
The Wandering Vampires: Rage and Wrath

In a distant future where a corporation claims most of the disbanded United States, a young vampire recruiter and his friends wander from state to state in search of vampires and vampires-to-be to recruit into his clan, but his quest is impeded along the way by a gang of flesh-eating vampires as well as an ancient warlock, a charming young necromancer, and an alluring witch revived from the 1800s.

Adam_Elliott · Fantasía
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34 Chs

The High Committee

From the perspective of Austin Clark.

The F.E.F. had three distinct divisions: the Executive Division, the division in which I belonged, the Military Division, and the Research Division. The High Committee consisted of nine members. All nine of us members were gathered at the F.E.F. East Command Center in the High Committee Meeting Room. Some of us came from thousands of miles away to discuss the future of the F.E.F. and the direction the corporation would go in.

Today we would discuss matters pertinent to the F.E.F..

In the center of the room I sat on one edge of the glossy stainless steel table shaped like a nonagon. Fun fact: I was the only High Committee Member that was also a vampire. The two committee members that sat beside me were Boris Callahan, the wealthiest of the committee members, to the left of me, and Charlene Davis to the right. Together, the three of us represented F.E.F. East.

At the center of the table there was a hologram projector that projected the entire globe in lime green. The hologram depicted all the territories governed by the F.E.F. in sky blue and all the territories not governed by the F.E.F. in crimson.

The conversation started with Boris Callahan. "Welcome, everyone. First, I would like to thank the committee members from F.E.F. North and F.E.F. West for being here today.

"We'll start with the most crucial dilemma we face today. As we all know, the Vampyr Empire is growing at an alarming rate. Five years ago, the Vampyr Territory comprised only six states. Today, that number is now ten. The question is, what do we do about it?"

All eyes in the room, except for my own, descended upon me. I felt a little nervous because I was clearly the odd one out. I had been the odd one out for the past four years when I first became a High Committee member. Before that, though, I exclusively worked as a scientist at the F.E.F. Detroit Research Center studying the blood of vampires with supernatural abilities. These days, I manage to find time to fill both roles.

A moment passed before I decided to speak up. "Oh, so you all look to me to figure out how to deal with the Vampyr Empire just because I'm the only vampire amongst you all?" Again, all eyes were on me.

Felicity Glover of F.E.F. North joined the conversation. "Well, you do know more about the Vampyr Empire than any of us here, Mr. Clark."

"True," I admitted. "The Vampyr Empire consists of several gangs and clans of notoriously powerful vampires, as well as the Eight Fangs that serve as the highest authorities. Last night, one of their gangs, the Flesheaters, was disassembled. I was there in St. Louis to witness the event. In fact, I was the one to topple their leader."

Elijah Lerner of F.E.F. West asked, "Just how did you do that?"

I produced the Blood Orb from a pocket inside my black polyester robe and raised it for all to see.

"For those of you that don't know, this is a Promethean orb, one of many magical orbs that gives its user a specific power." Everyone was suddenly very intrigued with my statement. "This orb here is what I call the Blood Orb. It can control the blood of any living creature. I obtained this orb several years ago from an ancient vampire lord known as Uruk. If you doubt me, just allow me to demonstrate what I mean."

I forcibly pricked my left index finger with one of my fangs and a drop of black blood formed. Some of the committee members were shocked to see my blood was black; they clearly had never been around vampires before. The Blood Orb began to glow as I concentrated on the drop of blood on my finger. The drop of blood floated around the room, allowing each and every committee member to observe the drop of blood personally.

"As you can see, the Blood Orb allows me to move blood with my mind. Not only my blood, but the blood of others as well. But that's not all. With the Blood Orb, I can do some pretty awful things. I can make anyone fall asleep instantly. I can also cause blood clots and heart attacks in others, among other things. Anything to do with blood, I have complete control over."

Boris scooted his chair back when the drop of blood stopped mere inches in front of him and fell freely onto the table.

"Are you attempting to threaten us?" Boris cocked his head at me.

"No. I wanted you all to know what I'm capable of. I would never harm you, or anyone in this room."

