
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Cómic
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8 Chs

Rebirth and Forward

A tall man around 180cm with dark-colored eyes, as well as dark-colored hair that was shaved in the back, walks out of the surgery room with a stoic face. His name was Tajima Uchiha, one of the best surgeons in Japan because of his quirk.

He was normally a calm brain surgeon and very few things could phase him. However, despite that fact, he was taken by surprise two times these last 9 months.

One was when he was told to expect twins. It had come as a surprise but felt like nothing compared to when he got the call that his wife was in labor.

He was feeling tired after having just finished a successful surgery when he got the call. But he hurried quickly to the hospital room and saw his unmarried wife. She had white hair, ocean blue eyes, and very beautiful facial features. She was laying on the hospital bed with a look of immense pain as a doctor and a nurse told her to–


He hurried over to her, grabbed her hand, and said "C'mon, you can do it." His hand was being crushed by his wife's extreme strength because of her quirk. "Just a little longer, okay?"

They were nearing the end of it as the doctor encouraged them further. It went on for a while until eventually the cry of a child could be heard, then followed up by another.

It was two boys. The first child had similar looks to his dad while the second child bore similarities to his mother.

The two children cried as they were cared for by the nurses who checked for any abnormalities. Their umbilical cords were cut soon after by their father as the mother was still feeling a bit weak. Yet she insisted on holding her children.

After getting a moment to calm down from the experience, she looked at her children and gave a warm smile.

"Look at them Taji, they're like yin and yang." The mother, Yuki Gojo, referred to the twins' hair. One bore the same color as her, a snow-white, while the other inherited Tajima's hair, a dark black with a slight blue tint to it.

"Do you have any names picked out?" Tajima asked.

"Let's do half, you pick one and I'll do the same." Yuki cuddled the two children before handing the black-haired one to Tajima.

"I've given the name some thought for a while now. He's going to be known to the world as Madara, Madara Uchiha."

"Already passing on the name?" Yuki gave a hearty laugh before looking at the white-haired boy. "Then I'll name this one Satoru, Satoru Gojo."

With that, the story of the prodigy twins began.

Four years later

"Did ya' hear, Aki, they announced a new hero on tv yesterday."

"Oh, yeah! What was his name again?"

"Think it was Airjet or something, he's super cool."

"And he could fly! How cool is that?"

The two kids sat together while talking, outside, in the sandpit trying to build a sandcastle. Suddenly the two are alerted by a popping sound coming from the other side of the field.

"Looks like Bakugo is at it again. He's so mean." The kid holding the shovel grimaced.

"Hey, at least we aren't at the other side of it," Aki replied.

On the other side of the playground next to some jungle bars stood Bakugo and his two scrooges in front of a green-haired kid, who had his arms out in a protective manner.

"Stop playing hero, Deku!" Bakugo said while giving an evil smile and activating his quirk.

"Then stop hurting him, Kacchan!" 'Deku' pleaded with a scared expression.

"Tsk! A loser like him shouldn't hog the bars to himself." said one of the scrooges.

Behind the green-haired kid called 'Deku' was another kid who was on the ground badly bruised with watery eyes.

"Now move Deku if you don't want to get hurt." Bakugo smiled as his palms popped with explosions.

"Wow, aren't you scary?" A kid with black spiky hair with a bluish tint, a black t-shirt, and black sweatpants, said.

Bakugo and his scrooges turned to see where the voice came from and saw two kids approaching the group, one with white hair, the other with black hair.

Bakugo clicked his tongue. "Should've known you two would show up."

"Why wouldn't we, sparkles." Said the white-haired one. "I mean, we go to the same kindergarten."

He wore a high collar dark purple t-shirt with black sweatpants. He waved to Midoriya with a smile who awkwardly waved back. His normal vibrant blue eyes looked at the group in front of him.

"Shut it, snow top!" Bakugo yelled to the white-haired kid.

"Hey, Midoriya, need help?" The black-haired kid asked.

"U-um, yes, Uchiha-san," Midoriya said with a shaky voice while glancing at the kid he was protecting.

"Back off you two, this isn't your problem!" Bakugo shouts and spreads out his arms, preparing to attack.

"Ehm, Bakugo, you really shouldn't, they're—" Both of Bakugo's friends tried to warn him but he only shot them a glare.

"Shut it, you two!" Bakugo screamed angrily at his friends.

"Well, if you're itching for a fight, then… No teachers are looking." The black-haired kid said with a stoic face while looking around.

Bakugo seemingly gazed around the playground and saw the adults being busy with other kids and smiled at the opportunity.

