "If we take them down, we can use their weapons and maybe gain some experience."

They crept closer, trying to get the drop on the goblins. When they were just a few meters away, Alex activated his wind ability and sliced off the goblin upper body part.

Marcus followed close behind, his adrenaline Boost giving him the power to smash through the goblins' defenses. He swung his weapon with devastating force, sending goblins flying with each blow.

The goblins recovered quickly, their stone swords flashing in the morning light as they counterattacked. He struck back with precision, taking down another goblin with a swift blow to the neck.

[ Alex have leveled up you have reached level 3]

Marcus roared, his strength unmatched as he pummeled the goblins into submission. He grabbed one by the neck and hurled it into a tree, the impact leaving the creature dazed and unable to fight.

Despite their initial surprise, the goblins regrouped and pressed the attack. One managed to slice Alex's arm, the stone sword leaving a shallow cut. He gritted his teeth against the pain and countered with a flurry of strikes, taking down the goblin that had wounded him.

Marcus, too, sustained a few minor injuries, but his sheer power and resilience kept him in the fight. Together, they fought with a coordinated ferocity, their newfound abilities turning the tide in their favor.

Finally, the last goblin fell, its body crumpling to the ground. Alex and Marcus stood panting, their bodies bruised and bleeding but victorious.

[Marcus have leveled up you have reached level 3 ]

They exchanged a look of exhilaration and relief. "We did it," Alex said, a smile breaking across his face. "We're getting stronger."

Marcus nodded, his expression grim but satisfied. "Let's take their weapons and get back to the group. We need to share what we've learned and make sure everyone is ready for what's out there."

They gathered the stone swords, their makeshift arsenal now more formidable. As they made their way back to camp, the weight of their new abilities and the challenges ahead pressed on their minds. They had unlocked the secrets of the system and proven their strength, but they knew that even greater dangers awaited them in this strange new world.