
The wind God

In the near future, a cataclysmic event known as the "Great Tempest" sweeps across Earth, teleporting the entire human race to a mysterious new world. This world, brimming with strange landscapes and fantastical creatures, is governed by the elemental gods, with the Wind God holding the ultimate power. Our main character, Alex, a resourceful young scientist, quickly realizes that survival in this new world will be a daunting challenge. As humanity struggles to adapt, Alex uncovers a shocking secret: another planet filled with humans also exists within this new panet. These humans, from a parallel Earth, have been here for centuries, waging a brutal war for dominance and resources. Determined to find a way to coexist and protect his people, Alex embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the secrets of the Wind God and the other elemental deities. Along the way, he encounters allies and enemies, including the fierce and enigmatic leader of the parallel humans, who views newcomers as a threat. As tensions escalate and the battle for survival intensifies, Alex must harness the power of the elements and rally the fragmented human factions to face a common enemy. In a world where the very air can be a weapon and the gods themselves are unpredictable, Alex's quest will test his courage, ingenuity, and humanity's capacity to unite against a greater threat. "The Wind God" is a tale of adventure, discovery, and the relentless human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds.

BrownGhost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


The group moved through the forest, their nerves frayed after the encounter with the monstrous beast. Every rustle in the underbrush, every distant cry of a strange animal, set them on edge. The shadows seemed to creep closer, and even the towering trees, with their silver-tinged leaves, seemed menacing.

"We need to set up camp," Marcus said, his voice steady but tinged with tension. "It's getting dark, and we can't keep moving through the night."

They found a small clearing, surrounded by dense foliage on all sides. It offered a semblance of security, a place where they could at least see any approaching threats. The group set to work, gathering wood for a fire and arranging makeshift beds from leaves and branches. The flickering flames of the fire provided some comfort, casting dancing shadows on their tired faces.

"We need food," Marcus said after a while. "We can't survive on just water."

Alex nodded, understanding the urgency. Marcus chose Alex and another man named John to accompany him. John was tall and muscular, with a no-nonsense attitude that made him seem capable and reliable. The three of them set off into the forest, leaving the rest of the group huddled around the fire.

The forest grew darker as they ventured deeper, the canopy above blocking out the fading light. The air was thick with the scent of earth and vegetation, and the occasional call of an unseen creature echoed around them.

"Stay alert," Marcus whispered, his eyes scanning the shadows.

They moved quietly, their footsteps barely making a sound on the soft forest floor. Alex kept his senses sharp, every rustle and crack putting him on edge. They were looking for any signs of wildlife, something they could hunt for food.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whistling sound, followed by a sickening thud. Alex turned just in time to see John pinned against a tree, a wooden spear protruding from his chest. Blood poured from the wound, and John's eyes widened in shock and pain before he slumped lifelessly.

"John!" Alex yelled, rushing towards him, but it was too late.

Marcus grabbed Alex's arm, pulling him back. "Stay back!" he hissed.

From the shadows emerged a creature unlike anything Alex had seen. It was a massive gorilla, but its fur was a deep, blood-red color. It stood on two legs, towering over them, and in its hand, it held another spear. Its face was twisted into a grotesque grin, and it let out a chilling laugh that echoed through the forest.

The red-furred gorilla swung the spear in a mocking gesture, its laughter growing louder. It seemed to revel in their fear and confusion.

Marcus stepped forward, his body tense. "Get ready," he whispered to Alex. "This thing means business."

The creature charged, its powerful legs propelling it forward with alarming speed. Marcus and Alex barely had time to react. Marcus dove to the side, avoiding a deadly swing of the spear, while Alex scrambled to find a weapon. He grabbed a fallen branch, gripping it tightly.

The gorilla turned its attention to Marcus, who was now on his feet, trying to dodge the creature's attacks. Alex circled around, looking for an opening. The beast was fast and strong, but it was also reckless, driven by some primal rage.

Finally, Alex saw his chance. As the gorilla raised its spear to strike Marcus, Alex lunged forward, swinging the branch with all his might. The branch connected with the creature's side, causing it to roar in pain and turn towards Alex.

"Run, Marcus!" Alex shouted, hoping to distract the beast.

The gorilla snarled, its eyes locking onto Alex. It charged again, but this time, Alex was ready. He dodged to the side, the spear barely missing him. He swung the branch again, aiming for the creature's head. The impact stunned the gorilla, and it staggered back, giving Marcus a chance to attack from behind.

With a fierce battle cry, Marcus drove his makeshift weapon-a sharp piece of rock tied to a stick-into the gorilla's back. The creature let out a final, ear-splitting roar before collapsing to the ground, its body twitching before going still.

**Status Screen**

- **Name:** Marcus smith

- **Age:** 18

- **Level:** 2

-**Gold Coins:** 5

- **Skills:** level 1 adrenaline booster

- **Health:** 8/11

- **Physical Attributes:**

- Strength: 9

- Agility: 7

- Luck: 4

-Mana: 5

- Stamina: 7

- Intelligence: 12

- Endurance: 5

-Will power: 5

-stat points: 3

- **Inventory:**

-World Chat: UNLOCKED*****

Breathing heavily, Alex and Marcus stood over the fallen beast. The forest was silent once more, the echoes of the battle fading away.

Alex Marcus said you weren't lying when I killed the monster I got an system notification it showed me something like a videos game with my name on it showed me my stat and gave me level 1 adrenaline booster what did you get.

I got level 1 wind manipulation skill

"We need to get back to the others," Marcus said, his voice shaky but determined. "They need to know what we're up against."

Alex nodded, still processing the horror of what had just happened. They left John's body pinned to the tree, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked in this new world. Together, they made their way back to the camp, knowing that their fight for survival had only just begun.