His feet shifted as he swung his palm at the black-haired kid. However the moment his arm began to move toward the black-haired kid he stepped out of the way seamlessly. Having missed, Bakugo redirected his momentum towards the white-haired kid. And as he made contact—


—he hit the kid with an explosion the size of a basketball. But as the smoke cleared—

"Oh, would you look at that, it doesn't work on me." The white-haired kid teased him with a smug smile.

"Tsk! One day It'll wor—!"

Bakugo was flung to the ground as the black-haired kid leg-sweeped him after having dodged. He landed head-first and started getting teary because of an appearing nose bleed. Seeing this, the two scrooges ran off when they saw Bakugo's nose bleeding.

"Good fight, still confused as to why you would turn your back against your opponent." The black-haired kid said to the now nose-bleeding Bakugo.

Midoriya approached Bakugo while he was down, stretching out his hand to him, "A-are you ok—?"

Bakugo, who held his nose with one hand, used his other hand to slap away his hand.

"Go away, Deku. I don't need help from a quirkless loser."

"Geez, talk about stubbornness." The white-haired kid said and rolled his eyes.

"No kidding, he is more stubborn than dad." His brother answered.

"Hear that Midoriya, Bakugo has the stubbornness of an old man." The white-haired kid yelled over to Midoriya. He then went over to help the kid behind Midoriya. "You good?"

"T-thanks." The bullied kid got up and quickly made his way to the adults for some bandaids.

Bakugo got up from the ground with a pissed look. "Why do you protect that quirkless loser?"

"Plot reasons. I suppose." The white-haired kid whispered outside of anyone's hearing.

"A hero is supposed to protect, idiot, how am I gonna become the number one hero by letting someone like you bully the weak?" The black-haired kid said with a stoic face.

While the two squabble, the white-haired kid notices a pair of adults coming up to them. He quickly nudged his brother's shoulder who turned to the adults.

"Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Uchiha Madara and Gojo Satoru. I heard from a pair of boys that you were fighting each other." One of the adults spoke out.

The other one went over to Bakugo with a medkit to treat his nosebleed. The explosive boy yelled angrily as the teacher dragged him away to treat him somewhere else.

The two brothers, Madara and Satoru, turned to each other as they didn't know what to say.

"Welp, that was that." Satoru shrugged. "Honestly I'm all for him getting in trouble, but it's not worth it if I'm also punished."

"Well, even if he gets in trouble it wouldn't do anything because of his plot armor," Madara stated.

Satoru nodded and thought that plot armor really can be convenient sometimes.

"Uchiha-san, Gojo-san. T-thank you. Sorry if I caused you trouble." Midoriya bowed apologetically.

After that, the teachers tried to get an explanation of what happened but they all testified that Bakugo tripped. Which Bakugo didn't correct, being too prideful to admit defeat.

Soon after it was all cleared, parents started to arrive to pick up their kids. Satoru, Madara, and Midoriya were next to each other as they gathered their backpacks and went to the parking place.

"Did you have to dodge back then, Madara?" Satoru started, as he sipped a juice packet.

"No, why?" His brother glanced at him in confusion.

Madara knew his brother's quirk enough to know that he could take the hit, as proved when he did. Why was he worried? Unless…

"I almost forgot to put up my Infinity! I would've gotten hit!" Satoru stated, spilling some juice by accident.

"How do you not have it on automatic yet?" Madara asked his brother.

"I'm working on it. But it requires a lot of multitasking." It was a difficult task for him to learn. Maybe it was due to his underdeveloped brain that he struggled, regardless, he'd just wait and see.

"Infinity? Is that a barrier quirk?" Midoriya interrupted out of interest. He'd been silently listening to the twos exchange, lacking any words until now.

"No, it's just something my quirk allows me to do. Madara and I have energy-based quirks," Satoru replied while pointing his thumb between each other.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Midoriya said and started to look down with a depressed face. "I wish I had a quirk like yours."

"Oh yeah, Bakugo called you quirkless back there. That means no quirk right?" Madara asked, already knowing the answer.

He could barely make out his brother's voice in the background whisper, "Way to remind him."

"Yeah…" Midoriya said with a sigh as if he was embarrassed to admit it.

Soon their father, Tajima, came to pick up his kids from kindergarten, the two brothers waved goodbye to Midoryia whose mom had just arrived.

