
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · Película
Sin suficientes valoraciones
140 Chs


You can find +15 chapters ahead on my patreøn



[Vision POV]

Thankfully for us, Thor and his group had been clearing a lot of the demon infected areas weeks now and they started their extermination crusade on Gorag two days back so we had fewer places to hit and spent less time in each location.

Me and Wanda teaming up with Thor against the flame demon was an overkill already waiting to happen. Add Pietro into that and it's a steamroll of the disrespectful kind.

He had a habit of being casual on the battlefield which I think comes from the fact that very few could keep up with him when he moves.

His help in bailing any warrior being pressed down was an immense contribution that reduced the death toll on Thor's side to zero after we joined in.

Another thing about the Asgardians I noticed was that they were super soldier level of strength to varying degrees.

Fandral was definitely faster than Steve and Volstagg was just as strong as the improved Steve. The other two, Hogun and Sif, with their spiked mace and sword respectively, were experts in the mastery of their weapons.

The four of them were definitely peak warriors when it comes to combat. So good that nobody I've seen on earth comes close to them when it comes to weapon mastery.

'I guess that these are the expected results when they've had centuries to a millennium to hone their fighting capabilities.'

"That's the last of them." One of the Einherjar came and reported what was the end of our crusade on this planet.

Fun fact about the planet called Gorag, it has 50 hours in a day and 15 of those cover the entire day while the remaining 35 hours is unforgiving torture of their huge shining bright sun.

"So Thor what now?" I asked him.

"Heimdall will bring us back to Asgard in a few minutes where there's a banquet waiting and I'll introduce you to my father." Thor said with practiced ease. This definitely wasn't the first time he's done something like this.

"I thought outsiders weren't allowed in Asgard?" I asked with a bit of concern.

He on the other hand casually waved any concerns I might have had. "My father probably, certainly, definitely knows that you are my trusted friend. If he didn't want you on Asgard he would have sent me a message."

And that was another evidence that this universe alternate of the mainstream timeline I knew. The similarities between them were glaringly almost identical but small yet major changes like these make the differences apparent.

In other words, Odin is not on deathbed and I might possibly meet a version that's more comic oriented and that is an Odin I'd try my best to avoid any type of altercation with.

"It's about time, Heimdall." I looked at the sky at Thor's words and could see it swirling before the light engulfed us and forcefully pulled us through spatial points.

The information I gleaned from this few seconds of travel was so big that I just forgot about it. This was pure magic, runes, the roots of a primordial tree, and top with energy from the Space Stone.

I might figure something out if I go through it a couple of times but that's a request I have no intention of voicing to either Thor or, godforbid, Odin.

If I had been truly human, I would have been wrecked with nervousness like Wanda and Pietro but instead all that came to me was paranoid cautiousness and escape plans. And neither of those looked good.

[Probability of surviving a confrontation with Asgard's Allfather based on existing information and conjectures – 0%]

[Combat or provoking a negative reaction from the Allfather is strongly advised against]

I already knew this but having my own processor throwing it in my face after basing it on my own knowledge regarding Odin didn't feel reassuring.

My eyes scammed the dome of the Bifrost and studied the figure standing on the highest platform in the middle of the dome.

He was tall, over 9 ft and a half, fitted in golden armor that only left the area around his eyes open for people to see. His eyes were golden with tiny dotted illuminances facing around in his eyes.

We both looked at each other for a second or two before he moved his head towards Thor after greeting us with a welcome. I also noticed that he didn't blink throughout the whole thing, not even once.

"How is it Heimdall?" Thor asked and claimed the platform to stand with Heimdall who was now looking at the black expanse of space.

"The forces of Muspelheim have retreated back to the crevices of their realm thanks to your effort, my prince." He said with a slight bow.

"But it's temporary, is it not?"

"Affirmative, my prince. But I reckon they'll stay put for a little while to build up a larger attacking force after all their groups were hunted down…"

"Meaning a bigger target, but without the surprise factor." Thor interjected to which the tall guardian nodded.

"I'll meet with father before the banquet and notify me of any other attacks, Muspelheim forces or not." Thor said and climbed back down and started directing us outside of the dome.

