
The ways of a Slytherin

Harry and Draco meet in Diagon Alley on Harry's 11th birthday. Draco is the first person Harry's age to be nice to him. And so it is Draco who introduces Harry to the world of magic instead of Ron Weasley. How does the story of our heroes of the wizarding world change when it is not the Weasleys who guide Harry through this world, but Draco and other Slytherins? Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter This is a pure translation

Erdzan_21 · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Nicolas Flamel

After his conversation with Dumbledore, Harry decided to stop looking in the mirror. Instead, he apologised to Daphne and Kundalini. He wished his thoughts about the mirror would disappear just as quickly. Instead, he had constant nightmares. He dreamt of the bright green light and the cold voice he'd heard at Quirrell's. "You could get high if you just choose the right side!" she kept saying, night after night.

"You see, Harry, that mirror means no good," Daphne kept saying, furious with him for breaking the school rules almost every day for a week, regardless of what it would have meant for Slytherin if he had been caught. Then Draco came back. Harry decided not to confide in Draco about what he had seen in the mirror.

Daphne and Harry told Draco that they hadn't found anything, and Draco hadn't learned anything from his parents either.

So they went back to looking for Flamel in the various books. However, they didn't have much time. Quidditch training had started again, and so had lessons. After all, Slytherin's second match was getting closer and closer. They would play against Ravenclaw, and if they won, it would be hard for the other houses to catch them.

Flint was too obsessed with training right now, and Harry wasn't ungrateful about it. He had noticed that he had fewer nightmares when he fell into bed tired from training. Then they learned something that made all the Slytherins cheer. Madam Hooch had fallen ill a few days before the big match, and Snape would be replacing her as referee. Flint was more than pleased with herself; nothing could stop her now.

It was late when Harry returned from the last training session before the big match, shivering and half-frozen. The snitch had escaped during practice, and Flint had told him to catch it and bring it back.

In the meantime, everyone else on the team had already gone back to the changing room and returned to the castle. Flint had blamed Harry for the Snitch's escape, and 'Slytherin doesn't tolerate failure', so no one dared to wait for him.

He knew he had to hurry so as not to miss bedtime. Just as he entered the Great Hall, he heard a familiar voice.

"Who have we here?" the fifth-year Wood asked. Standing next to him were the Weasley twins, the three chasers from the Gryffindor team, and Frobisher, whom he had almost thrown off his broom during the last game.

"Oliver, what do you think would happen if Potter couldn't come to the match here tomorrow?" asked one of the two Weasleys standing behind Wood. They had their famous smiles on, which Harry knew wouldn't bode well for him.

"Let's go, boys." "He's not worth it!" said a girl with dark hair and equally dark eyes. He couldn't remember her name. All he knew was that he was one of the slayers.

"No, Alicia." "He put Vicky in danger and cheated, so the snakes won!" the other of the twins said.

"We would have won even if Frobisher hadn't been unable to stay on his broom!" said Harry, furious that the Gryffindors still thought he had done something unforgivable. As if they wouldn't do anything to win a game themselves.

"Oh, a brave snake," Wood mimicked.

"We should show him what we think of him and his kind; don't you think Fred!" said the twin, who had to be George.

"I think so too, George," replied the other. Fred and George drew their wands and Harry raised his as well. He realised that he had no chance against the others. They were all in much higher years than him and knew many more spells.

Nevertheless, he shouted: "Stupor!" The curse did indeed hit Wood, but he only seemed slower and less shocked. He was moving in slow motion.

"Wait a minute, snake!" Fred shouted. "Levi CORPUS!"

Before Harry knew it, he felt as if an invisible force was pulling his legs out from under him. Then he was dangling upside-down in the air.

"Silencio!" George sent after him. Harry couldn't make a sound. It was as if someone had taped his mouth shut. "Come on, let's get out of here before someone comes!" Frobisher said suddenly, realising that they had just broken about five school rules.

"What about Potter?" asked Wood. Frobisher gave him an angry look. For a moment, Harry regretted pushing her off the broom, even if it hadn't been his intention to hurt her.

"Leave him where he is." "Let's see if Potter can catch the snitch upside down," she said. Wood looked back at him uncertainly as they walked up the steps.

There was nothing Harry could do. He felt powerless and he hated that feeling. He tried to fight his way free, but the spell wouldn't let up. Harry didn't know how long he was dangling there, but he could feel the blood slowly rushing to his head and his head shaking. Suddenly -

"Potter!" shouted Penelope Clearwater, who had probably taken over the patrol for the students that evening. "What happened here?" she asked, but Harry couldn't answer.