Now I knew that everyone in the room feared me, so I moved on with the conversation. "The Allegheny Regional Laboratory studies Promethean orbs. Under my authority, I allowed A.R.L. to study the Blood Orb for a few months before the orb was given back to me. It didn't take long for the guys over at A.R.L. to figure out this orb is highly radioactive, and the radioactivity spikes whenever it glows, which is when I use its power.

"Oh, yes. I nearly failed to mention that I use this orb at the cost of my extended life. I've begun to notice negative side effects, such as temporary whole-body paralysis and muscle weakness, as well as an increased rate of aging. I look like I'm 50, yet I'm only 33. I surmise I'll only age quicker the longer that I use this orb. So, I am considering handing off the Blood Orb to A.R.L. for safe-keeping. There the orb will be safe and far from the hands of those that would abuse its power."

Melissa Boyd of F.E.F. West chided me. "This is all wonderful, yet terrible news. You've been hiding the fact you have a magical orb in your possession that can allow you to kill anyone of your choosing in close proximity to you. That in and of itself is a harrowing fact. What if you decide to use your 'Blood Orb' to coerce us into making drastic changes that affect the lives of millions across F.E.F. United? Your conduct is simply unacceptable."

"I would never do such a thing, Ms. Boyd," I answered. "I have never, not once, threatened any of you or any employee of F.E.F. United. I would never compromise my standing and position as a member of the High Committee."

Ms. Boyd glared at me as if I was lying through my teeth. "That may or may not be true. In any case, you pose a huge risk to everyone around you just by carrying that Blood Orb. Did the thought of you exposing those around you to radiation ever cross your mind?"

I remained calm and collected as I thought of a response. "The ionizing radiation produced by my Blood Orb is quite insignificant farther than 12 inches from me. I alone am the one that receives 99.8 percent of the radiation from this orb at the cost of my health."

Ms. Boyd seemed defeated as she slouched back into her chair and remained despondent.

Tyler Cope of F.E.F. West added to the conversation. "How many of these Promethean orbs are there? Where can they be found?"

"I can say with certainty that there are no fewer than a dozen Promethean orbs in existence. There are, perhaps, as many as 40 Promethean Orbs total. They can be found just about anywhere. I would say most, if not all, are each possessed by someone, somewhere."

Tyler replied, "40 Promethean orbs? That's a lot of magical objects scattered about. I believe it's in our best interest to collect these orbs and keep them away from the public. Why, just imagine what someone could do with just two or three of these orbs! They could level cities, devastate entire continents!"

"I agree with you there, Tyler," Langdon Morrow of F.E.F. North added. "These orbs must be confiscated and collected and kept away from the general public. We should vote to determine which one of us will oversee the confiscation and collection of all these Promethean orbs. In my opinion, I believe Austin Clark should oversee this endeavor. Even though he carelessly exposed us all to a miniscule amount of radiation, which is all around us, he does know more about the Promethean orbs than any of us. All in favor of appointing Austin as overseer regarding the confiscation and collecting of Promethean orbs, say aye."

It was no contest. Everyone in the room agreed.

Boris then rehashed the problem of the Vampyr Empire yet again. "Let us not forget the most dire issue at hand. What are we to do about the Vampyr Empire? In a year's time they could take Arizona and Utah. If this keeps happening, then we'll be outmatched within five years. What then? I say we take action, now, to prevent the further spread of the Vampyr Empire. Let's use all the assets at our disposal. Perhaps even Sky Fortress Beta."

"But at what cost?" Cindy Taylor of F.E.F. North replied. "How much would we lose in the process? How many men, how many billions of credits would be spent toward such endeavor?"

Boris seemed irritated to hear Cindy's opposition to his idea. "It comes at a very high cost, Cindy, I know. But the alternative is the disintegration of F.E.F. United. We cannot allow that to happen, can we?"

We all weighed the options before us. Then Charlene Davis of F.E.F. East asked, "What do you suggest, Mr. Callahan?"

"I suggest we activate the Reserve Army. We deploy the 1st Armored Division to the I-10 border between Arizona and New Mexico, and we deploy the 2nd Armored Division to the I-40 border between Arizona and New Mexico. We then send the 1st Infantry Division to Springerville, Arizona, and we send the 2nd Infantry Division to Agate, Utah. The Armored Divisions will make gains in territory, while the Infantry Divisions will hold back the spread of the Vampyr Empire. How does that sound?"

