
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Cómic
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8 Chs

Karate Tournament Part (2/2)

The referee raised his hand again. "Alright, three, two, one," Then it was let down, "start!"

The moment it started, Itsuka took a low stance and awaited Madara to make his first move.

Madara took notice of her low stance and mimicked her stance to reduce the stance's effectiveness. He ran at her to reduce the distance and give her less time to think. Itsuka in response moved forward preparing to grab hold of any incoming attacks.

With his arm, Madara swiped at Itsuka's head which she saw and blocked before attempting to grab hold of his arm. However, with his free arm, Madara plunged his hand into her stomach. She gritted her teeth against the pain of the punch.

Regardless of that, Itsuka held out and managed to get a grip on his Gi's sleeve. She came in close and wrapped her other arm around his neck while placing one of her legs behind his, hoping she could make him tumble to the ground.

But Madara held out and got his arm loose which he used to free his neck. He untangled himself from her and moved back.

Itsuka went on the aggressive again and tried to quickly close their distance. Madara shifted his legs into a more stable stance and waited for Ituska to throw her attack.

When the two were only some feet apart from each other Madara waited patiently for Itsuka to attack. She shifted closer to him and raised her foot toward his face.

Madara made a guard, however, no impact came as her foot was just outside the guard's reach and went above his head instead.

Her foot was in the air, forming a perfect split, which she prepared to bring down. When she brought it down she twisted her foot on the ground enough to where her falling foot would come down sideways at his neck.

Madara quickly turned his body towards her incoming foot and made a two-handed guard which took the brunt force. Then because of his position, Madara was free to launch his own kick toward the orange-haired opponent's face. She was in no position to dodge, and too surprised to block. In a show of incredible speed, his leg moved like a blur and hit its target right on point.

Her head arched back and thereafter followed her body as she stumbled back out of the fighting area before falling onto the floor.

"AND THIS MATCH GOES TO THE FLAWLESS KID, UCHIHA MADARA!" The commentator shouted, getting the crowd all riled up.

The four friends watched their friend win the fight against Itsuka in more amazement than before.

"Did you see those reflexes, I barely saw that last kick coming," Kaseki exclaimed.

"Madara must train really hard," Izuku said, to which Satoru agreed.

"Yeah, he trains so much it's becoming absurd." The make-shift cheerleader mentioned.

"But the results don't lie," Aki said with disbelief written all across her face. "he's seriously a step above anyone else."

This had been her first time watching Madara fight in any capacity outside of fun joke spars she'd seen him do with Satoru.

With the match won, Madara bowed out off the mat. One of the staff nurses approached Itsuka, who was slowly getting off the ground, and asked if she was fine. Itsuka said she was fine and was promptly led off the ring.

However, she took one quick detour before leaving completely. She stopped by Madara, who was returning to his sensei and teammates.

"You pack one good kick, you know that?" Itsuka said jokingly to the stoic teen.

Madara turned around. "Wouldn't say just one."

Itsuka smiled at the response. "That's true, all your moves were incredible—like actually impressive. But don't think it'll be this easy next time!"

"Next time?" Madara questioned and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"In the next tournament," She clarified with a fiery determination burning in her eyes. "I'll train even harder so that next time I won't even need to block anymore."

She looked at Madara, who stood there expressionless, waiting for a response to her challenge. He opened his mouth and—

"Not gonna happen," Madara said.

It took Itsuka a second to realize what he said. "...Huh?"

"My brother and I are planning on attending U.A next year," he began and crossed his arms, "therefore I'm quitting soon to focus only on my quirk."

Unexpectedly Istuka's smile seemed to widen. "Then regardless of that, we'll have a rematch, you and me. I'm also planning on going to U.A."

"What a coincidence." Madara didn't even try to look surprised. "Then it'll be there our rematch will happen. I hope it'll be more entertaining next time."

Itsuka smirked at his attitude and accepted the challenge in a heartbeat. She then turned around to rejoin her dojo, waved him goodbye, and said, "Good luck in the finals,"

"Thanks," Madara shrugged and went to his sensei.

"You did well out there." Tobi applauded before taking on a serious look. "Now just keep up that energy with whoever reaches the finals."

