
The ways of a Slytherin

Harry and Draco meet in Diagon Alley on Harry's 11th birthday. Draco is the first person Harry's age to be nice to him. And so it is Draco who introduces Harry to the world of magic instead of Ron Weasley. How does the story of our heroes of the wizarding world change when it is not the Weasleys who guide Harry through this world, but Draco and other Slytherins? Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter This is a pure translation

Erdzan_21 · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

Norbert, the Norwegian spiked hump

He was informed. Harry didn't want to let go of the idea of the stone completely and instructed Kundalini to watch the third floor and let him know if anyone tried to get past the three-headed dog.

Daphne also seemed unsure. But there was nothing they could do. They also soon had other things to worry about than the philosopher's stone. Exams were coming, and they had to revise their material. Draco, in particular, seemed stressed. Harry and Daphne were sure that he was being pressured by his parents to get better marks than Granger.

On top of that, there was all the homework that the teachers gave them, which meant that they didn't have half as much fun during the Easter holidays as they did during the Christmas holidays. Sometimes Harry felt like he was lagging far behind Draco, so he started going to the library with him every day. Even Greg and Vince, who didn't seem like they cared about school most of the time, finally started going to the library regularly.

"How are you supposed to learn all this?" moaned Greg one day when all the Slytherin first-year students were sitting in the library. Harry hadn't even realised that everyone had already moved on to the next essay. The sun was shining outside, and Harry stared out of the window, lost in thought. It was warm, and Harry only wished he could take his broom and practice a bit of Quidditch. But the others in the team were also preparing for their exams. So Harry had no choice but to spend his time revising. He put his quill to one side and stared at the soaked, drenched clouds passing by in the blue sky outside the window.

Suddenly he heard Daphne say, "Hello Hagrid, good to see you!" Harry looked up. He saw the disgusted faces of Pansy, Greg, and Vince as he approached them. Hagrid looked out of place as he walked along, wearing his warm moleskin cloak. Hagrid looked at the other Slytherins.

He looked nervous.

And what are you doing here? "But... not still Flamel?" he asked.

"We've known about Flamel for a long time." "We're not stupid; it's..." Draco said pompously.

"Shhht! Don't shout like that!" growled Hagrid. Pansy, Greg, and Vince, however, gave Draco questioning looks.

Harry wanted to seize the moment.

"Hagrid, I'd like to ask you something," he began.

"Not here!" growled Hagrid, giving Greg, Vince, and Pansy a stern look that Harry had never seen on Hagrid before.

"You three really should come back to my hut." "You haven't forgotten the way there, have you?" he invited Harry, Draco, and Daphne.

"Did you see what that git was hiding behind his back?"" Pansy asked spitefully when he had gone.

'He's not a git. "He's brilliant when it comes to magical creatures!" Daphne said. Harry ignored the argument and ran to the bookshelf. "Dr"Dragon Species of Britain and Ireland: From Egg to Inferno," Harry read when he saw the books. Knowledge. "Knowledge.""Daphne needs to know this. ""This can only go wrong!" Daphne had reproached Hagrid on their last visit about not being allowed to keep dragons because they would jeopardise the secrecy agreement when Hagrid had told them he wanted a dragon. Harry dragged Draco and Daphne out of the library and ran with them to Hagrid.

The first thing they noticed when Hagrid handed them the tea was the heat that was in the hut.

"Would it be possible to let some fresh air in?" Draco asked, annoyed and wiping beads of sweat from his forehead.

"I'm afraid that's not possible!" replied Hagrid. Harry noticed that he was looking into the fire.

Under the cauldron, in the centre of the fire, lay a huge, black egg.

"You can't be serious!" "You can't be serious!" shouted Daphne.

"Where did you get that?" asked Harry. They all realised that it was a dragon's egg. "I won it," said Hagrid proudly. Last night in the village downstairs. played cards with a stranger. "He seemed quite happy to have gotten rid of it!"" he said.

"I'm not surprised," Draco growled. "And what are you going to do with the thingy once it's hatched?"" Hagrid immediately seemed upset.