Inside the car, Tajima asked his sons how school went. The two blabbered about everything that had happened with Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Don't hate Bakugo too much… in my world, there are no bad kids… just impressionable, conflicted young people wrestling with emotions and impulses… trying to communicate their feelings and needs, the only way they know-how," Tajima said hoping his sons would understand what he means.

"That still shouldn't make it okay," Satoru said off-handedly, having leaned his head against his palm.

"You are absolutely right, but that isn't Bakugo's fault, but his parents," Tajima said proudly as to his son's sense of justice

Satoru wasn't convinced as he'd seen how Bakugo's parents acted in the anime and manga. Sure, the mom was snappy but not enough for Bakugo to turn out like this. He guessed that he simply had an inferiority complex towards everyone. Maybe because everyone held him in such high regard because of his quirk.

They continued to drive until they reached their home. Both kids got out of the car and headed in. They lived in a rather large house compared to the others around.

As they entered and took off their shoes, their mother came up to greet them. She was wearing an apron that said 'Heavenly Cook' and had her hair up in a ponytail.

"Dinner's ready in 5, go and wash your hands."

"Okay, mom the 'Heavenly Cook'," Madara said while clarifying what was on her apron.

Yuki always found her kids to be odd. Even her partner agreed with her but instead of being weird, she found it unique. It didn't matter how odd they were, she still loved her children.

The two went upstairs to the bathroom where they washed their hands with the sink, using a stool to reach.

"After dinner, mind helping me with my quirk training?" Satoru dried his hands by shaking them while Madara used a towel.

"Sure, but I'm gonna need you for target practice later."

"Yeah, yeah," Satoru said while shaking his hands and walking out of the bathroom.

After dinner

"Will–you– stop– throwing stuff at me."

"It's for training," Madara said and threw a shoe.

"Ouch, what was that?" Satoru called out in pain.

"I ran out of tennis balls and had to improvise so I threw my shoe." He answered.

The two brothers were in the backyard to train each other's quirks. They started with Satoru's quirk, which right now consisted of learning how to use Infinity subconsciously. This training consisted of Satoru playing with his handheld device and focusing on keeping up his Infinity while his brother threw stuff at him.

"I can do this all day."

"I swear, once I learn 'Reversal: Red', you better be able to dodge quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, keep it activated or this one will hurt." Madara threw a rock he found on the ground.

"Hu— Ouch! Dammit, stop!" Satoru opened his eyes and glared at Madara who remained stoic.

"I think that's enough for me. I'd rather throw rocks at you now."

"That's reserved for when I get my Sharingan." Madara said and continued "I only need to learn my justus and work out my body right now."

"Man, when am I gonna get my six eyes?" Satoru asked with a dejected look. "Still, the fact that you memorized that fire Jutsu from the anime is impressive."

"That's what I'm planning on practicing right now." Madara cracked his knuckles.

"Do that, I'll watch and see if you do something wrong," Satoru said before activating his Infinity for protection.

Madara nodded to his brother who gave a cheerful thumbs up and started doing hand signs at insane speeds—

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He yelled and—


A small fireball the size of himself shot out.

"That was disappointing." He felt disappointed over the lack of progress he'd made. He'd practiced the Jutsu for the last few months with minimal progress.

Then when the flames cleared he noticed his brother holding a marshmallow stick in front of where his Jutsu had been cast.

"Now could you do that again, medium heat?" Satoru asked with an eccentric smile.

"Do you take my training as a joke?" Madara deadpanned.

"Whoa whoa, you're plenty strong already. Imagine what you'll do in a couple of years." Satoru encouraged his brother. "How about taking a break now?"

"Just for a minute, my chakra reserves still require more training," Madara stated.

"Well, don't expect your fireballs to be the size of a building at the age of four."

Madara didn't answer and continued his fireball training.

"I'm done, my chakra is mostly out, how's it going for you?" Madara asked, breathing heavily, with a tired face as his body began to reach its limits. He looked where his brother was.

Satoru was on the ground with his eyes closed, meditating with his hands out and a blue sphere present floating above. It was his way of training his cursed energy output and technique.

The blue sphere disappeared and Satoru opened his eyes. "Done! But let's do some stretches, I've been down on the ground for too long, it's going to be a pain if my joints aren't trained."

Madara seemed to agree but came up with a suggestion. "If you want to we could try out a kata instead."

"Oh? It's the thing from karate right?" His brother asked, puzzled. Metaphorical question marks flew out of his head.

"Yes, it's a form of training Madara—past Madara—experienced in his childhood," Madara said but then noticed his brother's expression.

"Wait, did they show that in the anime?"

Madara shook his head. "No. I had been planning on telling this before but Bakugo got in the way. I've started having dreams of memories."

