

As the world began changing the view of reality changed as well the thought of the world's destruction came to play and the feelings of the people became non-existent. a sudden thunder that broke the clear sky on a sunny day, the sun was overlapped with the moon and the cloud sudden change spread panic, tornadoes Earth quakes, volcanic Eruption, happening all at once, the spread of panic all over the world, satellites crashing the number of deaths that keep soaring through the sky what appeared to be the end of the world was only the beginning of the anticlimactic experience that ends in a climax

Sepremekin · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: The bloody brawl

everything exist at a point in space the point isn't fixed in the seen or unseen plane as Donald whispered to himself.

as I set my phone ready to star the fight of my life, hey!!!! ugly turn around and face me heyyy I'm right here let hopes this works the livestream has started the world is watching I might as well try my best.

the three monsters rushed at me, trying to stop myself from panicking trying to keep my emotions in check as I tested to see if my powers or my hypothesis about my powers were true as I suddenly drifted in space and appeared behind the monsters it worked I can teleport if I can teleport then can i....

the three monsters chased after me the moment I teleported with such ferociousness it was as if their desire to eat me was greater than before

hope this works as I repeated my quote and the monsters paused they really did pause it worked I could freeze them at a spot but the longer I tried to hold the weaker I felt so I decided to teleport to where the iron rods where while simultaneously releasing my hold

scared and exhausted I tried to raise the rods up repeatedly saying my quote trying to reassure my self the rods were lifted it was like telekinesis it was hard to control all those rods but I don't need to control it perfectly after all I just want to kill monsters as I teleported behind the monsters drawing their attention and then freezing them in space my hold was weaker than the first time I tried but that was the least of my worries

the monsters that have a clear desire to devour me was right in front of me their teeth their tongue all was being attracted to my phase like a magnet they were barely one feet a way from me as I jumped backwards supported with my telekinesis to move a greater length.

the rods that were patiently waiting in the sky as I released it in its sharp edges applying more force with my telekinesis to improve its speed and cause the impact to be like meteors falling from the sky

the three monsters that were so eager to kill me died right in front of me as I fell to the ground seemingly loosing my conscious.

welcome again you have successfully killed a demon said the being ,wait what so you are saying the thing I killed just now was a demon said Donald

yes you did and you shall get your rewards, you killed three monsters so you can ask for three things among the criteria even for your second quote

wait so every time we kill a demon we get a wish Donald asked

no it's your first kill that gets you a wish the being said

then why did I get three Donald asked, because you killed the three monsters at the same time so if someone kills four monsters at the same time they get four wishes for their first kill Donald said, Yes so what is your wish the being asked Donald

I wish to have knowledge and understanding Donald said that takes to slot because knowledge and understanding are two different things what is your third one I wish to have a calm mind well your three wishes have been granted.

just like that, yes the being answered

is there anything I need to know Donald asked, yes the weapon you used to kill the demon will be your new permanent weapon because as it killed the demon it absorbed the energy from it so it became stinger the more monster you kill the stronger the weapon gets and it could even evolve to a holy or divine weapon and your body will also get stronger the being said, is that so Donald replied.

the wishes are only limited to physical world not the spiritual and I advise you to train your body to bulk up because your ability is dangerous if the body is not strong enough to hold it, the normal way humans do it on earth is not enough they are to ways to improve your body the first is after you kill a demon your body get stronger but I advise you to also exercise at least within the first sixty minutes of the kill you will get better results or you can just wish for it the next time you get a chance the being said.