
The Wandering Vampires: Rage and Wrath

In a distant future where a corporation claims most of the disbanded United States, a young vampire recruiter and his friends wander from state to state in search of vampires and vampires-to-be to recruit into his clan, but his quest is impeded along the way by a gang of flesh-eating vampires as well as an ancient warlock, a charming young necromancer, and an alluring witch revived from the 1800s.

Adam_Elliott · Fantasía
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34 Chs


From the perspective of Jeriah Van Dyke.

I knew things were about to get nasty when what appeared to be a witch and a necromancer joined the battle. I had little experience with witches, and I had zero experience with necromancers. Great.

Atropine warned, "Get behind me, Jeriah. This necromancer, Narcissus, won't hold back, not even for a fledgling."

Atropine readied himself as Narcissus cracked his neck and raised both of his hands into the air with his palms facing upward, as if he was forcing something up out of the ground. Wraiths--hundreds of them--appeared from thin air between Narcissus and Atropine, all of them charging ferociously.

"Jeriah," Atropine said as he faced me. "I need you to command the three animal deities while I face these Shadows alone. Here, take the Bear Orb. Find a safe place to put it. Subdue the witch!"

I did what Atropine asked of me, and I didn't hold back. I stuffed all three orbs into my right pocket and I got behind the three animal deities. I then shouted, "Fenrir! Gordanus! Ursa! Go after that witch and subdue her! Do whatever it takes!"

Immediately the three animal deities obeyed. But the witch was cunning, and she attempted to complicate matters.

"Nebula!" The witch shouted, casting a spell that engulfed the entire area in a dense, foreboding fog. I lost sight of everyone, and the hairs on my arms stood up. Ah, shit. How can I command three animal deities in this dense fog?

"Guys," I said aloud. "Use your senses, find the witch, stop her from causing further harm!"

I felt like I was talking to a wall. There was no response. In fact, I heard nothing at all. Complete silence. What kind of fog was this? Could the animal deities not hear me?

"What's the matter, fledgling? Can your animal friends not hear you?" I heard the voice of the witch as her feminine silhouette came into view.

I was feeling bold, so I didn't hold back any harsh words."You think fog will stop me from whooping your ass, lady? Think again. I can play your games. I know how this works. This is just some trick of yours to slow me down and give your boss more time to escape with Chase's body. Not happening, sugar."

"Just try to stop me, fledgling. You won't be able to lay a finger on me unless I allow it."

The witch was now clearly visible, just a few feet in front of me. She had striking electric-blue eyes and long black hair, and she had a figure like an hourglass.

"Hmm, you sure are cute. Have you ever slept with a witch?"

I laughed, then my face turned dim as I was reminded of Elizabeth. "I already have. Quite recently, actually. But she was killed. Violently."

"That sucks." The witch stepped closer to me with flirtatious intent. "I know you're trying to help your friend and you're trying to stop me, but, why don't we have some fun instead? We can do whatever we want here and nothing on the outside will have changed. So, what do you think? Am I your type?"

I chuckled. "Any pretty female is my type. I guess that includes you." I didn't forget what I was supposed to be doing. I then remembered back to my talk with Magnifico, the magician. Was I capable of charming this witch? "You never told me your name, witch."

"It's Janice."

"Okay, Janice. Come here."

Janice rubbed her legs against mine and petted me. That's when I grabbed her throat. Janice, I assumed, liked to be dominated. So I gripped harder. Just as I thought--Janice could only grin even wider. She loved it. But I wasn't playing with her, and I had no intention of submitting to her desires.

"Undo this fog, and we can continue what we were doing," I lied.

Janice was unable to resist the words that came out of my mouth. "Anything for you, master. Cecidimus."

The fog cleared fairly quickly. Yet, Janice did not leave my side.

I ordered the three animal deities over to me. "Boys, over here!"

I then told Janice to make friends with the three animal deities. "Why don't you make some new friends? They're really nice, for beasts."