"It's definitely going to be that tail-dude." His teammate said.

"He hits like a truck." The other teammate said while rubbing his arm. He lost to Mashirao recently, who was going on a streak of wins just like Madara.

"We'll have to wait and see." Their sensei said and watched the next match unfold.

It turns out their predictions were correct. Mashirao, despite being unable to use his tail, swept the competition and made his way to the finals where he would face off against him.

While there still was some time before the match would start Madara chugged a bottle of water before throwing it perfectly into the trashcan from a distance.

He was feeling almost certain about his win as he'd had enough time to observe Mashirao's movements to predict how he'd move— without the use of his Sharingan.

When both of them were called up to the mat Madara didn't waste his time and walked right beside him. He could feel Mashirao's eyes looking at him from the side which Madara reacted upon.

"Do you believe I was fighting unfairly?" Madara asked, feeling the gaze watching him.

"Yes, I do. But do you know why…? It's because I know your type," Mashirao stated firmly, with a provoked expression. "you're the type who lacks respect for your opponent."

Madara gave a blank stare at Mashirao before narrowing his eyes. "You don't know anything about my type, to me everyone in this tournament is weak."

"So you're not even taking anyone seriously here, are you just messing around?"

"Would you rather I didn't?" Madara raised an eyebrow.

Mashirao's tail shifted slightly and he clenched his fist. "I want to fight and win knowing my opponent was giving it their all because then I don't have to feel bad for going all out."

"How noble of you." Madara sighed and took his place on the mat. "But if a true fight is what you want then don't expect me to show mercy."

Despite the glaring threat, Madara's face was calm and collected which only added to the anxiousness of what was to come. Mashirao would soon learn that poking a lion with a stick was never a good idea.

"Are both parties ready?" The referee asked.

"I'm ready!" Mashirao spoke first and took a form.

Madara nodded and also took a stance nobody had seen before, legs spread, slightly crouched down and leaning forward, looking like he was about to fall over any second.

"What is that stance?" A fellow dojo friend asked his sensei

"I don't know, I have never seen him using this one before." He answered back with a perplexed look on his face.

The referee raised his hand as always. "Then the first round of the finals will begin in three… two… one," Then it was let down, "start!"

Before Mashirao could even react, his opponent already made the first move.

Madara leaped off his foot towards Mashirao with almost inhuman speed where he slid to a stop right in front of him, slightly crouched down. With the use of his leg and arm, Madara pushed himself off the ground into a spin where during the last rotation he kicked out his leg that slammed into Mashirao's chest with great force.

The force was so great it launched him off his feet, and out of bounds. When he reached the ground he tumbled to a stop right before his sensei, giving Madara his first point of the match.

The crowd went silent in awe. But then after a few seconds, his actions caught up with the crowd and they roared in excitement. Madara could even see his brother waving those stupid pom-poms of his, right before being pulled down by Aki as she was embarrassed by all the stares they were getting.

"First point goes to Uchiha Madara!" The referee called out.

Meanwhile, Mashirao was helped up from the floor by some of his teammates. He nodded that he was fine and could continue. After being given some water and time to recover they positioned themselves back on the mat.

"Are both parties good to continue?" The referee asked with a serious look.

"Yes," Mashirao said, fixing his belt.

Madara nodded as he kept looking at Mashirao.

The referee raised his hand as always. "Then the second round of the tournament's final begins in three… two… one," Then it was let down, "start!"

This time Madara didn't rush forward, he just stood there with his arms crossed, to Mashirao's surprise.

Mashirao sees this as an opportunity and launches a punch at him.

Madara tilts his head to the side, allowing the punch to go by. With Mashirao's side exposed he grabs hold of his arm and the back of his shoulder. With a move that surprised many, Madara jumped up and locked his legs around Mashirao's head from the side. Using the momentum generated from the jump he slammed Mashirao onto his back while landing on the ground.

Madara who was standing over Mashirao punched him in the stomach ending the round.

"Point," The referee screamed "2-0 Madara."

The audience was currently in shock at what just happened. Everything went so fast that it took a few seconds to process. But soon after, the crowd started roaring at Madara's performance.

"What was that move, is it even karate?" Aki questioned, giving Satoru a look of confusion.

