
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

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45 Chs

Chapter 28 Mizuchi

The moment Kazama said "Begin" a familiar sound rang out in Takemi's head.

"Ding! [System] has set a Mission! Say Mission to open the Mission tab of the [Type-Moon System]".

Takemi didn't move but only opened the [Mission] tab and saw the contents of the mission.

1. [Phantom Sword] - Erika Chiba Route.

Goal: Win the heart of Erika Chiba.

Reward: Chiba Family Swordplay, Chiba Family Magic, the devotion of Chiba Erika, sex scene 100,000 TMP, One Lottery Ticket

2. [Winner Winner] - Defeat the Target

Goal: Defeat the member of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion

Reward: 50,000 TMP

Takemi instantly closed the screen when he saw the rewards.

'50,000 TMP? Do you even need to ask?'.

His right hand, the one that was gripping the sword handle tightened and he looked at Yanagi who was eyeing him carefully. He was standing completely still, with his hands at his sides and hadn't gotten into a defensive or offensive stance.

Takemi narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. He spread his feet apart and moved his right leg and and raised his sword horizontally to that it was pointed at Yanagi.

[Reduced Earth].

In the time it took to take a breath he appeared in front of Yanagi whose eyes widened slightly before raising his palm and thrusting out at Takemi. The sound of metal hitting metal rang out and Takemi was pushed back. He didn't let up and the moment his feet touched the ground, Takemi unleashed a flurry of strikes all aimed at Yanagi's vitals.

It caused the man to smile and he dodged or parried every slash with his hands while constantly activating Magic Sequences on his joints and hands.

The fight was getting faster and faster with every moment, even the others behind the glass panel were a little shocked by Takemi's performance. His skill with the sword was astounding in it's own right but the use of physical techniques and magic left them speechless.

"How is he doing that! The time it takes to activate his Magic Sequence is so quick!".

"I only see the light from his Activation Sequence! There's no sound or anything!".

The corner of the Major General's mouth grew wider and wider with every passing moment.

'It seems I underestimated you Takemi.... let's see if you can get Yanagi to get serious....'.

The man in question had been stuck in the defensive the entire time, analyzing Takemi's swordplay before changing his stance and activating a Magic Sequence and catching Takemi's arm and throwing him away several dozen meters.

It created some distance between the two and Yanagi asked, "Do you use two swords?".

"Yes, I do. However the other one isn't finished yet".

Yanagi nodded understandingly before moving his body sideways and raising his left arm and Takemi, his palm exposed.

"You haven't used any Magic yet".

"Neither have you", retorted Takemi

The Major smiled before activating a Magic Sequence and said, "I told you not to hold back remember".

Like Takemi, the Major seemingly disappeared before Takemi turned around and activated his own Magic Sequence completing it just as the Major struck.

The attack was heavy, even to Takemi whose strength rivaled Saber of Blacks. Yanagi whose hand was pressing down on Takemi's blade started to bleed and retreated.

He looked at his hand and smiled, "You really are fast eh, Mikazuchi. You managed to create a Magic Sequence even after I had already moved behind you".

Takemi only smiled before saying, "You haven't seen nothing yet, Major".

He sheathed his sword and pressed the second button from the top and heard a small click, indicating that the change in spells had occurred. Even though Varuna Astra had a total of five permanent spell slots, the sheath had five sets of ten, for a total of fifty Magic Sequences.

He hadn't even used a spell in the first one and decided to change as Yanagi's abilities in close quarters were rather disadvantageous to him.

He unsheathed his sword and pointed it tip and Yanagi and pulled the trigger.

In the time it took to blink, over ten Magic Sequences had appeared in the air, all pointing at Yanagi.

[Hale Particles]

It was a Magic that turned air molecules into ice particles and shot them with remarkable force at the enemy.

Yanagi wasn't surprised by the number or speed of the ice bullets and dodged them but was cut on the arm by a single one that changed direction at the last minute.

He was there was actually eleven sources of ice shooting at him and that Takemi's eyes started to glow golden.

"So that's what you meant Eyes. Very interesting Takemi. But-".

Just as Yanagi was about to move, he felt a pressure push down on his body, and he looked up and saw a massive Magic Sequence above him.

"Press! But how its-... Loop Cast!".

Yanagi saw that the pressure pushing on top of him was gradually increasing with every moment.

Takemi saw this and internally smiled.

'Thank god for Tatsuya and his amazing brain. This is really good-'.

Takemi was just about to ask Yanagi to surrender before the man grinned at him and smiled despite the massive pressure growing on top of him, "You're good Takemi, but lack foreknowledge and battle experience. If anyone else had me in this situation I would be dead".

