

*3rd Pov*

[It seems it has been half a year, huh, Yami?] questioned John while looking towards Yami. Yami was in the process of putting back his cloths on.

[Yes, its been fun. Not. Who likes meditating for half a year? Not me. At least we have regenerated your soul. Now you only need a body. Do you have a plan for that?] questioned Yami while putting on some black fingerless gloves. On the outside, they appeared normal, but really, it wasn't. The glove itself has a few enchantments like 'Grip strengthening', 'hand strengthening', 'Protection X' and 'heal X' with 'barrier V'. In Yami's time with John, it turns out that the mage occupation isn't the only 'magical' occupation. Rune-smith, magical blacksmith, and the sort. With the rune's from this world coupled with the legacies of the ATG world, Yami was able to make original runes. The barrier V forms an invisible barrier at the fingers and heal X lets him regenerate anything on his hand, including is he somehow lost a finger or fingers.

[Well, ill say this again. Thanks for the help. Ive gotten to forbidden tier with both of my magic systems and have improved my knowledge of this world. I should be able to fight a low-Emperor and with the demon element, I can easily fight toe to toe with a peak Emperor. If there is anything you need, just write a message in this letter and send some of your mana into it. It will teleport to me, and when I finished reading it, I can get another one to return it to you.] said Yami while handing a an A4 piece of paper.

[Ah, actually, for me to rebuild my body, ill need 3 cores of a monster of at least the level of a Monarch, the Yin-lotus fruit I told you about and with that, ill need about 100 kilograms of refined magical mithril. You should be able to get those 5 items in about 3 years. What do you think?] questioned John

[*Sigh, it will be a hassle, but ill get it for you. After all, no one knows the location of magical mithril nor the Yin-lotus fruit. And in this star forest, there are about 20 monarch beasts with 1 Emperor. Ill just kill them now and bring it to you. Ill get you the other materials later. Anyways, see ya later.] said Yami while disappearing with space magic. Now with Yami at forbidden stage of both the old and new magical system, he has been able to strengthen a total of 10 elements. Because of the similarities of the 2 magic systems, Yami was able to merge some of them. The fire of the old magic system had merged, same with the water, earth, wind, lightning, and so on. So really, Yami only had 24 elements. 10 in total. 4 for the origins, 1 for time, 1 for infinity, 1 for cosmos, 1 for crystal and 1 for fusion since the soul element had already fused. 10 for the old elements, 10 for the new elements and 4 for the man-made elements.

[So now, I only need the Earth, fire, ice, light, lightning, water, wind and all white and black magic, So a total of 15 elemental spirits. Shouldn't be too hard. But, ill need to pay a visit to the dragon vein if I want one for crystal. I chose to strengthen the 10 new elements first. Now, they all have triple power. I'm not gonna put all of it into one element. I don't want to have an unbalanced magic power. If I had 10000x the power of lightning and only 1x for fire when I should be using fire would be bad for me. Not like it matters.

The only thing I need to do now is form a domain. Thanks to the cultivation of both systems, I wasn't able to form a domain. And in my domain, I should be able to control my own temperature, so the first step is to establish my 20 elemental domain. With that, I can go to the outer core and find elemental spirits there and form a link with it. From then on, once I ascend, the dragon vein will be moved into my spiritual core while a copy will be made in this world to keep balance. Oh well, better get to hunting. I'm itching for a fight. I haven't had one for almost 17 years after all.] said Yami while holding onto a branch with his arms and legs with his body in a crawled like position. Just when he was going to jump, he seemingly disappeared and reappeared somewhere else. The core area of the star forest. It didn't stretch for that long.

The outer area lasts 1 million square meters, the inner area lasts 750,000 square meters and the core area lasts a measly 250,000 square meters.

'Now, to imitate myself as a heavenly treasure that suddenly bloomed. First, release the aura of the 7 basic elements, and using a basic illusion, ill disguise myself as a flower that bore a fruit. Done. Now all I have to do is wait for the monarch's to appear- wow! Thats fast! They are already here! Let's see.. 1, 2, 3, 5, I count a total of 11. 11 out of 20. Good enough. It's definitely more than 3. Now, come just a little bit further!! C'mon, just a few more dozen meters.. there!!' Thought Yami while activating his forbidden-tier fire magic ; Flame of Nothingness. It is an invisible flame created where the caster wants that burns everything around them until there is nothing or the caster dispels it. Either that or a spell of either equal power or stronger that can put out the flame. A huge star seems to appear behind Yami as when it disappears, the 11 Monarch monsters burn. And burn, and burn. Eventually, what remains is their charred body with a glistening core located in their hearts.