Elijah replied, "It's a decent plan. There may be some kinks that we will need to work out, but it's doable. As soon as this meeting is over, I'll contact General Newton and see what he thinks."

"What else needs to be addressed?" I asked the other committee members.

Tyler answered, "A major concern of ours over at F.E.F. West is our dwindling water supply. Lake Mead and Lake Powell's water levels are dangerously low. If we don't curb water usage by half in the next year, Lake Mead will be gone and Lake Powell will be reduced down to 11% of its normal levels. Such a situation will no doubt cause a war over water rations among the southern states of F.E.F. West. It would be in our best interest to avoid such a catastrophe."

Felicity replied, "Why not enact a ban on all further water usage at Lake Mead and enact a strict rationing of water at Lake Powell and along the Colorado River? F.E.F. North is capable of sending 30 water trucks a day to help support areas of F.E.F. West that has been hit hardest by drought. It wouldn't be an issue for us. Ask, and you shall receive."

"That's really nice of you to say that, Felicity, but, the problem is much worse than what it seems. Years of careless water usage in years past has led to this humongous problem. It is the duty of me and my comrades, Mr. Lerner and Ms. Boyd, to tackle this problem ourselves. The water trucks are a generous offer, but that simply is not enough to cover the southern states of F.E.F. West. That would only lead to our dependence on F.E.F. North. Sure, we'll take your offer. But we also have to enact these new policies straightaway so F.E.F. West can continue to thrive for years to come."

The conversation over water usage went on and on. In my opinion, the water shortage didn't concern F.E.F. North or F.E.F. East, so I had no idea why Mr. Cope brought up the issue. I slouched in my chair with my right hand supporting my head. Time seemed to go rather quickly when I didn't pay attention. I daydreamed about Charlene and I going on a date. That would never happen though, because Charlene isn't a fan of vampires.

Twenty minutes had passed in the blink of an eye it seemed. I was ready to go home and pass out on my bed. Another 5 minutes at this meeting and I'll die of boredom. Thankfully, the meeting was nearing its end and I would be home within the hour.

Boris, again, took over the conversation. "Is there anything else anyone would like to discuss?"

No answer.

"If there is nothing more for us to discuss, then as chairman I hereby bring this meeting to a close. Thank you all for being here today. It's been a pleasure." Boris feigned a pleasurable smile.

Boris was quite the charming middle-aged man, but he had the demeanor of a snake, with sleek brushed-back steel-gray hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a shiny black and silver-gray striped satin suit with dress pants to match. He was also the most senior member of the High Committee, and the wealthiest. He seemed to get whatever he wanted. He had four children, a loyal and supportive wife that would never betray him, and three houses, not to mention two yachts--one for personal use and one for company trips. He owned thousands of acres of land in western Wyoming. He also owned four skyscrapers, five casinos, 27 restaurants, 11 apartment buildings, and the F.E.F. Manhattan Zoo, the only zoo in Manhattan. This man seemingly had it all. One must consider how one man can come to own so much and have so much power at the same time. I plotted to kill the man, someday. Why? He was secretly the largest mob boss in the whole world, responsible for the deaths of thousands of men and women, even children. He didn't care who got in his way. He'd do anything to increase his profit.

I waved casually at Boris. "Have a good day."

Boris responded, "Mr. Clark. Before you go, how would you like to go out to dinner tonight with me and my family at one of my finest restaurants? The Silver Platter? Dinner's on me."

I considered the offer, weighing the benefits. I was ready to drop dead already, but I was in need of a pint of blood. "Does The Silver Platter serve blood on the rocks?"

Boris grinned as if his restaurant could accommodate any request. "Of course, of course. All 27 of my restaurants cater to humans and vampires alike. The Silver Platter is no different. I do hope you will join us."

I nodded. "Sure, I'll be there. Even if I can't eat." I laughed so as not to seem too stiff.

Boris chuckled in response. "You can have all the blood you want tonight. My restaurants harvest blood from only the healthiest human volunteers."

"Sounds great. See you tonight," I said as I headed out the door.

I shivered as I considered how tonight may play out. I'd never been to The Silver Platter before. I wasn't too fond of fine dining.

"See you!" Boris shouted from behind.

Alrighty then.