"Nope, he's pretty much dropped the karate at this point," Satoru spoke with a grin. "What he's using now is more of a homemade technique."

"Like he made his own moves?!" Kaseki said in amazement, slack-jawed at the moves Madara did.

"Is it even allowed?" Izuku asked the white-haired teen. He felt worried about his friend being disqualified for using some type of illegal move.

"Who cares, the referee seems fine with it." Satoru shrugged without much care, "It's much more entertaining this way."

"Like you know what entertainment is, Mr. make-shift cheerleader," Aki started with a glare directed at his pom-poms.

In response, Satoru pouted, "Just because you wouldn't make a good cheerleader—"

"—Who says I want to be a cheerleader!" Aki fumed, quite literally. She noticed the smoke coming from the top of her head and calmed down.

Satoru chuckled, "I never said you want to be one, I just said you wouldn't have made a good one." With a teasing grin, he shook the pom-poms in his hands in front of her face.

"Be careful before she burns them, Satoru." Kaseki reminded him after seeing the slightly tilted Aki getting angrier.

Just when he said that Aki reached out for the attention-grabbing tool with her hand slightly dosed in flames. But it never reached as Satoru's Infinity got in the way.

Meanwhile, with the parents, Tajima felt a wave of pride for his son coming this far in the tournament.

"Signing him up for this wasn't a bad idea," Tajima said to his wife.

"Of course, it wasn't. Now if only Satoru would've stayed." Yuki replied and glanced at her white-haired son who was joking with his friends.

"It just wasn't his thing, Yuki." Tajima explained, "Though at least he does visit that quirk-gym in Yamanashi sometimes."

"Too bad you need to book a time far in advance, I imagine the boys would train there every day otherwise," Yuki said.

"That's true," Tajima nodded with a light smile.

Their dedication was admirable. Both had dreams of becoming heroes, something that he and Yuki believed supported them in. It was something enchanting about watching them learn new things to reach their goals and pass milestones at such a young age.

Though despite all of that praise, Tajima did idly wonder why his son had brought those pom-poms, or where he even got them from. But that would be a question for another day as the commentator called out to everyone.


The match was about to continue as the two went back to their side of the mat and readied themselves.

Mashirao was looking at Madara who had his arms crossed with a look of boredom.

'What's the deal with him? It's like he isn't even trying at all. Is he taking our fight as a joke?' He gritted his teeth at the thought.

"If Madara scores a point this round it will be his win," The referee said to the two.


Mashirao stood his ground with a straight back, looking at Madara. "I know my chances of a win are low but I refuse to give up."

"That I will respect, your unwillingness to back down in front of a stronger opponent." Madara took his stance, eyes focused. "However, that's the only respect you'll get from me."

The referee raised his hand for what could be the final time. "Get ready you two. In three… two… one," Then it was let down, "start!"


It didn't take more than a couple of seconds for Mashirao and Madara to reach each other. Mashirao took a test jab at Madara who dodged it without any problems.

Mashirao threw another punch this time it got blocked. He kicked toward Madara's stomach right after. Madara seeing this coming dodged under the kick, punching him on the side of his stomach.

Mashirao, feeling a wave of pain coursing through him, gritted his teeth and summoned all his strength into his punch. Madara quickly ducked under it and sidestepped so he was in front of him. He launched himself up in a spin before throwing down a kick with great force. His foot sent Mashirao's face slam head first into the ground.

"Point. 3-0 Madara," The referee yelled.


The crowd cheered for him more than ever before. His brother waved those stupid pom-poms unhindered by Aki who was cheering along. Both Tajima and Yuki clapped for him.

To them, seeing Madara dominating his opponent in the final round wasn't short of amazing. His quick but precise movements had put awe on everyone's faces.

"I don't know why I am so excited, I already knew he was gonna win!" Aki said. Unable to sit still.

Satisfied, Satoru leaned back in his chair with both hands at the back of his head. "Nah, he won thanks to my amazing cheering. I bet they'll hire me next tournament too."

"I really hope they don't." Aki gave a sigh at her friend's antic but found her thoughts drifting aside.

She was honestly feeling guilty right now.