[A monster starts to develop an elemental core that they pull their magic from at the start of the Monarch tier, rarely the peak of the commander tier. It is located in the middle of the heart. But, because humanity cant beat a monarch casually and since there aren't even that many, they haven't known this fact. However, the monsters at John's generation were all weaker than humans. Humans then knew about the fact of the core. It can be absorbed and then used to strengthen their stardust. However, it was later revealed that by doing so, one would have to use the elements that they have and would not be able to gain any more.

So people in the god-like tier used them as if they are a national treasure since they cant gain more elements. And I'm like them since I have all elements. So, out of these 11 beasts, all of them have a different element. Ill give the ice, water and earth to John while taking the Chaos, Space, Fire, Lightning, light, Shadow, curse and wind for myself. After all, I am the one who hunted them.] said Yami while storing all the cores in a ring that is on Yami's middle finger of his right hand.

[Storage ring. It uses space magic of the forbidden level to make a space inside a ring, making it a storage ring. Pretty nifty, if I were to say. Though not everyone can simply make it.] said Yami while teleporting out of there. He teleports back to the tree branch that he was previously on before teleporting back to the cave.

[That was fast. So, what cores are you gonna give me?] said John

[Ill give you the ice, water and earth. And ill keep the Chaos, Space, Fire, Lightning, Light, Shadow, Wind and Curse for myself. I'm the one who hunted it after all. Anyways, take care. See you in about 3 years.] said Yami while giving 3 spherical objects to John before teleporting out of there. He appears on the familiar branch for the 3rd time while behind him, a constellation appears behind him. He casted a high-tier magic. It is called long-distance teleportation. A self made spell to travel for thousands, if not millions of miles in an instant.] said Yami while appearing in front of his class room door. It was 11:20 am, meaning it was about half way through the lesson. Yami opens the door as if it was a normal thing.

[Who is i-] before Tang Yue could continue, she was frozen in shock at the student in front of her that she didn't see for half a year.

[Hello miss Tang Yue. Ive returned. And I'm here to say that I'm quitting the school. Ok bye.] said Yami while walking away. Before he could walk away, he gets interrupted.

[And what's your reason now?!] questioned Tang Yue

[Before, I was a mid-tier mage saying I was a novice tier mage. In fact, I was at the peak of mid-tier. I have returned with high-tier level cultivation. Level 3. Now everyone in the school cant even think about challenging me. With that, I have also gotten an additional 2 elements that are both at the high-tier as well. You are worthless to me.] said Yami while looking back with a slight smirk

[W-what!!!] screamed the class. Yes, they were in a city that wasn't too powerful, but they knew their realms clearly. In fact, it is what they were studying at that moment.

[Th-then prove you are a high tier mage!] said Tang Yue while activating her magic. She chants a few words before screaming 'Intense Fist : Bombardment'. In response, Yami casts a mid-tier level 5 spell in less than a few seconds.

[Intense fist : Flaming Dragon Fist.] said Yami simply while punching the air. Behind him, a fire dragon appears at charges towards the rush of fire punches that quickly gets eaten away. Tang Yue was left in an immense shock at how someone could reach high-tier in what? Less than a year? Thats crazy!

[Understand now? Can I leave now? *Click*] questioned Yami while clicking his fingers. The dragon disappears which leaves a immensely shocked Tang Yue. Yami starts to proceed to walk to the door, but before he could leave, he was stopped once again.

[I-is there anything I can do to stop you?] questioned Tang Yue. Her voice was genuine.

[Why are you so adamant about me staying? *Sigh, fine. Give me a reason to stay and if it is satisfactory, I'll stay here until I go to Mingzhu university for graduation.] said Yami simply

[If you stay, ill... ill use my body for you!] she said, shocking the class once again. Mo Fan was sitting there with a huge smile on his face.

