
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Otras
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45 Chs

Chapter 36 Student Council

"Wow! You managed to get Kei to swear!? Even I've never been able to do that before!".

"He deserved Kanon. He could've hurt somebody with the spell if he wasn't careful enough. And besides, where did you even get the activation sequence for a spell like that? That's surely tactical-grade magic that surpasses A Rank in destructiveness right?"

The three of them were sitting the library after school. The future husband and wife were giving each other sighs and glances as their friend looked up at the clock on the wall. He himself sighed before standing up and waving his friends goodbye.

"I see you two later. I'm off to the Student Council. See you two tomorrow".

From the library Takemi made his way directly to Musashi's office. She was one of the few teachers that taught both Course 1 and Course 2 students and was adored because of it. She didn't hide the fact that she was stronger than all of her students and put down a couple fights, revealing her physical prowess. She wasn't allowed to carry her swords around but could always call upon them if she needed to.

"What did you want to talk about Takemi?". The Servant had just dismissed a member of the kendo club, the club that she was the adviser of.

Her Master just sat down in the chair beside her, ignoring all forms of social standing.

"Nothing much. Just don't wait for me starting today. I've got my work for the Student Council to do from now on".

Musashi pouted but agreed but had a mischievous glint in her eyes as Takemi left the staff room. He didn't catch it but had a strange feeling that she wouldn't listen to him.

'That woman....', thought Takemi with a sigh.

He made his way through the school passing a few acquaintances and familiar faces before arriving at the Student Council room. He cleared his throat before knocking.

"Come in!".

Without anymore hesitation Takemi opened the large wooden door and saw Charlotte moaning while writing on a stack of papers with Tsukuba Yuuka standing beside her.

"Ah Takemi-kun! Finally!".

The white haired student council president jumped out of her seat and leaped across her desk and grabbed Takemi by the arm and used her other one to introduce everybody.

"You already know Yuu-chan and Mi-chan. But you haven't met the other members of the Student Council!".

Charlotte pointed to the calm and collected young woman sitting at the table drinking tea while examining a budget report. The girl in question merely stood up and gave a polite bow,

"I'm Ichihara Suzune. It's a pleasure to meet you Mikazuchi-san".

Takemi gave a bow in return, "The pleasure's all mine, Ichihara-senpai".

Before Takemi could make another move, Charlotte pointed to the young girl with bright orange hair whose eyes widened and said, "Mikazuchi-san!".

"Ara? Do you and A-chan know each other?", asked Charlotte with a head tilt.

"Yes, Kaichou. Nakajou-san and I are have several classes together and in addition, are in the same homeroom". Responded Takemi.

The president nodded knowingly before her body straightened as if her realized something and then looked at Takemi expectantly.

"I hear that you're the cause for altering today's weather forecast. Isn't that right Takemi-kun!?".

The girl merely smiled and although Takemi tried to pull away his arm, the girl wouldn't let him. He didn't want to use his enhanced strength, so only resigned before pulling up a chair and looking at Yuuka.

"If it's not too much trouble Tsukuba-senpai, but are my responsibilities as a member of the Student Council?".

"Wait, neither Mayumi nor Charlotte told you?", the Yotsuba member frowned before looking at the two girls. The former gave a small apology while Charlotte-.

"It's fine! All you have to do is whatever I tell you Takemi-kun! I am your President after all!".

She gave a Takemi a huge smile before running over to her desk and bringing over a huge stack of papers and dropping them in front of him.

"Start with these. When you finish-".

"Charlotte! You can't let Mikazuchi-kun do all of these! It's his first day! You have to be more responsible!".

"But Yuu-chan~ I don't wanna!".

The girl in question, merely grew a twitch on her head and tried to stop her mouth from smiling evilly and only looked even more annoyed.

"Kaichou. If you don't do this, I will make it my mission to ruin Mikazuchi and Gyoubu's fight in two days... is that what you want?".

"Ah! I suddenly have a desire to do paperwork? How mysterious?".