Yanagi raised his hand and a crumbling could be heard coming from above Takemi and giant blocks of concrete came falling down on top of him. He stopped his spell and sliced at every bit of concrete with an upgraded version of the B-Rank Spell Sonic Blade, Severing Edge.

It's what allowed Takemi to cut through concrete without using his superhuman strength.

But he didn't stop there.

The moment he cut the last bit of concrete Takemi slammed the tip of his sword back into the sheath and pressed the fourth button. Just as he heard the click he jumped back and felt an explosion occur were he originally was with Yanagi standing in the middle of the sliced concrete.

Takemi didn't give him a chance and cast a new Magic Sequence.


A giant Magic Sequence covering the entire room surprised everybody and a tornado of water started to twirl around Takemi at extremely fast speeds. Yanagi's eyes widened before casting creating a reinforcement Magic on himself, strengthening his body and his position on the floor before being shot at by the violent torrent of water.

The Magic converted the water vapor in the air from a gas to a liquid and rotated it at extremely fast speeds before shooting it in a direction. It was an original unnamed Magic Sequence that was developed by Ushiyama that he had dropped as the interference strength of the spell outclassed many of the same Rank, even Niflheim needed less inference strength to use. And although if outside, it could gather the same amount of water as the actual Noble Phantasm, Takemi couldn't help but name the spell in reminder of it.

It converged water vapor in the air into one spot, condensate the gathered water vapor into liquid water, accelerate the water around a set point, insert variables and fire.

Yanagi was being hit constantly by the torrent of water and was about to activate another Magic Sequence but was hit in the stomach by a rock.

'What was- that debris from the Battering Ram!'.

Takemi was constantly converting more and more water while also throwing pieces of concrete into the torrent hoping to hit Yanagi and knock him out.

Yanagi only closed his eyes and shook his head.

'I can't believe I let myself lose to a-'.

And with a sharp pain to his head, stopped the Reinforcement and applied one to his back and hit the arena wall.

Takemi stopped [Enki] and looked over at Yanagi who was violently coughing and breathing for air, a trail of blood could be seen running down the side of his face.

He looked up at Takemi, and suppressed his cough, "I've never heard of that spell before. Is it one of yours?".

"No. Although I am the first to use it, I sadly, did not develop it".

Yanagi nodded before looking at the glass panel meeting Kazama's gaze. The Major General raised his thumb and Yanagi wanted to laugh but just coughed out more water.

"You win Mikazuchi. I got schooled today. In terms of close quarters who can can go toe to toe with the best in the 101. And in Magic-". Yanagi stood up and punched his chest lightly, "I can say that in both speed and strength, you are near the top. Only a couple of Irregulars the Major Generals got hidden away could face you directly...".

He walked up to Takemi with an extended hand, a hand that Takemi took and smiled.

"I don't think I'm that good. I know a person that could kick my ass seven ways to Sunday, although, that's without Magic...".

The image of Musashi came to mind and Takemi shivered. He had sparred with Musashi once at full strength and nearly lost an arm. It was only thanks to his new found healing ability that it was repaired, a small scar was still visible on his right arm from the event.

Yanagi waved him off thinking he was joking and cast a drying spell on himself and the two walked back to the control room.

"I see you lost Yanagi. You must be losing your touch", said Kyouko her hand in front of her mouth with a grin on her face.

"Shut up! Lets see you go up against the kid, you'll lose to him in both physical combat and magic prowess", he retorted before hearing the Major Generals cough.

Kazama stood up and placed a hand on Yanagi's shoulder and grinned, "It was rather fun to see you get your ass handed to you Yanagi, eh?".

The Major reddened a little and slapped Kazama's hand away who only laughed it off and looked at Takemi.

"And you, Mikazuchi. I am rather surprised by the result. Your Interference Strength must be strong to handle a Ushiyama original".

Takemi stepped back in surprise before the Major General stopped him, "He's an acquaintance of mine and asked me if I could use the spell, however I fell short after around 20 seconds of use. Besides that, you definitely displayed attributes that could place you near the top in strength in the 101.

Incredibly strong Zone Interference.

Immense Psion count and control.

Lightning speed Magic Activation.

Skill in physical and sword techniques.

And a rather good head on your shoulders that can adapt quickly to a battle".

So I, Major General and Commander-in-Chief of the 101 Independent Magic-Equipped Battalion give you the rank of Special Officer and the title of.... do you specialize in Water Based Magic by any chance?".

Takemi titled his head for a moment and nodded. He could control water to a certain extent and certainly had more than a few Magic Sequences relating to Water and Ice.

'Maybe it was as a result of the Dragon Heart'. He thought.

"Then I think it's only fitting I give you Takemi Mikazuchi, the Epithet; Mizuchi!".