
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
140 Chs


[Target marked]

[Current running speed - 1539ms]

'Not bad for over a week's worth of improvements. But still not enough.' His speed was good but compared to what speed was, he was damn slow. 

I was flying without air resistance and the almost negative influence of gravity acting on me, which meant no friction or impact lag. 

"I'm increasing your workload." I whispered in his ears causing him to jerk before his face contorted into an alarmed expression. "You too, Wanda."

They were such a lively pair. But then I remembered the result of the recent search I did a few days ago and a frown stained my thick red face. 

Their mother was unfaithful, or rather she didn't know her children didn't belong to the man who later became her husband. They were Magneto's children all right. They were probably conceived from a past tryst between their mother and Eric, though they remained blissfully unaware. 

Whether I liked it or not, they deserved to know the truth without any filters. I truly cared for them so there was no way I could afford to keep this for them. 

'Well, I can tell them after they are done with their increased workload.' I rightfully postponed it. 

I turned around and saw Pietro trying his best to catch up to me which made me smile warm-heartedly at him. "Naïve."

I blasted myself further ahead, leaving Pietro with only a yellow trail and a timer. Since he wanted to race me so much, he'd better go all out. 


[General POV] 

Steve had called Banner and Natasha to have a discussion with them on their actions moving forward. 

"It's rare for you to call such a meeting when there's nothing going on. There is, isn't there? Something going on." Banner as usual was very perceptive about such things. Fugitive survival skill 101.

Natasha remained silent as she waited for Steve to speak what he had in mind, knowing it was quite serious given Steve's disposition. 

"I was recently brought to the idea that I might have been a little selfish and that has resulted in quite a few unfortunate events." Steve started. 

"Unlike you guys, I am stranded here, with no hope of going back. I've lost everything I once held dear so I cling onto the only thing that reminded me of who I was." Steve's voice grew hoarse as he remembered what he saw when Wanda got in his head. 

Stark had said he doesn't trust a man without a dark side, but his was carefully hidden under normalcy. 

"What are you saying, Steve?" Natasha asked, a little nervous about his reply despite what her stoic façade might tell. 

"Unlike me, all of you have a life outside these walls and it would be hypocritical of me to expect me not to yearn for it. So, I want you to know that whatever you decide does not in any way change what I feel about you. The only thing I ask for is your help when I need it." He said cutting to the point. The other two people in the room were stunned by his words. 

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I know you all want to be out there. This," pointing all around, "is all I can do. It's my only identity left. The Avengers were made to battle world threats but that doesn't mean forsake your remaining lives for it. That's all I have to say." He stood up as he finished what he had to say and left the room for the two of them. 

"Bruce…" Natasha looked at Bruce, knowing what his answer would be. 

Bruce sighed before turning to Natasha with a sad expression on his face. "I'll wait for your decision." He stood up and left, leaving Natasha alone in the room with a downcast face. 


[Vision POV] 

Of course they would lose. It wasn't even a race with how slow the Quicksilver was. 

He was three minutes late despite running at his top speed while I wasn't even near mine. Quite a disparity but it's a work in progress all things considered. 

The person I met upon my return was surprisingly Sam Wilson who looked as if he was just coming back from a mission as he was dressed in his full gear. 

"Hey Vision. Went out?" He asked as he walked beside me. 

"Yes. The city was quite a sight to see, though too congested for my liking." He laughed for a bit before nodding in understanding. "Well that's New York for ya. See you around, Vision. I need to holla at the captain for a bit." He waved me off as he took another route towards Steve's room. 

On getting to my room, the first thing I did was closing every lighting in the room with a mental command. 

I then projected the information I got from Stark on one side while I brought up mine on the other. 

'Since I don't know any truth in regards to the Mind Stone, compare both of them and link out the similarities. Tab the conclusion and cross-reference it with both mine and Stark's conjectures.'

[Task generated] 

[Data analysis completed] 

Like I thought, when it comes to energy Stark was at the forefront ahead of everybody else. His conjectures and theories on making a pseudo-Mind Stone arc reactor which had a vastly purer energy than anything on earth was even better than mine. 

But still, those pseudo reactors wouldn't be enough for me. I need something more since I was a lot stronger than what Vision was at this time and vastly so in the ever nearing future. 

"How's the scan of my body coming along?"

[Status – Ongoing] 

"Huh? That's surprising. I thought it'd be done by now."

[The processed ores properties are numerous and mostly unknown. Taking all possibilities into account will increase the processing time by an inconclusive duration]

Just why are things hard to fully understand in this universe. Everything of little importance just have to have that 'unexplored' potential. 

'Fine. Note out all the properties and run their data through what we know of the Mind Stone. Wash, rinse and repeat.'

[Task updated] 

[Cross-referencing Vibranium body properties against acquired data of the Mind Stone and seeing how it affects known abilities] 

'I need some Vibranium to work with… that isn't me. Page Friday for some Vibranium.'

Well then in the meantime, I believe some light exercise and revelation are in store for a particular duo. 





No chapter tomorrow as it's my rest day from everything. There'll be one on Sunday though.

You can find +5 chapters ahead in my patreøn

