
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasía
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98 Chs

The Grumbles

The letter read.

"I know you may only find this when you're some ways away from the capital. Just know that I may not be alive at the time you are reading this. I know you're a recently advanced Shaman. I saw the way your eyes and tattoos slightly lit up when you were looking at my axe and i could see the fluctuations in your spirit"

Belle gently rubbed the back of her neck. And continued reading

"Anyway enough of that. Here are three things you need to know if you want to survive outside the capital and in the world of witchcraft."

Her grip on the letter had already significantly tightened and she looked despondent . She flipped to the the back or the letter and it read :

1. If something seems to be a coincidence it is most likely not. If things go too well for you beware of the web that might be spun around you. There are very few coincidences in this world of madness.

2. When in fights with other witches. Knowing how to manipulate and abuse the laws of your abilities in the only way to survive. Trickery and deception are and will always be your best friends.

3. Unless you are of sufficient strength avoid 'Them' at all costs. You are not strong enough to even gaze at them without being corrupted.

She took each of these rules to heart and placed important significance on the last point that he made. She did not know who 'They' were but she knew it wasn't her place.

"That is all I have to say to you Princess Bellerose."

A small sticky note was attached the back. She inwardly commented on his lack of fore planning. She still however read it and as she did her gaze softener

"You asked me why I helped you…Well you reminded me of my late wife when she was younger. Afraid of being cooped up in her glass box and would do anything to go on adventures with me at sea. I see a bit of her in you. So thrive and live to your fullest.

Ps. I don't know if this may be a tad selfish of me to ask but one day when your strong enough can you visit the Isle of Thunder and Lightning and place my daughters cup somewhere safe on the island?"

Belle fiddled in her luggage and saw a note book wrapped around a glass cup and scratched into the front of the book were the words 'as a parting gift'.

Belle unwrapped the book and placed the cup back into her things. She opened the book and along the first page it read.

"Guide to the Ancient language of spirits by Mama ODIE"

She took note of the author and wondered who she was to be able to write a guide book on this stuff.

She flipped to the next page. It was all in those unintelligible characters which she couldn't understand. She then began to focus and her mind instantly whirred to life and her silver eyes glowed.

A dim light began to shine beneath her clothes.

She read for what felt like hours but was in reality only thirty minutes.

She then stopped reading as her mind felt hot and she felt extremely tired. She then noticed that she had been sweating and went into the cramped shower area of her carriage to wash herself.

Inside was a small section of tiled floor and a pan of water. She felt like a peasant but she still however washed herself with what little water there was. In the shower she questioned how the pan of water got refilled.

Under the guise of her deep thoughts she had failed to notice that the carriage had stopped moving. A slight twist of the knob came and an intense staring contest ensued.

A young boy holding a pail of water stared straight at her. His face was flushed red and his brown eyes stared incessantly at the two things that dangled off her chest.

Immediately covering herself from his perverted gaze she threw the water bucket at him and doused him in water. He fell back and a high pitched scream was heard coming from inside a carriage.

A Group of people seated in a clearing a little ways away turned and looked towards it. They were all dressed in regular cloth clothing. Their attire seemed suitable for the transportation task they were given. Some of them however were wearing suits of armor and held swords and a few of them bow and arrows.

They were relatively well armed. Most had already shifted their gaze away from the carriage as their boss had informed them beforehand that the person inside was 'prized' cargo.

An old man however kept his gaze on the carriage. He was short and had a large rotund stomach but his forearms were large and muscular. His legs followed the same pattern. With a small pipe in hand he gave it a few puffs before turning to a teenage girl beside him.

"Mable…Did you send you brother in there to see what kind of 'special' cargo there was?"

A girl slightly shorted than him gave him puppy dog eyes. The old man looked at her figure she wore the same scrappy clothing as the rest of them however she wore an extra shirt for whatever reason. Her green eyes which were half covered by her bronze hair looked at his half suspicious brown eyes. Before he could reprimand her another loud noise was heard.

Less than an instant later a young boy was seen tumbling down the steps of the carriage. A water bucket was on top of his head making him look quite comical. The group of people all laughed with unending joy at the sight. They were immediately shut up by the sight that exited the carriage.

A mesmerizing girl wearing a green and yellow sun dress walked out. Her ballet shoes crisply echoed down the steps. Her long purple hair blew in the wind and her silver eyes looked extremely pleasing to the eye.

The boy who had fallen down the steps was closest to her and after removing his headwear he swept the wet hair out of his vision .

His face immediately turned red and his brown hair steamed from embarrassment. He turned around but a soft unintelligible noise was heard and just as he was about to turn his body froze in place.

Belle who looked down at the boy sighed. She just practiced the first spell she had learned in the book. It allowed her to slow down a person's movements and sometimes make them unable to move for short period of time depending on the person's mental resilience.

She wondered why her abilities seemed so useless for combat. However, this made things a little easier. She became extremely warry of the mysterious world of witchcraft and her first two abilities didn't seem to help her very much. The first required some external materials or rituals which she did not have yet so it was basically useless. The same with the second but the third was the most important one in her eyes. If she learned the language completely she would be able to create an infinite amount of chants and spells becoming impossible to kill or even harm in the first place.

She let out an almost sadistic grin. Something she would come to be known for in the distant future.

The boy looking at her face added another dose of liquid to his already wet clothes. His mobility had returned. He ran and didn't look back. He ducked behind an old man who still hadn't taken his eyes off her from the start.

Seeing the group of people in front of her and not wanting to make bad first impressions she slowly walked over to the group and introduced herself.

"Hello my name is…" she paused for a second and thought about revealing her name to these strangers. Even though it was not common with her defining features using her name was like the nail in the coffin for exposing her identity.

She continued. "My name is Marci Croft".

Memorizing her name, the old man looked at her and said "Hello there Marci, were are all employees under Mr. Neyman tasked with brining you safely to the coast."

Hearing his words, she was internally shocked. All this was for her? She looked at the man puzzled.

The old man seeing her confusion pat her on the shoulder and laughed.

"Don't worry lass were not here to hurt you. Were also headed to the coast to trade and retrieve supplies from a vessel coming to the coast. You just happen to be a high value good that needs transportation . Isn't that right boys?"

A loud "AYE" was heard before everyone continued on doing their leisurely activities.

The old man then continued his conversation with her.

" Ok Miss Marci the trip to the coast will take exactly a month no more and hopefully alot less starting tomorrow. So please enjoy your peaceful stay on The grumbles caravan."

She looked at him and was about to ask who grumble was but he immediately understood what she was about to ask.

He tipped his hat and said "Theodore Grumble at your services. This little lass is Mable Grumble and he's Chris"

A little mumble was heard behind him as the little boy finished his name. "Grumble".