
The Whisper in the Abyss

Freya Bell, an orphan girl with magic running through her veins, is randomly accepted into the Magic school of her dreams. Without any knowledge of who submitted her application, she travels across the land to Gervorshe Royal Magic Academy. Here, she meets the love of her life, makes new friends she never thought she could, and uncovers something evil lurking in the school.

Sierra_Silva_7953 · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter 12

The rest of class we learn about the different types of varieties of offensive magic. They follow the 4 elements - fire, water, wind, and earth. But there is one more for offensive magic; Turns out that it's light. In certain situations, we can also use ice and plants. In offensive magic, patterns are created. Such as shields, bullets, blades, spirals, and the like. But we learn that there are tons more as well. Victor ends up helping with the class.

He tells us that if you can use it offensively, we can use any incantation we wish. For example, to replace a shield, one can use a wall or a veil with the same effect. In the place of a bullet, you can use an arrow, as well, and send it flying with speed magic. With a blade spell, we can even materialize a sword if we want. With all the knowledge that Victor shares, it makes sense that he does company research in a lab. He really knows his stuff. Maybe even more than the Professor. He may be only a few years older than me, but he acts as if he's had a lifetime of experience.

After magic class, we have our normal academic courses to further our knowledge and make us more accomplished people and wizards. We have math next, which sucks since I'm not very good at it. Then basic languages such as French, German, Russian, and really any other European language. I can't help but feel overwhelmed the whole time.

The next class after language is history, and I excel at it, if I do say so myself. Even the Professor was surprised at my knowledge. I have a hobby of learning about powerful people in our history, and connecting them to others. For every class, we have several new teachers that are masters in the subjects. Tomorrow we'll have science, art, and magic practice classes. Guess we don't have the same classes every day. Even lunch passed by without notice. Once class is done for the day, we all exit the room and we go on our way to the library or the common rooms inside the dorms to study and hangout with friends. Turns out that boys and girls are allowed inside the lobby of the dorms until a certain time of the night.

I stretch out my arms and breathe in deeply. "Freya," says a voice I recognize. I turn to see Jin standing behind me. "Are you heading back to the dorms?" Her face seems to be completely blank and I can't tell what she is thinking.

"I am. Are you too? Do you want to head back together?" I smile deeply at her, hoping to see another expression other than serious. I bet her smile is absolutely stunning.

"Actually, I was looking for you. You don't know any of the buildings here on campus right? I thought I'd show you around if that's fine with you." I can't help but feel stunned at her sudden offer. It's true I don't know any of the buildings here, and I made poor marks on my map where the classes are held and where the dorms are so it can be easier to find. But there are so many more, I'm sure to get lost.

"That would be a huge help if you don't mind. Are you sure we have enough time? The campus is quite big, and I don't want to be late for curfew." Jin smiles a bit and unfolds her arms from across her chest. Before Jin can say another word, Victor walks up to me as well.

"Hey Freya, what're you up to?" Victor looks at me, but then looks at Jin. I can see on her face that she's not quite fond of being interrupted. Her cheeks become very rosy and she moves away just a tad. "Oh, is this a friend of yours?" He smiles brightly at Jin.

"Yeah! This is Jin. She's been really helpful - ," Jin cuts off my words. "Who are you?" Her blush changes to a face of being challenged. What's that all about?

"I'm Victor, a visiting student of Freya's class as of today. Nice to meet you." Jin takes a tiny bow at him then resumes looking toward me. The awkward silence begins to build between the three of us. What can I do? I don't want to leave Jin in the dust, but I also want to visit with Victor. How can I do both? A thought comes to mind.

"Hey Jin, since Victor is new too, how about you show us both around? Kill two birds with one stone!" I look at them with an excited smile, waiting for their response. "Well, I was going to go wandering around the campus anyways, but sure why not!" Victor lets out a hearty laugh and he puts his hands behind his neck. Jin however is silent, and doesn't seem to like the idea of Victor coming with. But I think it will be fun. "Then it's settled. Let's go, together." Victor says as he moves a tad closer to my side. Jin reluctantly looks away from the two of us, I'm guessing to consider whether or not to take us.

"Got it. Where to start?" Jin's words put both Victor and I into shock. WHAT?! SHE'S AGREEING? I try not to let her words show how excited it makes me. "Then, the library! I've heard that it's the biggest one in the world!" I say with a smile. Jin nods in agreement and starts walking toward the stairs. Both Victor and I shrug our shoulders and follow behind her.

After walking quite a distance, we came upon the library. The building looks like the class building, but much bigger. The library must be the biggest building the campus has, besides the castle on the far west side. The castle hosts some of the most royal people, aside from the King and Queen of course. As we walk in, the smell of fresh and old books fills my nose. In every direction I can look, there is a book shelf with a million different books in shape, color, and design. On the main floor, there are tables galore, a small corner filled with computers, and a giant globe of the world directly in the center. Next to us on the left is the check out desk for renting books. The librarian currently is stamping books that have been returned. All I can see is her olive skin, and her strawberry blonde hair.

"I have never seen so many books in one place!" I finally say after being speechless for quite some time. I practically jump out of my own skin with jitters.

"They say that there isn't a single book in here that isn't about magic. And that there are books here that aren't anywhere else in the world." Jin says as she raises her arms to show off the place.

"Unfortunately, I'm not much of a reader." Victor breaks in. "I don't think I'll visit this place much, but it does look well educated and a great place to nap." Jin scowls at Victor at his sudden remark. "In fact, that sofa by the window with the warm sunshine coming through looks pretty welcoming."

"This is not a place for napping. Onto the next place," Jin says harshly as she begins to leave. "Where to?" I think for a moment. There are quite a few places I want to see right off the bat, so this isn't easy. But I say the quickest one I can think of. "The auditorium." Jin nods and leaves without another word, and Victor and I are left to follow along.

Coming into the auditorium is a treat. The walls and ceilings form into a great dome shape, and a podium sits directly in the center. So this is where the assemblies and events are held. It makes sense with how huge it is. Taking in the place is almost more than I can handle. "This is also where the judgment of scales happens. I know it doesn't seem like nothing really happens in this place, but students who study religion also use this as a sanctuary. You can also eat lunch here as long as you're respectful to the people who are using it for a different purpose. Now, onto the next place. Freya?"

"The courtyard." I say before I really think of anything else. Why go there of all places? I'm sure there are far better places to visit right now. But before I can change my decision Jin starts walking away.

As we approach the courtyard, many students are sitting on benches and the grass working on their club activities and homework. Seeing everyone in their own little groups like this dampens my mood. I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to make close friends like that. I really only have two weeks.

"This is where we have magic practice and get exercise. You'll also find lots of students here having lunch and playing here during break time." Even though I feel sad, I push down my feelings and put on a fake smile.