"Finite!" she shouted, but nothing happened. Harry was getting desperate. Why wasn't the counter-spell working?

"Stay here; I'll get a teacher!" shouted Penelope.

"What else am I supposed to do?" thought Harry bitterly.

A little later, Penelope returned with Professor Snape. He drew his wand and without saying a word, he managed to get Harry back on the floor. Snape looked like he was about to kill someone.

"Would you care to explain what this is about, Miss Clearwater?" asked Snape in a cold voice that reminded him very much of his nightmares.

"I found him like this, Professor Snape, sir," Penelope replied promptly.

"All right, get out of here before I change my mind!" he snarled. Penelope didn't dare contradict him. Snape didn't say a word as he took Harry back to the Slytherin knight. He barked the password and hissed at Harry to go in.

He stumbled through the entrance and saw Daphne and Draco playing a game of wizard's chess. Daphne noticed first that Harry was back.

Where have you been? "Didn't you find the Snitch?" she asked. Harry shook his head and told her what had happened.

"Bloody Gryffindors!" hissed Draco.

"Cowardly dogs!" cursed Daphne.

"There's no way they can keep getting away with this!" "You need to talk to Professor Snape," she explained. But Harry shook his head. He had tried talking to teachers before, back when he was still living with the Dursleys. He hadn't had good experiences with it.

"If only my father knew." "Those inferior blood traitors and mudbloods should be expelled from Hogwarts," Draco added. Harry sighed.

"Well, I don't have any parents to tell that to." "Please, Draco, I just want to be alone now," Harry said bitterly as went into the dormitory.

"Harry, you're biting back!" Kundalini said in anticipation as she tampered with his trunk. He nodded and reached into his trunk to turn one of the marbles for Kundalini. While he was looking for the marbles in his trunk, he found the card he had received from Draco on his first day. Albus Dumbledore. He wondered if the man knew what was going on within the walls of his school. Pistoletti had told him that Dumbledore knew everything that happened at Hogwarts. Angrily, he threw the map on his bed. Where was Dumbledore when the Weasley twins cast another spell on him? At that moment, he noticed the text on the back and his eyes widened. He had found Flamel.

He took the card and ran back to Draco and Daphne.

"I've found him." "I've found Nicolas Flamel!" he said excitedly, reading the text on the card to them. Daphne and Malfoy stared at him in disbelief.

"Alchemy?" asked Daphne.

"There are hardly any people still practicing it." It's dangerous! "Very powerful artefacts can be created through it," Draco added. Then something seemed to occur to Daphne.

"Draco, did your mum ever read you the stories of Beedle the Bard?" she asked. Draco gave a contemptuous snort.

"Every child knows the tales of Beedle the Bard."

"Not me..." Harry admitted. Daphne and Draco looked at him in surprise, then sighed and Daphne began to explain: "Beedle the Bard wrote children's fairy tales." One of them is called 'Little Golden Head'. She ran upstairs and came back with an old, tattered book. Then she began to read.

"Once upon a time, in a land not so very different from ours,. A young witch was born into a poor family as the 7th of 7 siblings."

Draco snorted. "Sounds an awful lot like the Weasleys," he said with a nasty tone in his voice. Harry had to grin, but then said, "Not now, Draco." Daphne continued.

"She had golden hair, which is why everyone called her golden-headed." Her life was characterised by hard work, poverty and sacrifice. But the family didn't care. They had each other and needed nothing more than the love between their siblings. Goldhead learned her art from all her brothers, as her parents died young. The eldest taught her how to deal with curses. The second introduced her to the care of magical creatures, the third told her the history of magic, the fourth showed her all kinds of herbs; and the fifth taught her how to use them in the most incredible potions.

The sixth, on the other hand, was jealous of the other brothers, who all had a great gift, while he was often forgotten next to his sister. The young witch grew older and older until she finally reached adulthood at the age of 17. A great talent had also been discovered in her. She was a master of the ancient art of alchemy. Eventually, she managed to create the golden stone. The golden stone turned everything it touched into gold. The family's poverty was history and all the brothers became respected wizards. All except the youngest brother. He was jealous of his siblings' talents. So he turned to the dark arts. Slowly but surely, he turned against his brothers, killing them one by one. Eventually, only Goldhead and her brother were left. He sought them out and demanded the stone. However, Goldhead refused to give up the stone. So the jealous brother killed the last of his family. He took the stone, but he did something different for the last brother than he had done before. Instead of turning objects into gold, he prevented the last brother from dying. He was forced to live with his deeds forever. "It was only when he decided to destroy the stone that he was able to realise his mistakes and accept death."