"Sure," Janice replied, eerily joyous, unable to resist.

I joined back up with Atropine who was slinging spells at the hordes of wraiths that were attempting to reach him. "Micare!" Atropine shouted again and again. But I could see he was tiring out, and I wasn't much of an opponent against onyx-black, voracious wraiths.

I shouted over to Atropine, "Hey, Atropine! Make an opening for me to get over to that necromancer! I'll get him to stop!"

"Think you can?!" Atropine shouted back, a bit skeptical.

"I know I can," I replied, confident in my abilities.

"Okay! Go, now! Caecus!" Atropine shouted, and from the palms of both of his hands came a light so bright and powerful even I had trouble weaving through the blinded wraiths.

I trekked my way over to the necromancer, who was as surprised as I am. The wraiths were now behind me.

"Shocked?" I asked the necromancer.

"A bit," the necromancer replied, unaffected. "I wonder how you could have overcome Janice's spell. What are you, some kind of magician and vampire hybrid?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "You could say that. I never thought of myself as a magician, though."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jeriah Van Dyke. Who the hell are you?"

"Narcissus Bianchi. You're well on your way to becoming a magician, if you aren't already. Sadly, your time is up."

The necromancer was about to reach for the dagger sheathed at his side, until I told him to halt, and he stopped completely in his tracks, frozen and stiff.

I commanded the necromancer, "I want you to call off the wraiths, now. Do it, or I'll have you slit your own throat."

Narcissus struggled to speak. "Your charm… It's very powerful. But… it's not… powerful enough."

Narcissus shook and swayed violently, and, remarkably, soon he was able to overcome my charm. He then extended his right hand and made fist. The wraiths instantly vanished. I thought I was going to have to resort to killing the necromancer, but no, he made it easy for me.

"You.. you called off the wraiths? But why?"

Narcissus had willed his way completely out of the charm now. "Because, I know it's no use. We're outmatched. Your words alone are formidable enough. But my boss isn't going to be happy that you threw a wrench into his plans. I wonder what I'll tell him when he asks why I couldn't kill you."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "I'll take care of it."

"You? Take care of it? Funny. You're dealing with Khaal, an ancient warlock, the most powerful mage in existence, and you want to talk him out of taking your friend back to Tartarus with him? I suppose you may have a chance. Knock yourself out."

"Thanks," I said.

I made my way toward Khaal.

Khaal was in the middle of forming a portal when he turned around to face me. The malformed portal soon dissipated.

"Who disturbs me?"

"Hey. I'm Jeriah, Chase's friend. Look. I know you're an ancient warlock and you're super mega powerful, but it would be nice to unpossess my friend, okay? I mean, why do you want him, anyway?"

Khaal stared at me blankly, a slight sneer forming at the corner of his mouth. "What do you think I need him for?"

"I honestly don't know. Maybe you want to sacrifice him for one of your rituals?"

"No, I don't plan on doing that. I need Chase for one reason, and one reason only. I need him to serve as my vassal. There's no better candidate than him. Believe it or not, he is the strongest, most dangerous vampire alive. If he wanted to, he could easily conquer the entire world with the snap of his fingers."

I was astounded. "You need Chase to be your vassal? What the hell? What for? Can't you make your own body?"

Khaal shook his head. "It's not that easy. To make a body, I need a body. But why make a new body when this new one serves me best? I couldn't have done better creating a new body myself."

I was now brimming with anger. "I don't care if Chase's body suits you. His body doesn't belong to you. What's it gonna take for you to leave him alone, and leave these Prometheans alone? A good roasting?"

"You see, therein lies the problem. My spirit, under normal circumstances, can't leave the walls of the Onyx Palace inside Tartarus. But, thanks to Chase, I'm free once again. I intend to stay free. I have no other desire, nor do I want anyone else. I will raze the entire Earth to make Chase's body my own!" Khaal cackled a sinister laugh.

