

In a tumultuous world, turn apart by constant conflict, MK finds himself entangled in the midst of a war that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. Little did he know that his fate is about to take an extraordinary turn when he stumbles upon a mystical crystal containing the essence of a god, not any god, but the god of war.

kfd1234 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


After the test with MK's group was done, One of the hooded man planted his hands on the ground and transferred them back to where the were (with the same ability of the first hooded person).


When they group got back, they were asked to wait for the remaining people to finish, they waited with the others that were done.

"Oh man,"James said, there's at least 400 people here and only little of us are done, can't they just allow us to sleep.

James was right, well half right. There's five hundred (500) people there and only one hundred and forty (140) are done.

Mk checked his watch and it was 8:34PM.

"Just 8:34,well 35 now, I thought it would have been 10 or 12 infact," Mk said.

Raymond left them and went to his other clan members that were done, They Big three (3) normally look down on other clans, thinking their more than them.

They group just started talking, making small chats, doing some games etc just to not get bored.

All the others were busy playing with their abilities and Mk was just looking,he started to think about that speed ability he refused. "Should I have collected the ability and just be the slave," he thought to him self. "Fine then tomorrow I'll collect it tomorrow," he said, he thought he had said it to himself but didn't know he said it out loud till...

"collect what?," James asked.

"Nothing," Mk replied quickly

The group shun that and continued with what the where doing.


It felt like decades have passed, but finally all the students were done with their test.

"They say, "YOU SEE WHAT YOU EXPECT TO SEE",serge grand said, and I expect to see something good from all of you, that's why we'll push you to your limit so that you may defend the race and win this war.

Serge grand continued with the speech till they all heard A bell ring. "Now, when you hear that sound, it means sleeptime . You are to stop whatever you're doing and go to your rooms, no one should be caught outside once the bell rings. We have rules in this place, you'll get to know them and respect them, I'll just give you one(1), the first one,".

They were all expecting to hear something great, scary or something else, but they heard...

"The first rule iss... RESPECT THE RULES."

Majority of the students wanted to curse or say something bad, but held their lips for they know the consequences.

"If that's the first rule, then the others must be stupid," James whispered in MK's ear, much to the latter's dislike.

But MK actually agreed with him


Serge grand led them to some quarters

"This is where you guys will be staying,your numbers allocate you to a certain room." he said.

As they students went, they saw that it was actually four(4) people in a room,44,45,46 and 47 were given a room in section D.

As they entered the room, they found out that it wasn't bad, it actually looked like a 3star hotel room,it had a bathroom it could fit 5 people in it, there was a small kitchen, a sitting room but no television, and another big room it's by far the biggest but there's nothing in it. The were thinking that's how all the others room was, not knowing that it was done like this because of a single huge individual with them.

They group chose their beds and etc Jessica went first being the only girl. They searched the room and unexpectedly saw some snacks, the ate like animals, when they were done Jessica went to the bathroom doing all this girlish things, the boys sat down on the dinning table and started talking Arthur talked first and James whispered again in MK's ear, So wait is that how he's voice was I really thought it was deeper, James said thinking Arthur didn't hear, but Arthur heard all of it. "there was a time, I broke someone's leg because he talked about my voice" said Arthur.

James gulped and just changed the topic." I noticed you have that thing there," he said referring to Arthur's robot.

"its a robot, don't you know a robot"? Arthur asked.

"of course I do, it's just ehhh...

James didn't know what to say again and started laughing instead.

They continued talking like that till Mk stood up and started heading to the door. And since the door was close to the bathroom James said" yes I knew that these guy was a perv, whatcha gonna do."

"wait, what?!!!, Mk said.

"Am going out and your saying am gonna go check her. You know what your actually the perv if not why you talk about that, when I haven't done anything,"Mk said.

"first of all, James said, I said you were a perv, I never said your gonna check her and since you said that, it means you are, secondly why would I wait for you to go and check up before I talk, once I see something I do something that's how I am, and you know you can't lie right?? didn't serge grand say no one should go out once it's ten (10).

Mk was speechless he didn't even know what to say again. (WTF, how did James this fool actually beat me he thought).

"You know at first I was gonna support Mk but after this, I don't know what to say,"Arthur said, because it actually makes sense, I mean where are you going mk? Arthur asked.

"Am going out,"Mk replied.

"But weren't we warned, and apart it's our first day," Arthur said you don't wanna spoil your first day now do you he asked.

"just forget the dude, he wanted to check her and when I said it, he's trying to deny, let's just leave him be. James said.

"go on out boyy, byeee" James said.

" this is the reason why I don't talk to James at home," Mk said to himself.

"My, mk was about to talk then James interrupted him. "i said get out man, didn't you say your going out? James said.

Mk ignored him and continued

"My, hey don't ignore me am talking here James said. But MK didn't care he just continued.

"My father normally tells us to always observe the area and never trust anyone just like that, he says always find a way out when In doubt, and since we don't know where we are, I wanna check and see. mk said.

Now Arthur was lost cause that also made sense.

Mk opened the door and closed it immediately, "what happened now, are you trying to lie and stay inside," said James.

"no, just saw something" mk said.

Mk saw some soldier passing that's why he closed the door. But he opened it and left after.

"Did you believe that guy"James asked Arthur.

"i don't know" he replied

"he is lying, you know when an animal is in a tight corner he always looks for a way or how to get out, am actually surprised that he didn't start attacking so that he should go out. (A/N: by attacking he meant Arguing, giving words he doesn't understand and also rapping)

"dont believe him, bro James said He's just a stupid dodger."

Now Arthur was seriously lost.


Mk was following those soldiers he saw passed, there were two(2) of them one short one tall.

They climbed and jumped the fence going towards a forest, Mk did thesame, except he struggled cause it was tall and he didn't have any abilities.

They soldiers landed and continued walking, but MK fell, "fuck" he thought to himself. when he fell he immediately stood up and hid behind a tree, luckily for him the where far away, but they still heard a crash, they looked and saw nothing but just continued walking with some weapons one was holding a bow and the other a sword.

Their weapons weren't the normal looking iron that people knew, it was carved using bones of some beast. it was polished to a shiny bronze which glittered in the moonlight, MK had heard about this weapons they were known as 'beast weapons'.but this was his first time seeing one he just guessed that it was it.

There were beast in the world already and humans found out that they could be used for a lot of things especially weapons and other sources. These beast have crystal inside and that crystal was very important, it was like a diamond in the human world now.

the beast weren't that much on earth but since the war humans got technology and portals that lead to worlds/planets and the hunt beasts there and create the weapons.


Mk continued to follow them but then suddenly nature called. he had to eaze himself cause he held it since training. when he was done, the soldiers were already gone and he was lost. he just continued walking till, he started feeling something calling unto him.

So I have over 100 views but no one bothers to comment.

to tell me my mistakes or anything else huh, not cool guys not cool

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