"What is this, Daphne?" Draco asked, annoyed, "This is a children's fairy tale!" "The stone in question is not an invention." "Mum told me that there is a wizard who is friends with Dumbledore and is over 600 years old!" replied Daphne firmly. "What if the wizard is Nicolas Flamel?" And he gave Dumbledore a Philosopher's Stone for safekeeping?

Harry thought about it. "Hagrid told me that there's no safer place than Hogwarts." It would make sense to hide something here that's meant to be stolen. Quirrell was in Diagon Alley that day. But why would he steal the stone?

Draco laughed. "Isn't it obvious?" Sometimes I really wonder how you made it to Slytherin. I mean, endless gold and an eternal life! "Who wouldn't want that."

Just as Harry was about to say something in reply, Flint came over to them. "Potter! You should be in bed by now. "Don't you dare fall off your broom tomorrow because you've been chatting to your friends!" he growled. Harry didn't dare contradict the fifth year and ran back to the dormitory.

So the next day was the Quidditch match. It took a long time, as the Ravenclaw seeker spent most of the time trying to block Harry. Snape kept giving the Ravenclaws penalty throws, but when Bole finally managed to sweep the seeker off his broom with a bludger, the score was 150-50 in favour of Ravenclaw. Harry did manage to catch the snitch. The game ended 200-150 and the Slytherins cheered, but Harry knew it wasn't a win. This meant that they now shared a place in the House Championship table with Ravenclaw. Defeated and annoyed, the team returned to the common room.

"At least we can watch Gryffindor get beaten by Hufflepuff tomorrow. At least tomorrow we can watch Gryffindor get beaten by Hufflepuff. "Frobisher never catches the Snitch before Diggory does," Draco growled as they fell into bed that evening.

They had been right. Hufflepuff had only just won, but Diggory had managed to catch the treasure. After the game, Harry, Draco and Daphne stayed outside the castle, still blaming himself for not catching the treasure quicker the day before.

They were sitting near the forbidden forest and Daphne was feeding creatures that looked like hedgehogs. Daphne had explained to them that they were knarls, which the fourth form was currently studying in Care of Magical Creatures. Hagrid was looking after all the magical creatures and he had shown her where the less dangerous ones were.

Suddenly, a hooded figure rushed past them. "What's Sev... Professor Snape doing here?" Draco asked suddenly. Harry looked after their tutor. He wanted to distract himself from the game and jumped up.

"Let's go and see!" Harry decided. Daphne hesitated briefly. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"We're not breaking any school rules!" said Harry firmly. Daphne finally agreed, and when Draco saw the two of them setting off, he reluctantly joined them. The three of them walked together for a short while, then hid behind a tree at the entrance to the forest. There, they saw Snape and Quirrell standing in a clearing near the entrance. They barely understood what the two were saying, as they were in the forest while Harry and his friends were standing at the entrance.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" stuttered Quirrell.

"Oh, I thought we'd keep this between us." "We don't want the students to know about the Philosopher's Stone."

Harry tried to understand a little more, but Quirrell whispered something to Snape that they didn't understand.

"Have you figured out how to get past Hagrid's monster yet?" he asked coldly.

"A-a-but, Severus, I..."

"You don't want me as an enemy, Quirrell!" Harry flinched. Snape looked really frightening as he took a step towards Quirrell.

The rest of the conversation was too quiet for Harry, Draco, and Daphne to understand. It was only when Snape took his leave of Quirrell with the words, "Very well." "We'll talk again soon, when they've had time to think things over and realise who they're beholden to!" When Harry, Draco, and Daphne saw Snape approaching them again, they ran to Hagrid's hut and hid in his field, where he was growing strawberries.

"What, by Merlin, was that just now?" asked Daphne.

'It's not Quirrell who wants the stone. "It's Professor Snape!" replied Harry.

"Then we should probably wish him good luck," said Draco suddenly. Harry looked questioningly at the other boy.

"But we can't let Snape get his hands on the Philosopher's Stone!" Harry said it firmly. "Then why not?" It's none of our business. "I don't understand why you're so intent on preventing it," said Draco.

"Because..." Harry didn't know the answer to that question.

"Has Professor Snape ever done anything to you?" "Didn't he always forgive you for breaking the rules and also help you when the Weasleys hexed you?" asked Draco. Harry knew he was right. But something was urging him not to simply drop the idea of the stone.


Yes, I know it's not a fairy tale that appears in Beedle's Fairy Tales. But I needed a book that the two of them (Draco and Daphne) knew. Otherwise, they would never have realised what the Philosopher's Stone was. They are not Hermione Granger.