I seethed, knowing very well that I had no choice but to stop Khaal in order to save Chase from being perpetually possessed. But what kind of force was I, pitted against the most powerful warlock who had ever lived? What was I going to do?

"My dear boy, you should give up. Just as your fire-wielding friend has given up."

Khaal reminded me of Brandon's presence. Brandon stood alone, unbothered and without conviction. He didn't seem confused, just hopeless, I believe. He hugged himself loosely as he stared down at the ground. I wouldn't let Khaal do the same to me. No way, I thought. I never, ever give up.

"You should give up, Khaal. Before you see my bad side."

Instead of surprise, Khaal seemed rather intrigued as he grinned. "So determined, are you? Why don't you make me?"

There was magic in my voice, that much was certain. But how much? "Khaal, I want you to abandon Chase's body, and I want you to take your wraiths and your friends with you. And I want you to never attempt to contact Chase again. Do this, and I won't have to end your miserable existence."

Khaal continued to grin, seemingly unaffected. "I'll leave. But Chase is going with me."

Khaal attempted to reopen a portal to Tartarus. The ancient warlock sure was determined. I didn't know what else to do. I was stumped. I couldn't hurt Chase, even if he was possessed. I couldn't imagine any way out of the situation. Until, finally, I realized the only thing I could do. Maybe I could somehow speak to Chase and maybe charm him, if he is at all reachable?

"Chase, buddy. I know I've been an asshole to you, but I need you to listen to me. If you don't try to expel this Khaal guy from your body, he's gonna take you to Tartarus. Dude, if there's any way you can, make this Khaal guy leave your body. Your friends need you."

That was it. I had nothing else to say. But did Chase hear me? I had no idea.

Khaal continued to form the portal, and when it was finished forming, he turned to me. "Nice try. Maybe make some new friends? Friends that will actually listen to you."

Khaal then lowered his head as he glared at me, darkly, before turning his back to me. As Khaal was about to step through the portal, he stopped. He tried to take another step, but his leg froze mid-air. Khaal retracted his steps and stepped away from the portal.

"I hate warlocks," Chase said.

I was surprised. It wasn't Khaal's voice that responded to me.

Chase turned to me and the portal collapsed behind him. He was grinning, happy to be free from Khaal's grasp, and his eyes were back to their normal crystal blue hue.

Narcissus walked up beside me, raising his Promethean orb into the air. "Get back into the orb, Hiroto!" Narcissus commanded.

The giant Hiroto, in the process of battling the Grandmasters, heard his master's call. Hiroto shouted angrily, and the sound of his voice rattled my ears and shook the ground. \

"He doesn't sound too happy," I remarked.

Narcissus shook his head. "No, he doesn't. But he must obey."

Hiroto attempted to swing his giant weapon at Scolopendra, but he dropped his weapon as he started to evaporate into thin air.

The giant shouted. "Narcissus! Damn you!"

Narcissus could only chuckle as he shook his head.

"What was that thing?" I asked, curious.

"That giant deity you saw, Hiroto, is a Nether Guardian. There are five others like him. Each one is bound to their own Promethean orb."

Chase could only glare at Narcissus with contempt as he asked, "Why did you stop attacking us?"

Narcissus shrugged. "I dunno. It felt like the right thing to do, I guess. I knew I was the deciding factor in whether you were going to be set free or not."

Chase blew out a breath of hot air. "You still have to answer for all the death and destruction you caused here today."

Narcissus laughed in response.

"I have no intention of being at the mercy of the Prometheans. Janice! Snap out of it! We're leaving!"

Chase moved to grab Narcissus, but Narcissus swiftly dodged Chase and flung his hand forward, instantly opening a portal. Chase fell flat on his face after missing his chance to grab Narcissus.

"So you're leaving!" Chase yelled. "You're not even gonna explain what the hell happened here?!"

