
Growing up {2}

*Yami Pov*

'What is nothing? Because there is always 'something', but is nothing a black or white abyss? But then, nothing would become 'something' because there is colour. So what does nothing look like? And what the hell am I thinking?' I questioned myself once again

[One of your wishes should of have been 'knowing the answer to anything system' instead of me.] said Alfred

'Yeah? Maybe when I become the One Above All, ill do that.' I thought back

'By the way, did you really do 'something'?' I questioned

['Something'? Regarding about Tia?] said Alfred, trying to hide his panic. It was plain obvious that he was panicking from the tone of his voice.

'Well, its not my problem to dawdle on your things. Now what do I do? It's still day time.. isn't there something I can do in secret?' I questioned

[Now? Well, you could test the capabilities of your stand. For example, you could test abilities, go have it explore the world, Yada Yada.] said Alfred

'That reminds me!! Let's just get my stand to enter the outer core and inner core!!' I thought to myself

[Good thing you took the hint.] said Alfred

'Well, whatever. Considering my Stand has every other stand power, I probably have a multiplying ability. Like Harvest or Bad Company. Speaking that, I'm at an orphanage, so ill need to collect my own money. Harvest is a good idea to use.' I thought to myself as I summon my stand.

(Only stands from the anime, not manga.)

'... what's my stand name again?' I questioned

[.. You don't have one.] said Alfred

'Then lets make one!! It's obviously not gonna be somethin' cheesy like 'Star World' or 'The Platinum'. But let's follow the trend. The WORLD, STAR platinum, Galaxy something and then universe something. Now I just need to combine it with another word.. Universe burst... Universe destiny... Universe Oblivion.. I got it!! Universe Reality.. Yes, it has a good ring to it. And if I get Requiem, it will be Universe Reality Requiem. Now go, Universe Real—!!�� I thought to myself before getting cut off.

[Universe Reality!! Hahaha, what a funny name!!! The reality of the Universe!!! Hahaha!!!] Alfred was really laughing his a** off.

'Then you think of something better!!'

[Easy!! Galaxy Ruler!! Who said it had to be Universe something? It still hasn't achieved Requiem, so you cant even call it Universe something!! At best, you could change this to Universe Ruler, but I don't think you could ever add requiem to it. 'Universe Ruler Requiem'. Too long, too unnecessary. Just keep it at Galaxy Ruler. And if you really want to push it, just make it Galaxy Ruler Requiem. Either way, Galaxy Ruler has a better 'ring' to it than 'Universe Reality' Its like trying to put 2 words that make no sense together!! Stop Play!! Yes, that is a very good name, isn't it!! Run Walk!!] said Alfred

'Ok, I get it. Galaxy Ruler it is. Now go, Galaxy ruler!! Go into the outer core of this world and show me what is there!!' I said in a commanding tone as he sinks into the ground.

'Now, lets see what he is doing.' I thought to myself as I link my senses with my Stand. I mean, what can I say? Gray. Thats all I can see with occasional blue, orange, red and few other colours. The light gray starts to transform into a more red colour the more deeper my stand goes.

'God damn, when did it get so hot..' i thought to myself

[Dude, your STAND is in the 3rd layer of Earth, the Mantle. Obviously it would be hot. You are linked with your stand after all. Just circulate your Hamon and you'll be fine.] said Alfred

'Wow!! What a cool little trick to use when I'm an IMMORTAL VAMPIRE!!' I replied back while following what he said.

[And now, your Stand is entering the outer core. Your just a few miles above the 'dragon vein'.] said Alfred

And like so, my Stand soon arrived at the attended target. The dragon vein.

[Although you can see the dragon vein, and are semi in it, you can't from a contract with it yet. The main reason being that you cant use your powers. Though you have infinite energy, since the dragon vein belongs to this world, it technically holds every element in it. If you could absorb even 0.001% of this energy, you would probably be able to use all elements, and since this dragon vein has been here since the beginning of time of this reality, you can also get information about the old magic system, old magics like time magic, and also new knowledge and elements like the demon element. The dragon vein is like a blade of grass. With time, it will grow, and grow, given the opportunity that is.

The dragon vein can adapt to anything, new magic, a new magic system, or even a new element outside of the 20 new elements, that is if you don't count spirit or soul element. Anyways, there are only benefits with linking with this dragon vein, and when you are at the peak of the forbidden stage in all elements and break through, you will be able to ascend to a cultivation based world. Cultivation-cultivation, not magic-cultivation. The world you ascend to will be the gods realm, and then you know the rest. With you ascension, you dragon vein will adapt and absorb some of the energy in the gods realm, and some of your energy from other worlds. Basically, it becomes the inner world without infinite power but a few benefits.] said Alfred

'Thats some good news. Though this area is a weird one. It's just a tunnel with white fog everywhere, and it is incredibly hot. I would say that it is double the heat that is supposed to be produced from the Earth I came from. And with that item in the inner core, I don't think I am ready to go there yet, even with controlling my bodies heat with Hamon. I guess ill come back here another time.' I thought to myself while dispelling my stand and re-summoning it. Instant transportation.

[Because you can't use any elements until Mo Fan arrives, you can just use your stand for stuff. I don't think you will exactly need to use your vampire powers for anything 'excessive'. Your stand should suffice.] said Alfred

'I know what I'm doing, don't worry.' I thought back.

'Now then, I guess I can start stockpiling money. First, I need to make a hidden entrance that I can use to store money. Ill make it underground with no entry, so I can just go through it. It also acts as a rest area since I am the only person who can get in it. Well, there are other people who can get in, but would they really suspect a not even week old baby to even think, let alone amass a fortune?' I questioned myself.

'Now, break apart, Galaxy ruler. Go out and collect money!! Coins preferable.' I thought again.

'And leave half of yourself here to dig out the passage.' I said as he does just that. He splits apart. One part deforms, revealing hundreds of its previous form but in a much smaller version, and the other half regenerates its body, making it have the same figure with only a difference of height. Now, from its 25 year old height, it looks like a 12 year old now.

'Now go under the ground here and make a room where I can store money and rest. Actually, make it a room that is linked to another room.' I said before going back to sleep.

(You know the weird question is coming again)