
The Wandering Vampires: Rage and Wrath

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What is The Wandering Vampires: Rage and Wrath

Lee la novela The Wandering Vampires: Rage and Wrath escrita por el autor Adam_Elliott publicada en WebNovel. In a distant future where a corporation claims most of the disbanded United States, a young vampire recruiter and his friends wander from state to state in search of vampires and vampires-to-be to rec...


In a distant future where a corporation claims most of the disbanded United States, a young vampire recruiter and his friends wander from state to state in search of vampires and vampires-to-be to recruit into his clan, but his quest is impeded along the way by a gang of flesh-eating vampires as well as an ancient warlock, a charming young necromancer, and an alluring witch revived from the 1800s.

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