Narcissus looked back momentarily, then he shouted back, "I was gonna work for the Khaal guy that possessed you. I changed my mind. Be happy knowing I didn't take things any farther. I'm sure we'll meet again. Until next time."

Janice and Narcissus both disappeared through the portal. I didn't bother chasing after them. I was beyond mentally exhausted. It surprised me, though, that Janice broke free from my charm at Narcissus's beckoning.

Brandon seemed to snap out of his delusion, now he was alert and aware. "What the fuck? What happened?"

Chase slammed his fist on the asphalt. "The enemy got away, that's what!" Chase breathed heavily as he sweated. "They fucking got away."

I helped Chase up off the ground. He seemed awfully disgusted after having been possessed by Khaal, and even more disgusted for not being able to stop Narcissus.

"Let it go, Chase. You heard him. We'll see him again some day. Maybe then we can all whoop his ass and, I don't know. Hand him over to the F.E.F.?"

"That wouldn't be good enough punishment for him. He summoned that Nether Guardian! It killed people, Jeriah! It's all his fault!"

I nodded, trying not to anger Chase any further. "I agree. But killing this necromancer won't solve anything. Would it?"

Chase glared at me, his breathing beginning to slow and normalize. "No, killing him wouldn't solve anything, but it would make me feel much better."

The Grandmasters and the animal deities gathered around us, all of them appearing exhausted.

Scolopendra appeared the most surprised. "Chase, who the hell were those guys?"

"I don't know. But I'm guessing they were hired by the guy that possessed me to help take me to Tartarus."

"Their names are Janice and Narcissus, and the warlock that possessed Chase is Khaal," I clarified. "But I don't think we'll be seeing Khaal working together with the other two ever again."

Scolopendra cupped his hands over his face, then he dragged his hands down slowly. He sighed, then he heaved. "Grandmasters. What do you all say about this matter?"

Atropine pitched in. "I say this is just a freak accident. Chase couldn't help from being possessed by Khaal and being persecuted by the witch and the necromancer."

Chase summed things up. "Actually, I allowed Khaal to possess me, but I thought he was going to help me. Turns out I was wrong."

Evelyn added to the conversation. "I say we kick him out. Him and his two pals. Banish them from Promethean Territory for at least the next ten years. They're a danger to us all."

Chase chuckled, then he replied, "We were just about to leave after daybreak. If that's okay."

Nicole spoke her mind. "I do think Chase and his friends should leave and not come back. But I'm going with them. I've already made up my mind. I renounce my position as a Promethean Grandmaster and as a member of the Fatal Six."

"We'll be going as well," said a young, pale-skinned redheaded woman, standing beside another slightly taller woman that seemed to be her sister.

"Who are you two?" I asked the two redheads.

Brandon got between the middle of the two redheads and I. "Hehe, funny story. I met these two ladies earlier. They would like to travel with us, so long as we don't try to suck their blood. The younger, more beautiful one, her name is Phoenix. The other is Angeline."

I raised an eyebrow at Angeline. "Hello, darling."

"Shove off, creep," Angeline replied.

I rolled my eyes in response.

Chase crossed his arms. "So it's gonna be us three vampires, a witch, and two humans, all traveling together? Sounds like a wonderful idea."

"I'm sad to see you go, Nicole," Scolopendra said. "We'll miss you greatly."

"I'm sorry too. But I have to go. This Fatal Six business is getting old. With me gone it'll just leave you, Atropine, and Evelyn to look after Promethean Territory. It should be easier for the three of you that way."

"So be it," Evelyn said. "You were a great leader, Nicole. But if you won't stay, that's fine with me. We can look after this strip of land just fine ourselves."

Atropine held back tears. "Dammit. I'm gonna miss Monday Movie Night with you, Nicole. Hell. I'll miss you in general. We had so many fun times together."

"I'll miss you too, Atropine." Nicole walked up to the huge, hulking behemoth Atropine was, then she hugged him with all her might. "I hate to leave, but it's just something I gotta do."