Despite wanting to be a pro-hero just like the rest of her friends Aki had never done anything about it. She didn't train relentlessly like Madara or Satoru, nor did she study crazy hard like Izuku or even seek ways to improve from outside sources like Kaseki.

Unlike, everyone else— she had never tried to improve. Was she expecting to become a pro-hero by doing nothing? While she was aiming for a low-grade hero academy, the rest of her friends had talked about going for U.A or Shiketsu and constantly reached for it.

But luckily, it wasn't too late to start. If she were to put in just a little more effort, push herself that much harder. Maybe, she could reach for those high dreams her friends are reaching for.

Finishing her thoughts she slowly began to return out of them and listen in on her friends speaking.

"Guys, I seriously can't be the only one considering joining the dojo," Kaseki said.

He was then interrupted, "I don't think they'll teach us that there. Those moves were more like…—" Izuku trailed off trying to find the correct words to use before Satoru cut in.

"—Madara being Madara."

"Yeah, that's one way to phrase it." Kaseki chuckled, and continued with a tad seriousness eminent, "He always seems to amaze me, whether it is studying or this. It always makes me wonder, can I push myself to do more than this?"

Aki and Izuku nodded.

"You're thinking too deeply about it. Madara is a perfectionist," Satoru said with a smile.

"Yeah, I know, but he is always so driven. I wonder where he gets his motivation from," Aki said.

"If only you knew," Satoru mumbled.

"Satoru I've been wanting to ask you something,"

He turned toward Aki.

"Do you think I would make a good hero?"

Izuku perked his ears when he heard what Aki asked.

"That depends."

Tilting her head to the side she asked, "On what?"

"On how you see a good hero."

"I don't follow."

Izuku who was listening intervened.

"He means that the word hero is subjective, so he can't say because his interpretation of a hero may differ from yours."

Aki turned toward Satoru who nodded.

"Aki, think about what your ideal hero is… then strive to become it."

She leaned back and looked up, "My ideal hero, huh?"

Tajima and Yuki stood up getting the attention of the group

"Let's greet our little winner," Yuki said. Picking up her belongings with a smile.

They went down to where Madara was and congratulated him on his win.

"Madara I think they want you something," Kaseki said pointing toward the stage.

On the stage, one of the organizers was standing holding a large prize.

Madara walked up on the stage to claim the prize.

He shook hands with the organizer and took the prize and lifted it with one hand.

The crowd started applauding.

Standing on a podium, holding his trophy with minor enjoyment. White flashes came from some journalists who held their cameras hoping to report on this year's winner.

Madara didn't care about the exposure, though his brother certainly did as he kept trying to photo-bomb every picture taken.

Although the journalists tried to approach him for an interview Madara simply shrugged them away for his friends and family instead who all congratulated him. Yuki hugged him, Tajima gave a nod of approval, Satoru comically danced around him and the rest of his friends simply complimented his moves.

"Why don't we head home before those leeches start bothering us," Tajima suggested.

"I should start heading home soon. I promised mom I'd be back for dinner," Izuku stated.

"Same." Kaseki jumped in.

"What about you Aki?" Madara asked.

"I should probably head home soon." Aki sheepishly said. She had a lot to think about right now and preferred to do it at peace in her room.

"Then let's go now," Yuki nodded to the hall leading to the exit. "we can drop you all by your homes if you want."

Their friends all agreed to the offer and they quickly departed, making their way towards the exit. Madara considered changing out of his Gi before heading out but didn't feel like making the others wait for him.

When they reached the exit of the building they stopped to put on their shoes. As he was putting on his shoes he noticed someone sitting down beside him to do the same.

Satoru almost snickered at the coincidence as the person next to Madara turned out to be Mashirao. He either hadn't noticed that Madara was the person sitting there or much more likely didn't care and just wanted to get by as fast as possible, judging from how fast he put his shoes on.

Madara didn't care or mind it. To him, Mashirao's actions were purely on himself and no one else. It was he who wanted to know the difference in strength between the two. The bruises he carried would serve as a reminder.

When the tail-user finished tying his shoes, he quickly made his way toward the exit. He opened the door and left through it with a bitter look.

Satoru was the first to speak after he left, "Sheeez, you messed him up real good."

Aki twisted her head so fast it was impressive that she didn't crack her neck.