"The DING, Malfoy, is a Norwegian-Norwegian spiked hump."."They're extremely rare. "I've already found out how to feed it, by the way!" he said, tapping the book he had fetched from the library. The atmosphere between Draco and Hagrid was tense. Harry knew that the two of them didn't like each other very much.

"Hagrid, your whole house and all your furniture are made of wood!" Daphne said it emphatically. Hagrid's face stiffened.

"You'd better go now," he said. Harry and Daphne sighed as Draco jumped up.

"I would like to see it." "Will you let me know when it's hatched?" Daphne asked as they left the hut. Hagrid just grunted as he poked at the fire.

So now Harry had something else to worry about. He liked Hagrid. He. He didn't want him to get into trouble or even get hurt.

"We should report it!"!" Draco said all the time. But Daphne and he were afraid of what would happen to Hagrid if they reported it. After all, breeding dragons was illegal.

When the news finally came, "It's hatching," Draco refused to go with them to the cottage. Daphne and Harry now visited Hagrid regularly as the dragon grew bigger and bigger. The two of them became increasingly worried about their friend. There were always small fires in the wooden hut, and Harry had the horrible idea of waking up one day and finding only a pile of ashes where Hagrid used to sleep.

"We can't go on watching Hagrid walk to his own doom," Daphne said one day. Harry nodded.

.""Today we'll talk to him about getting rid of the dragon." WelshWelshThere's a nest of Welsh greensnouts near here. "That's where he should take him," she said firmly.

"All right, but no backing out this time!" Harry said. They both nodded to each other.

"Where's Draco anyway?" Daphne asked.

"I haven't seen him today," Harry muttered. He didn't care either. He simply couldn't forget the conversation he still had in his head, and he couldn't easily forgive him for his behaviour towards Hagrid. So the two of them were walking down the path to the hut when they saw Draco and Albus Dumbledore standing there. They came closer.

"Hagrid, young Mr. Malfoy here told me a hair-raising story about a dragon." ""Should I think there's some truth to it?" the headmaster asked. Hagrid looked tricky. His beard was coked up, and smoke was coming out of the hut.

"I'm sorry, Professor Dumbledore." "I just always wanted to..." then the giant sobbed. "They're going to take him away, aren't they?" "They're going to take Norbert away from me."

Dumbledore nodded. "A dragon on school grounds, Hagrid, that's just not on." I know you're excellent at breeding all sorts of animals, but a dragon is just too unpredictable. "Think of the students."

Hagrid nodded and blew his nose into a handkerchief the size of a tea towel. Dumbledore stepped into the hut and conjured up a cage in which he stowed the dragon. Dumbledore disappeared, leaving a weeping Hagrid behind. The door was open, and Draco, Harry, and Daphne stood in front of it, undecided.

"YOU!" he suddenly shouted. "You betrayed me; I should have known." Hagrid was furious.

"No, Hagrid, it wasn't us," Daphne assured him. But Harry suddenly realised everything.

"Draco! It was you." "You betrayed Hagrid," he said. Draco looked down in shame.

It just wasn't right. "Dragons are dangerous," he said.

"What do you know, Malfoy?" growled Hagrid. He uttered the last word with a certain disgust.

Draco turned and ran back to the castle, and Harry followed him. He knew that it wasn't proper for Slytherins to argue outside the house. They ran back to the common room, where Harry pushed Draco against the wall and drew his wand.

"You wretched traitor!" he shouted. Some turned to look at them.

"I was only doing what was right!" replied Draco.

"Oh yes, so it's right to betray a friend." "Just like it's right to make fun of them!" Harry continued to shout.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry!" replied Draco. "I heard you making fun of me with Pansy." "I see the looks you give Hagrid every time we're with him."

Suddenly, Draco's expression turned cold. "All right, Potter," he said, emphasizing the last word as spitefully as Hagrid had pronounced Malfoy before.

