
A Rather Interesting Encounter

Since I awakened, I had been training non-stop with my Haki and fruit. Four years had passed since then and I officially deemed myself as fifteen years old. I had explored all over the forest I now called home and soon found out that it was an island. The sea was calm, no signs of waves anywhere to be seen. "Am I...am I in the Calm Belt?" I asked myself. Deciding that I would be more likely to get more information from staying here, I decided to move my camp from the stream; which was about an hour from the shore to the beach. It was quick because I didn't have much stuff on my person, from then on. I would follow the same routine I had been following since I got here.

Except for one day, when I sensed a ship nearby with my observation haki. It seemed that they were heading west ward which was to the left of where I was standing while the sun was to my right. It was moving at a rather slow pace as if it didn't have any goal in particular. I was conflicted on whether or not I should fly to it, considering the fact I had awoken my devil fruit spawning wings wasn't too much work for me. However, I didn't want them panicking and trying to shoot me down when I approached them. Moreover, I don't want to believe that any individual in this world has pure intentions. I ultimately decided against it and went back to sleep, ignoring the ship. 

Later on, when I woke up to hear a thunderstorm outside. My tent was barely holding on, so I had to get out and reorganize it in a way that the tent would not give into the fiery tempests that the storm had conjured. While I did that, something interesting had caught my haki. Remember the ship that was sailing leisurely? Yeah, that ship was on its way here now. I guess they wanted to wait out the storm before they kept going. As they got closer, I managed to see more details about the ship that was sailing near my island. Moreover I could see their jolly roger, "Pirates I see" I dully noted. Although it was dark, thanks to my devil fruit I was able to have some form of visibility in the night. The more they got closer the more I could see in detail, until I saw what exactly their jolly roger showed.

"Ain't no way.....Ain't no fucking way" I stammered as I slowly began stepping back. I recognized that goddamn jolly roger and who was the captain. I just didn't realize how far back in the past I was in. Suddenly, I sensed two different forms of observation haki looking right at me. Sweat slowly rolled down my forehead as I awaited their arrival. Since they already noted my presence here, there was no need for me to run away and hide. They would come looking for me whether I liked it or not. Probably to try and sell me to the World Government or whatever sick twisted ideas their captain had planned for.

I continued staring as the Saber of Xebec finally docked at the beach. They couldn't directly land at the shore, so they had to use a rowing boat to land ashore. However, it seemed that two of those people didn't need a rowing boat. They jumped directly from the boat and landed right on the island. A considerable distance from me, I let the smoke clear out from the impact of their landing clear out first before I could get a good look at them. They were both tall people in height, one man and another woman, the man wore a captain's hat and had lush blonde hair flow to either side of his shoulders. He held a giant naginata that was almost as tall, if not taller, as him as he looked at me with rather curious eyes.

The other was a rather beautiful woman with pink hair, she wasn't as tall as the man but the power that she excluded was no less than the man beside her. Did I recognize them? Of course I did! I'm not that dumb not to recognize two of the future four emperors of the sea: Whitebeard and Big Mom! My mind was racing to get a logical way to get out of whatever the hell was happening. 'TF are they doing here?!?!?!?! They should be in the New World!!!' I yelled at myself internally. For a reason that I could not find myself, my outward appeared expressionless. I would dare argue I looked indifferent. The three of us continued to give each other a stare down, Whitebeard and Big Mom trying to size me up. Whereas I was wondering who would try to attack me and how.

Bet you didn't expect a cliffhanger, huh?

Lemme eat lunch then imma keep going.

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Leo_DiAngelocreators' thoughts