Satoru leaned in with interest, "Like memories from —"

"—yes, memories of the original Madara. And it felt so real like… I was there."

"I mean, if they are memories then you were technically there."

"Don't play me for an idiot. I know that. But it's good."

"Ah, because we can use those memories to train. And considering our similar circumstances then it's likely I'll have these dreams too." Satoru clapped his hands with a satisfied smile. He won't have to rely on instincts anymore to train his powers and could have clearer guidance.

"That'll speed up our training a ton," Madara stood straight after getting some time to recover. "For now let's do this kata and head inside."

Both of them went inside after having done the kata. Although Madara had it much easier compared to Satoru who hadn't done any katas before.

Inside the two brothers went to their parents who were sitting on the couch watching TV and occasionally them through the window. It turned out that they watched them attempt the kata and had a realization.

"Hey, kids," Tajima started, looking at his two sons, "Your mother and I have been talking and— we believe you two should attend karate classes."

"Huh, already four and our parents want to get rid of us," Satoru whispered to his brother.

Madara was surprised but tried not to express it. "What brought this on?"

"Your mother is worried that you two will get hurt if you train without any real guidance."

Madara and his brother looked at each other.

"I believe that what we are doing right now works, don't you?" Madara said to Satoru to which he nodded.

"I am serious," Tajima got their attention again and continued, "If you want to train then I'll take you down to the karate dojo where they'll properly teach you how to defend yourself. And if it doesn't reach your expectations you are free to quit."

Both brothers nodded in agreement, seeing their father's unmoving opinion.

Madara was the one who agreed with the idea the most as it provided more opportunities to train while Satoru figured he could just quit after a week or two and do other stuff.

After their dad checked what time the dojo was open he told them to be ready tomorrow and let the two kids go to their room and play for the rest of the day.

"So, are you excited about tomorrow?" Satoru asked his brother although his gaze wasn't pointed at him, rather it was pointed at the video game he was playing.

"Maybe, it may yield some good training opportunities, what about you?"

"Nope!" He was cut short by him getting killed in-game. "Ah, that sucks."

"Geez, life sure can be rough sometimes," Said his brother with sarcastic undertones.

"How unfairrr," Satoru said, dragging out the 'r' out of annoyance. He then continued with a sigh and fake comical tears running down his cheek. "My diamond armor had great enchantments too."

"Do you have anything left?" Madara asked.

"Mhm, my iron armor and iron tools from before," He said with a let-down voice over the loss of his stuff.

He had spent all his diamonds on full armor and tools and then enchanted them only to die by a creeper when he was on low health. It felt like rock bottom for him.

"Well, we should probably get ready for bedtime," Madara said

"Yeah, I don't want to play this anymore," His brother said as he had lost interest in the game after dying with all his stuff.

They turned off the game and started to ready themselves for bedtime. They went to brush their teeth and then changed into their pajamas. Their parents came in and gave them a kiss goodnight and before closing the door Yuki said—

"Goodnight sweethearts. It's a big day tomorrow, so don't let the bedbugs get you."

The two brothers quickly fell asleep after that. Not caring about the last part of what their mother said.

The sun was rising, lighting up the room and waking up the two brothers. Today the two would join the karate club a few blocks down the prefecture.

After changing out of their pajamas they went down to only see their mother in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Mom where is dad?" Satoru started, "Wouldn't he take us to the karate club?"

Yuki who heard them turned around to see her newly woken kids standing at the end of the stairs looking around for Tajima.

"Aa, yes, he was called in for emergency surgery. So I will take you two troublemakers to the karate club instead." Yuki said with a smile on her face. She then added, "Now go and eat the breakfast that I made for you two."

Madara and Satoru who heard breakfast rushed to the dining table. Yuki had made them a sandwich and poured them a glass of juice.

They quickly ate their sandwich and gulped down the juice. Their mother who in the meantime had packed their bags with the things they will need was now waiting for them.

When she heard them thanking her for the breakfast she took their dishes, washed them, and then put them in the dishwasher.

The brothers went to the front door to put on their shoes and jackets. Before waiting and then leaving with their mom.

While going towards the car the two brothers struck up a conversation.

"I wonder what the dojo looks like," Satoru said while thinking if it was gonna be like the one from the karate kid movie in his past life or something completely different. "Bet the trainer is some old guy."

"Who knows, as long as they can teach I don't care," Madara stated.

"Good for you, I'm going to do the minimal amount and say I'm tired. Who'd question a child's endurance anyways?" Satoru said with a cheeky grin.