Charlotte ran back over to her desk in the corner of the room, her eyes teary as she filled out each sheet of paperwork. Takemi merely looked over at Yuuka, who nodded and said, "Mikazuchi-kun. On behalf of everyone here, I'd like to give you a proper welcome to First High Student Council".

"Thank you Tsu-".

"Just call me Yuuka".

Takemi stopped before giving her a smile in return, "Then please call me Takemi, Yuuka-senpai".

There gazes seemed to meet each others and the two were both sizing each other up. Yuuka was looking up and down Takemi, rather sensually while Takemi did the same.

"Mou! Yuu-chan! You're trying to get ahead! Takemi-kun is-".

The two of them removed their locked gazes and Takemi had the strangest feeling that he was being cursed. He looked over at Mayumi, who narrowed her eyes a little at Takemi, before pouting and going back to her work.


Takemi sighed internally before walking over to the two computers on the right side of the room standing directly behind Mayumi and leaned over placing his head next to her ear.

"Is this what I'll be doing for the Student Council, Yuuka-senpai?".

The potential Yotsuba head didn't look back at Takemi and only stood over Charlotte's shoulder watching her Kaichou intently. She did say however, "Yes, get Mayumi or Suzune to help you. You two Azusa-san".

The golden eyed Master merely pulled placed a hand on the red eyed princess's shoulder and whispered, "I'm counting on you... Mayumi-chan".

The was a loud noise and Mayumi's computer had the word "ERROR" written all over the screen causing everyone including Yuuka to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"That's odd Mayumi? Is Takemi distracting you?".

The Saegusa went a little red in the face before collecting herself and smiling, "No, just a mistake Yuuka-senpai. It won't happen again".

She gave Takemi a look that screamed "Stop it", but Takemi merely raised his hands as if he didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know, Mayumi-senpai, I have to say that you're not the best teacher when it comes to things like these".

"Shush! You need to respect your senpai more!".

The rest of the afternoon was Takemi getting acclimated to the Student Council and flirting with Mayumi while trying not to get caught by the watchful eye of the Student Council Vice-President, or the curious glances of Ichihara Suzune.

Needless to say, by the end of the afternoon, Mayumi was redder than a tomato and Takemi dismissed himself directly after 5:00.

"Sorry. I can stay later tomorrow, however I've got to tell my Aunt. I'll see you five tomorrow!".

He heard four goodbyes come from everybody, but raised an eyebrow when Mayumi didn't say anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mayumi-senpai. I still don't get some of the stuff you told me".

She was still silent but only gave Takemi a small nod before he left. The exact moment Takemi closed the door, all work in the Student Council room stopped and all eyes were on Mayumi.

"Mi-chan. I didn't expect you to be the one in the lead! How surprising!". Said Charlotte with wide eyes.

"Wha- What are you talking about!?".

Yuuka merely sighed before sitting down in one of the empty seats, "Mayumi-chan, I'm not questioning you preferences in men but he does have a fiancée remember?".

"No- its not like that! I'm telling-".

Ichihara took a sip of her tea and interrupted, "I was sitting right beside you Mayumi. You and Mikazuchi's blatant flirting was getting distracting".

"Not you too Rin-chan! I'm telling you-".

"Mayumi. Do you like Takemi?".

Yuuka, Ichihara and Azusa went wide eyed as their president threw out a such a daring statement. Mayumi too went a little red, too much to be normal but didn't respond.

"Do you like Takemi, Mayumi?".

"I don't.... I mean....".

The three older girls in the room sighed before Charlotte said, "I think you should go home Mi-chan. You're not going to get any work done if you can't think of anything but Takemi. We'll see you tomorrow".

The others went back to the normal work while Mayumi just sat in her chair, feeling even more conflicted then she was a few nights ago.

'Do I really like Takemi-kun?.....'

The girl merely picked up her phone and dialed a number that was right at the top of her contacts.

"Hello. Mari? Can you come here please. I want to talk to you about something. It's very important".

Another chapter!

Thank you all for reading and I released the chapters today instead of tomorrow because I'm busy.

Anyway, please comment and review and if you think that leaving Tatsuya was a bad idea or something like that please remember who the "main character" is.

Your Faithful Author, MrMoist

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