"I know," Atropine replied, saddened with tears streaming down his face.

Evelyn rolled her eyes, then joined in on the hug. Scolopendra, though, kept his distance.

I looked off into the horizon. The sun would rise in about an hour.

"We'll take a headcount of those we just lost. Then we'll clean up this mess," Scolopendra addressed the situation. "As for Chase and his group. They have two hours to collect any of their belongings and to set out for their next destination. They will not be allowed back to Promethean Territory for the next ten years. Are we in agreement, Grandmasters Atropine and Evelyn?"

Both Atropine and Evelyn nodded in unison, though Atropine didn't seem happy about it.

"Okay then," Scolopendra continued. "The decision is final. Chase, you and your followers have two hours left here at Promethean Territory. But please, try not to interrupt us Grandmasters while we work diligently to fix all the damage done today. I hope you find whoever or whatever you're looking for in Chicago."

Scolopendra tipped his head and walked away with Atropine and Evelyn. They had a lot of work to do, I couldn't blame them for walking off.

"Take care, Nicole, Jeriah, and all of you," Atropine said as he walked away.

"Oh wait!" I shouted at Atropine. "You forgot your orb!" I ran Atropine's Promethean orb over to him, then I handed it over.

"Thanks. I would have forgotten, if not for you. You do so well commanding Gordanus and Fenrir, you should keep their orbs, we have no reason to keep them. Continue to excel at commanding the both of them. They will serve you well." Atropine smiled dimly as he turned and walked away.

We were then left there, the six of us, as well as the three animal deities Gordanus, Fenrir, and Leo, to think about everything. It felt weird, but it also felt good knowing we had a sense of unity.

"Are we really going to Chicago?" I asked Chase.

"Yes, we're really going to Chicago," Chase replied. "Where else would we go?"

"Denver?" Angeline suggested.

"No, too cold," Chase replied.

"What about Seattle?" Phoenix asked.

"No again, but maybe someday," Chase replied.

"Las Vegas?" Angeline suggested.

"Eventually," Chase said with a grin.

"But seriously, why Chicago?" I asked Chase.

"I think it's in our best interest to get back into touch with that Zed guy and his group. They seemed to know a lot about Vampyr Society, and we're in the dark here. We need more information. Since I can't communicate with the rest of my clan, I thought it would be best if we find out more about Vampyr Society and see if they have connections to our clan. Does everyone agree?"

Everyone nodded.

"Wonderful," Chase finished.

"I'm hungry," Angeline said. "I'm pretty sure Phoenix is too. Is there any way we could get some food around here?"

Nicole replied instead. "Sure. Let me show you to my apartment. I have to pack some things, anyway."

The girls then went together on their merry way to Nicole's apartment.

"I'm going back into my orb. Nice chat, though. Talk to you all later," Leo said before vanishing.

Then there were only two animal deities left in our presence.

"I think I'll go back into my orb for a while as well," said Gordanus.

"Me three," Fenrir added.

Both Gordanus and Fenrir vanished.

Chase huffed, "There's something about that Narcissus guy that makes my skin crawl. To be honest, I'm more worried about him than anything."

"They both seemed scary to me," Brandon replied. "But Khaal is definitely the most wicked, the most powerful wizard I've ever seen. I thought I could fight him while he was inside your body. That didn't go so well."

"I'm surprised I was able to break free from Khaal's spell over me. I could see everything that was happening, but I was powerless to stop it, until Jeriah used his words of persuasion on me. If you hadn't said what you said, Jeriah, I'd probably be in Tartarus right about now."

"You're welcome," I said nonchalantly. "How about we go find that Tahoe?" I suggested. "We're gonna need some wheels if we're gonna make it to Chicago by the end of the day. Wheels that can fit our group of six."

Chase and Brandon both agreed with a nod. The three of us walked away in search of the black 2032 Chevy Tahoe.