

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

SubtleRifler · Fantasía
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13 Chs


When the students heard their names called, they started walking forward to the serge,in the group that was called, all the students were boys except, number 46(Jessica). Number 44 is a boy called Arthur Witty, his a tall black boy,177cm tall having black curly hair, muscular arms and legs,broad chest black short hair, and brown eyes. He has a robot following him. it's his creation, the witty family control technology and create it, their ability is mechanism their inventors, they're one of the richest families, if not the richest.

Number 43 name is Raymond Blaze, the blaze family have an elemental ability that's fire, they're part of the big Three. Raymond has black scattered hair but some strands are red, 174cm, has a bored face, green eyes, his muscular and white.


They were told to get into a circle drawing on the ground, if one observed the surrounding area well even though it was night, the would notice a hooded man standing near.

"send them away!" Serge grand ordered.

As serge grand gave the order, the hooded man placed both his hands on the ground and the circle started to glow.

"An ability to transport, what a rare ability,"MK Thought.

The light shined so much that it affected their eyes, so they had to close it. When they opened their eyes, they discovered that the were in another place, an area with dry grasses, and it was actually sunny there.

Three people stood before the group, all of them dressed in black, one being a woman she wasn't closing her face but the other two(2) were men,(they new from the shape of their body).

The woman held a tablet in her arms,busy typing on it, she ignored the group. Once she was done with whatever she was doing, she shifted her gaze to the students and started to speak.

"Hi, am Natalie and I will be the one in charge of the test today,once your done with the test, I will update your score and information, it will reflect on the wristwatch." Mk noticed that her face showed no emotion at all.

Now, who start, no one wanted to volunteer so she had to pick.

"James Derf, step forward."

"crap why me,"James murmured in Mk's ear, much to the latter discomfort.

James nervously walked forward

"What is your ability?" Natalie asked.

"Umm,fire James replied.

Natalie wrote something in her tablet.

"come with me, she said.

The went to a place where James saw huge craters,burnt marks destroyed things, pieces of woods etc on the ground, these was done by the contestants before them.

"please proceed, she said. James did as he was told, he proceeded

"now destroy all the targets you can" she said.

there were at 10 targets just standing there. James used fireballs and destroyed eight of them, the last two were far for his flames to reach, he tried again and again but the just disappear in air.

Natalie wrote something again in her tablet.

They moved to another test,it was weight lifting, James carried it halfway before dropping it, and then a digital number showed.

"strength fifteen," Natalie said, and noted it on her tablet.

For the final test, there was a big machine,with alot of holes in it, on the front side facing them.

Once the test started, the machine fired stones at James, all he needed to do was avoid getting hit by the stones(dodge it), but there was exception, he can't use ability or weapons,only his body to dodge.

James dodged for some while but the machine started to shoot at a faster rate,till one hit him on the nuts, James held his groin(the machine stopped but the other stones that it had already sent didn't) so one of the stones hit his head and he fell down.

"agility 15, Natalie said and wrote it.

With that the James test ended.

"James Derf, your powerful level is 5,"said Natalie.


The next contestants was Mk, he was called there.

when he went he saw James lying on the ground.

"hey" mk said. but to no avail

James was out cold.

"Your friend is gonna be like that for a while,"said Natalie

"why, what happened? mk asked.

"your about to face it" she replied now what's your ability? she asked.

"I don't have an ability," said Mk

"that's ok take this, she handed him a book, it was a lvl 1 speed ability.

"Mk stared at it, but decided to reject it,

"No thank you, he said.

Mk knew that accepting that book meant signing a slavery deal to the military. You'd be in debt to the military and can't leave them,even though you could, they'll bring you back some how, whether by tormenting you or your family.If you want more power then you'll over work yourself. And you can't change your ability. so seeing that there's more Bads than goods Mk rejected it.

Natalie was surprised,cause this has never happened with her, infact she thought that everyone would want to grab an ability no matter what especially people like Mk.

"Am coming, just give me a sec," she said.

She walked a distance took out her phone and talked to someone.

"Sir a student named Micheal Kenner refused the book,"

"hmm, that's rare... fine then leave him be, just make him take the test the voice replied"

"Ok Sir"Natalie Hung up

"Sorry for that, but even though you don't want the book you'll still have to take the test," she said.

Mk wasn't surprised, he already saw this coming, whether he didn't have an ability he'll still do it besides he thought that it was a way to punish him for refusing their gift.

"Ok you see those targets?" she said go destroy them.

Mk having no ability had to run there and punch them down.

He got a low score and timing on that test, going to the second one. Mk picked the weight lift it didn't even reach his waist and he left it.

"Strength 5, Natalie announced.

They went to the stone machine and standing in front of it was Mk.

The engine started firing stones at Mk, Mk was surprised seeing stones, he tried his best dodging it not wanting to get hurt but still ended up getting hurt.

"Agility 10, Natalie said.

"Your power level is 2 Micheal Kenner, she said.

The others were called,Arthur got a level 8, Jessica 5 and Raymond a 6.

Guy's is not easy writing it and I know that you guys may have gotten bored not seeing the system,but pls just continue reading and sharing you'll soon see the system.

SubtleRiflercreators' thoughts