"Do as you wish, just don't waste your time doing nothing."

"Eh? Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," Satoru whisked his hand at him, with a confident look.

"Alright you two get in, we don't want to make a bad first impression." Their mother opened the car doors for them and fastened them down.

The ride itself went by fast as the two brothers had a lot to talk about. They didn't even realize they had arrived until their mother called on them.

"This place is a lot bigger than I thought." Madara was impressed.

The three stepped out of the car and walked to the entrance. The door was unlocked and they walked in, taking off their shoes and placing them aside.

"You must be the one who messaged me about admission, right?" A large man came up to them from a hall.

He was a high-ranking member of the dojo as he wore a black belt. Likely the sensei of this dojo.

"Oh no, that was my partner." She placed her hands behind her kids and nudged them up beside her. "You know kids these days are always playing outside with their quirks. My partner and I thought it would be better to channel that energy into something safer."

"Good choice! It's good for kids these days to learn some basic karate." The sensei walked up to the kids.

He greeted them both with a handshake. "Good to meet ya, I'm Tobi, we have a lot of kids your age here so there's no need to be nervous."

"Maybe you two will make some new friends here." Their mother said with a smile.

The sensei invited them to his office somewhere a bit back in the dojo where the three could sit down and go over the membership fees.

"Now before you can join, you need to fill out these papers." Opening a cabinet the sensei took out two papers and handed them to Yuki along with a pen.

"What's it about?"

"Oh, basic things such as your names and quirks. We need to know if you have any special needs that need to be attained."

Yuki started writing down the information.

"So tell me about yourselves," Tobi started.

"My name is Uchiha Madara," then he turned to his brother and continued— "And this is my twin brother Gojo Satoru."

"Oo, so you are twins? It's not often we get twins here." He looked at the two, "Would you like to tell me your quirks?" Tobi said as a professional in the line of work.

Satoru jumped first to the explanation. "We have an emitter-type energy channeling quirk." he smiled and pointed to himself, "Mine's called: 'Limitless' and lets me control this energy that works kinda like a magnet against everything."

Of course, his quirk was more than that, however, there was a problem as it would be difficult to explain to the elders how a four-year-old kid figured out his quirk affected space and time on a subatomic level.

The sensei looked impressed. "Sounds like a useful ability. Keep training and you might make a good hero." Tobi encouraged.

"Then I'm next, I suppose." Madara started. "My quirk is called: 'Chakra' and I can channel it to make my body stronger or I could mold it to make elemental based att—things."

Tobi was quite surprised by their quirks. He didn't need to be told twice that they were impressive. To be able to enhance your own body and channel magnetic energy was something that held tons of potential.

He shakes his head so that he could finish the paperwork. Although he had a gut feeling these kids would be quite interesting. He took the finished papers from Yuki and looked over them before smiling.

"Well then, Uchiha-san and Gojo-san. Let's get you two suited in a gi."

They went out of the office to the dojo. Yuki went to sit with the other mothers during their practice; the sensei went through the basic rules of how things worked. Then they were placed into a young children's group, who were mid-training, and found themselves doing better than the other kids close to their age.

The training was mostly based on techniques and footwork. Madara and Satoru didn't have any trouble doing the techniques but Satoru wasn't enjoying himself as much as Madara did.

When the training was over and we had said our goodbyes to Tobi, they went straight home.

"People are lying when they say that children have endless energy," Satoru said, ready to drop to the floor any minute as he entered the house and greeted his dad.

"How was it? Sorry, I wasn't able to drive you there, but important work came up." Tajima said with an apologetic voice

"It's okay. I had fun even though it was very easy for me." Madara said while taking off his shoes.

"Come on, you two. If you want then you can go and take a quick nap before dinner's ready." Their mother smiled and went to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't be against it," Satoru mumbled and made his way up the stairs. "Are you coming?"

Madara nodded. "Yeah, I'm coming."

The two made their way up to their room and both dropped to their separate beds.

"This is it. This is our first step to becoming pro heroes."

"Not for the same reasons." Mumbled Satoru into the pillow loud enough for Madara to hear.

"Do you not remember what Ben Parker once said? 'With Great Power… Comes Great Responsibilities."

"Well, it's gonna be a pain then— looking out for the weak," Satoru said before turning in his bed to take a nap.

And with that, he fell asleep, and dozed off into the memories of the original, Gojo Satoru, for the first time.


What do you think about the chapter? Please leave your opinions for me to know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you for reading!

Fushiicreators' thoughts