"Welcome to my home, hidden beyond the brightest stars, Asgard."

My honest reaction was that it was easily the most magnificent place I've ever seen and even the logical part of me couldn't help but be impressed.

Especially with the pure gold structure of the Asgardian royal palace that stretched up to the clouds.

".. Just... Wow! It's breathtaking." Wanda gasped in amazement of the beautiful city in front of us.

While gold wasn't used in building every single structure except the palace, gold was incorporated into every single building to some degree. Either designed into the pillars or even the doors.

"Come on, let's not dawdle longer." He spun his hammer and shot straight at the palace while beckoning us to follow.

"Are there no rules against visitors flying straight to Odin's court?" I asked the Warrior Three who were preparing to board a flying ship.

Fandral answered. "There are but since Thor waived it for you, you don't have to worry."

We followed soon after and caught up with Thor who just landed, seemingly speaking to a guard.

"Unfortunately, father is currently busy with his generals which means he'll meet us at the banquet if he feels up to it." Thor explained and led us through a few large doors to arrive at a hall. "Make yourself comfortable. The others will be here soon."

"Damn man, your crib is so dope." Pietro exclaimed, still in wonder at Asgard's grandeur. I would've been behaving the same if I didn't have a perfect active control over my emotions.

"I don't know what that means, but thanks." He grabbed a gourd on the table we sat around and poured each of us a drink.

"So, how has Midgard been? Not another calamity threatening the planet I hope?"

Wow, this is a nice brew. More potent and intoxicating than most of what you'll find on earth.

"We've been alright, a few hiccups here and there but mostly alright. At least until the next big psycho." I replied.

By now the hall was slowly getting crowded and Thor's four friends were sitting with us, wine in one hand and meat in the other.

"How about your quest concerning information on the Stones, any luck?" I'm not that fixated on the Infinity Stones, I mean I wouldn't be if I had another choice.

Unlike people like Wanda, Pietro, Thor and even Bruce, my potential cap is strictly limited if I am to pursue strength on my own.

Like I did with Kang's armor by fusing with it, or using the Mind Stone to copy abilities that are biological and scientific in nature, it's hard for me to grow stronger.

Unless I fuse with a Celestial's armor or the Infinity Stones, while extremely powerful, it's still not sufficient. At best, by maxing out what I currently have, I'll be a planet buster.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean much in the power scale as even the X-Men have up to five planet busters on their roster once they learn how to use their abilities well.

"Other than rumors and a few gossips going around, I have no concrete evidence after all this while." Thor said in an irritated but calm way.

I noticed when we met back on Gorag, but Thor's a lot calmer now than I remembered him being. No, not calmer. More composed, balanced in the way he carries himself.

"What kind of rumors?" Wanda asked.

"Apparently an intergalactic conqueror by the name of the Mad Titan is hunting for the Stones. He had a clash with the Nova Empire a month back."

"Multi-galactic power?"

"Yes." Thor nodded and continued feasting on the sumptuous spread in front of us with a warrior's veracity. He took a large gulp directly from a gourd and banged it on the table after finishing its content.

"There's a rumor however that had been circulating recently from a few weeks back. But I have no way of confirming if it's true or if it's simply just another baseless rumor." Thor choked out with a slight uptick to his voice as he forsook the meat and went for a purple apple instead.

I took my time in savoring the sublime aftertaste of the wine and meat when taken at the same time. "And why is this one any more important than the other rumors you heard circling about?"

I wonder how he wasn't fat with how he was competing with Volstagg in the number of plates they've eaten and chalked it up to god gene.

"That? It's because it started circulating after the fight between the Mad Titan's army and the Nova Corp. Possibly the reason why they fought, at least according to the story out there, is for the possession of an Infinity Stone they found."

I don't like where this is going and I'm hoping it's probably just another rumor, but given what I know of Thanos and his multiverse-wide obsession with the Stones to the point that he'd even risk a war against Xander foreshadows a bad foreboding.

"Which Stone?" I asked and saw a flash or worry pass through Thor's eyes for a split second before he shrugged and took another swig from a new gourd he picked up.

"The Time Stone."