"Does that Infinity of your also block 'tension' or can you just not read the room." Aki looked at him, dumbfounded.

"I feel like it might be both," Kaseki commented, stifling a laugh.

"Satoru, you need to be more careful with what you say. That boy tried his best and is probably feeling bad for losing." Yuki sternly reminded him. The look on Satoru's face told her he didn't care.

"It's a competition. Everybody can't win." The white-haired son shot back. "He was just simply not strong enough."

Yuki gave a sigh of defeat, "Just where in the world did you get those attitudes?"

They quickly all left the building shortly after the conversation and went to where Madara's and Satoru's parents had parked their car.

"Wait, how are we all going to fit in the car?" Izuku became the first to ask.

Despite the parents offering to drive all the kids home they had neglected to realize that the car only had three back seats. With them being 5—Izuku realized the problem.

"I can call my parents, you don't have to worry about me," Kaseki said and reached for his phone when…—

"Nah, you three can take the car." Satoru waved for them to get in. "I and Madara can head home from here."

"Huh? It's like an hour walk back!" Aki exclaimed.

"It's fine, I can take the train home." Izuku panicked, not wanting to be a bother to his friends.

Their parents didn't know what to do. They didn't want to deny the kids' request after having already agreed to help, so they watched to see the problem solve itself, hopefully.

"The next train only goes in three hours," Satoru recalled, then glanced at Madara for help.

Seeing his brother's gaze he sighed and nodded. "It's fine, it's better if you go first."

"See! See!" Satoru jumped in.

"Fine, but if you're not home by the time we're done dropping them off we'll come and pick you up," Tajima said, giving in to his son's idea. "Just don't forget to turn on sound on your phones."

"Got it!" Satoru excitedly spoke and took out his phone to check the sound.

Both Satoru and Madara waved goodbye to their friends as they got seated and soon drove off, leaving the two twin brothers alone.

"I'm assuming you have something in mind."

"Am I that easy to read?" Satoru wondered smugly, his hands rubbing together.

"Just do what you need, and don't get us into trouble."

With a smile, Satoru walked up to his brother and put a hand on his shoulder. He swiftly looked around to see if anyone was watching before taking off his glasses.

In a blink of an eye, both Satoru and Madara found themselves just outside of their house, in front of the door. Filled with satisfaction, Satoru put his glasses back on and went to unlock the door.

Madara scoffed, "You finally figure it out?"

He followed Satoru into the house where they rid themselves of their shoes and jackets, then went to the living room.

"Pretty much, wanted to tell you after the match but figured it'd be cooler to show," Satoru said before explaining it. "it's pretty much the opposite of my 'Infinity'. Instead of infinitely increasing the space between me and something— I decrease it. Which results in this."

"If that's so, then why didn't you—" Madara was abruptly interrupted by Satoru.

"—I need to have been at the place to warp to it." He elaborated and went to tap his glasses, "I also need to rid myself of these, but that's just a temporary thing until I get a better grasp of it."

Madara nodded in understanding, "That's good. It'll be useful when we're at U.A."

"Yeah, yeah, praise me more." Satoru encouraged and went to fall back-first onto the couch.

Madara sighed at his brother's antics and went to take out a book from the bookcase they had installed in the living room while his brother took out his handheld console and opted to play.

The two did their thing until Tajima and Yuki came home. Tajima came walking into the living room with the trophy in his hand.

"Let's put it up with the rest of your trophies."

Madara glanced over the book he was reading and nodded. He put the book down and followed him to the cabinet on the other side of the room.

The cabinet was filled with different karate trophies.

"I wonder when the day Satoru brings home a trophy comes," Tajima said directing a cheeky smile toward the lazy son who was playing games on the couch.

Satoru merely glimpsed at his father before turning back to the game.

"I don't need any trophies to know how great I am."



This took a while as I had trouble nailing down some parts of this chapter.

I have tried to have an upload schedule of once a day. But I am having trouble writing over 2000 words in one day and making it entertaining to read. Therefore I am gonna take my time with the chapters while still trying to keep them somewhat consistent.

I'm new to writing fighting scenes so I would like to hear what you thought of it, and what I could do better or think about.

Feel free to review.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Fushiicreators' thoughts