"If you think I'm a traitor, I'm happy to tell you that I enjoyed betraying the old git." He's not quite right in the head. "And the same goes for anyone who thinks he should be protected!" With that, Draco stalked over to Pansy, Greg and Vince, who seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

Harry was hurt. He had already known that Draco wasn't playing an honest game, but he could hardly believe that he had been so wrong about someone. He decided he would never speak to Draco again. A little later, Harry was sitting alone by the fireplace when Daphne finally came in. To his surprise, she sat down with Draco and the others. Harry no longer understood the world. He had had the feeling that at least Daphne was his girlfriend. He felt like tears were welling up in his eyes, but he buried himself in his study materials so that no one could see.

The next few weeks were very lonely for Harry in Slytherin. To the outside world, of course, no one realised that Harry was being treated like an outcast by his housemates. Because to the outside world, Slytherin House always showed solidarity. He still sat with the others in the library and at meals. But as soon as they entered the common room, it was as if the air disappeared into thin air. He hadn't expected them all to stand behind Draco. Even Daphne. He tried to take his mind off it by studying even more for exams. Nobody spoke to him at Quidditch training either. Not even when they won the Quidditch match against Hufflepuff the week before exams, putting them at the top of the house championship by far. Even when they were presented with the Quidditch cup, no one said a word to him.

Just before the exams, Harry wanted to visit Hagrid again. Who he saw there surprised him. Daphne and Draco were sitting in the hut. Harry was about to turn around when he saw them. But Hagrid pushed him into the hut.

"Sit down, Harry, sit down!" he said warmly. "You should talk," he said firmly, after handing Harry a large cup of tea. He took his moleskin cloak and left the hut, leaving only Daphne, Draco and Harry there.



After chapter 10, I thought I'd write a little longer and answer a few questions that keep coming up. But first, I'd like to thank everyone who reads, comments, and favorites this.

Now to the FAQ:

1) Still a perennial: why is Blaise a girl?

I decided to make Blaise a girl for a rather banal reason. In Rowling's original, there are always 5 students sleeping in a dormitory. So with Harry in Slytherin, there wouldn't have been enough room in the boys' dormitory. So when I wrote this, I had two options: I played through in my head the option of putting either Theodore Nott or Blaise Zabini in another house. But that didn't quite work out in my imagination—the two didn't quite want to fit into another house as they were described. -So I thought about another, third variant: the fifth Slytherin student was never officially announced; in the German first edition, however, Blaise Zabini was written as a girl; this only changed with the publication of the 6th volume. As far as I know, this is just a translation error, as there are many more gender-neutral formulations in English than in German. But it was very appropriate for my story. And so Blaise became a girl (again) in my story, and she will remain one.

2) Why didn't Harry see his father in the mirror and want Draco to recognise him?

The fact that only Lily's side was visible was intentional. All Harry has ever heard from his father is that he has behaved like Dudley, a behaviour he deeply detests. That's why he doesn't see the Potters.

Harry doesn't really want Draco to look up to him exactly; he just wants his friends to recognise him, especially because of the conversation he overheard.

3) Why are there so many empty classrooms at Hogwarts?

In my defence: It was the same in the original. I could always explain the many empty classrooms by saying that there used to be more magical children and the school was bigger when it was founded. I mean, the magical world had two wizarding wars in the 20th century—the one against Grindelwald and the one against Voldemort." Munich was also bombed during the Second World War in the 1940s. You can already see from the Black family tree that many people died before they had children as a result of these three events: in the generation around 1900, there were 10 people who continued the family tree, in the middle of the 20th century (Sirius generation), only 5; and at the end of the 20th century, only 2: Tonks and Draco (or 3 if you want to accept Cursed Child as canon). Other families (Lestrange, Crouch, Ollivander, Prince, Gaunt, Dumbledore, etc.) have died out completely.

4) Why is the story so close to canon?

Because I basically only changed the fact that Draco befriends Harry at the beginning. That will also change as the story progresses. However, there will always be chapters in later parts of the story that are close to the original. However, I'm now in year 5 on my laptop and the only thing I can roughly recognise is the storyline (Voldemort is back and the Ministry is ignoring it).

I hope I was able to answer some questions. If there are any questions, comments, criticism or logical errors, I would be happy if you could point them out and leave me a review.

LG and see you soon