[Use your body? I knew you were weak before, but.. I didn't know you were a slut.

Begone, THOT!!!] said Yami simply (-Insert 'Begone thot' meme-)

[I-I'm just joking. If you stay, ill help you breakthrough to super-tier.. how about that?] questioned Tang Yue with a red face

[super-tier? What do you gain by having me stay?] said Yami

[R-reputation..] said Tang Yue

'Reputation? If I am right, I'm pretty sure in the original, Tang Yue was the smart, intellectual type that wouldn't either sell her body or help someone for 'reputation'. She would only ever do this if she was ordered by the magic association. Am I being watched? I mean, probably. I did get birthed by a forbidden-tier mage. But how would they know? I know she was originally here to find evidence of the black order.. ah, that makes sense. Since I'm a high-tier mage, she would probably need help from me. Especially as a mid-tier mage.. well, never mind. Seems my influence has spread to her and made her a high-tier mage. Good for her, I guess.' Thought Yami with narrowed eyes

[*Sigh, ill stay, but I'm not gonna attend magic practise class.] said Yami while walking out of the class room. A few seconds later, he comes back in his school uniform, greatly surprising everyone. He walks up the stair case and sits next to Mo Fan. Mo Fan pulls up a thumbs up while whispering..

[Dude!! Did you really breakthrough into high-tier?!] questioned Mo Fan

Yami takes out a piece of paper and a pen from his storage ring and starts to write on it.

It shows the following :

Elements : Fire, Lightning, Shadow, Chaos, Light, Space, water, summon

Cultivation : Super tier level 3 (Level 5 for fire and lightning)

Constitution : Awaken 2 elements per awakening

Yami then proceeds to fold the paper before handing it to Mo fan. He sneakily opens it and when he sees the content, he is shocked to his core. He even let out a mini-scream. Yami didn't know why, but he felt that he could trust Mo Fan. A little, at least.

[Whats wrong, Mo Fan?] questioned Tang Yue

[Nothing.. I was just remembering a funny video I was watching a while back!] said Mo Fan while rubbing the back of his head

[Really? Is my classes that boring?] questioned Tang Yue

[No. It's that Yami reminded me of it.] said Mo Fan while pointing at me.

[Wha— stop lying! I was away for half a year!] said Yami in response. Mo Fan was sweating bullets, no, more like sweating rockets.

[Really? Mo Fan, visit my office after school is over. Make sure to bring armour as well.] said Tang Yue while continuing to draw on the board.

[Dude!! WTF!! help me!!] whispered Mo Fan

[Fine, fine. Just chill. *Yawn*. This is so boring. Why did I come here again?] questioned Yami out loud, without holding his voice down. Tang Yue breaks the chalk on the board while looking back at Yami with clear rage.

[Office at the end of school.] said Tang Yue in anger. She turns around and continues to write with a broken chalk

[oFfice aT tHE eNd OF sChOOl!! Wow, I'm so SpoOKed!!] said Yami in a mocking voice. Tang Yue hears and immediately drops the chalk. She turns around while pulling up her sleeves.

[Outside right now!!] said Tang Yue while charging up her magic.

[Damn, I must of have touched a nerve. Watch out, I think I'm gonna die!! Oh wait, how old am I again? Yeah, I'm still 16. I remember clearly of what you said, word by word. "A mage under the age of 18 can not and will not be permitted to duel with another mage until the age of 18". Miss Tang Yue, I'm pretty sure you are over 18, considering you look like a hag.] said Yami mockingly

Tang Yue decides to release an ignite level 2 at Yami, which fails as Yami sends out an ignite level 1.

[You better shut up before I come there and beat your a**!] said Tang Yue while walking back

Yami simply comments back, making her fire off a level 3 ignite

[That terminology doesn't work here, miss Hag Yue.] said Yami as he himself fired again a level 1 ignite

[You are no match for me. Hurry up and start the lesson, Hag Yue.] said Yami while waving his hand. Everyone in the class were making a very, very deep rule in their mind saying "Never offend Yami" and "Get as close to Yami as possible". The second doesn't apply to Mu Bai.

(A/N : Thats for todays Chappy)