
The Twelfth Overlord[Dropped]

Due to some unfortunate circumstances this novel will no longer be able to proceed. I am very sorry for all those who have waited for the next chapter.

Lord_Of_BioHazards · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

Weekends And Missions

Idling around on the sofa, legs stretched it in comfort was a young boy with delicate features. He brushed aside his platinum blonde hair as he gazed upon his phone, watching a cheesy soap drama.

"What the?— Rosa's still alive? I thought she drove off a cliff thirteen episodes ago! Now she also has amnesia?! What kind of monster could survive that anyways?!"

Jyouji complained inwardly about the overdramatic yet unprecedented plot this was, not to mention the actress playing her was allegedly harassed by the person who was casted as the male lead.

'Are the directors stupid? No, more specifically is that girl an idiot? After all she accused Sebastian of sexually harassing her. Maybe she forgot about it?' The boy thought to himself of how it would all work out, fantasizing of how great it would be to watch it all unfold in person.

Pausing the video he then stood up abruptly. He stretched himself and faced the open window, looking out from the penthouse view.

He breathed out deeply, satisfied with himself with how he handled his task, "My target sure has a nice house. Maybe I should ask the other guys to hand me all his assets. After all he is pretty much dead, may as well send him to The Necromancer."

Jyouji smiled deviously, the thought of having a zombie servant at his heel made him quite excited if not for the fact that he had to ask the only person with the ability to create them.

His body slagged with lethargy and soon he found himself with a troublesome dilemma. 'Ugh, do I have to ask that creep to use his ability? I may as well die rather than have him help me.'

After a moment of deliberation, he soon stomped his feet in anger and let the matter go. "Tch, if only I was the one to awaken with Necropolis and not him." He mumbled to himself as he dragged the lifeless corpse to the bedroom.

The boy struggled, as expected, but this time it was more of a hassle than last time, "F*ck, this guy's so heavy, what has he been eating this whole time? Damn it! I don't get paid enough for this sh*t."

Wiping the sweat from his forehead laid him down roughly without any concern for the body. He swiftly dialed a number and drank some water to pass the time.

Finally when the call went through he initiated the conversation by complaining to his equal. "Where the hell were you? I've been busting my as* out for you guys and this is how you repay me?!"

"Calm down Virgo. We had an.... incident over on our side." The man tried to appease Jyouji, but failed tremendously.

"Oh don't you 'Virgo' me Orion. This mission better give me some good rewards.' The man named Orion gulped in fear, he knew what was to happen next.

"Cause now not only can I not ask for The Necromancer's services because of some stupid disciple, I wasted not only three days worth of napping time; but also seven hundred dollars just to get a room in this hotel!" The boy was in an outrage, the reason for this was merely due to him being an advocate of spending money wisely.

But that went right down the drain since the organization apparently could not afford to grant him extra resources for this task as they were too busy investing in a new project.

"Please calm down, Typhoon has been on loose recently and several hurricanes has appeared at America, the Pacific Islands and Philippine at the same time." Orion was clearly panicking but did not show it in fear that the boy would find out and use his ability on him.

"Right; Typhoon that b*stard has been quite inactive in the chats lately. I assumed it was because him and Ms. Lei broke up, so I thought he was depressed in his room. Never would've thought that he would destroy the world out of sadness." Jyouji was good friends with the heartbroken man and even pitied him.

But did not pity him enough to call him out for a drink. After all he was down on money lately, "Ah, that's right recently we have found something that could change the future lately."

Hearing that such an important thing was taking place, Jyouji was intrigued to hear of it. "We may have found a way to create artificial ability users."

The boy arched his brows in amusement. He knew what that exactly entailed but did not say it aloud, "Tell me more."


Over a hundred millennia ago a man now named Adam traversed the lands in search of a home.

He was the first of his kind and the successor to Pandora. After she had released the great evil she gave birth to a child in hopes that he would lead the world into great prosperity.

He found his other half at a mysterious garden created by God; but when they were expelled from paradise they soon had to traverse the harsh lands once more.

He remained faithful to his other half and they birthed powerful children. They then forged their own paths and started what the modern era called 'civilization.'

Along the way his bloodline grew far and wide and ended up into the time of wars and conquests.

Standing before a thousand men, armed to the teeth with golden armour and bronze helmet and sword. "I am Alexander III of Macedon. And I am here to bless you all with great strength. In the name of Ares! And of Zeus I hereby grant you power!"

Beneath him stood the bronze clad men with feverish eyes gleaming with fervor and bloodlust.

The king held his sword high and shouted, "To arms my soldiers! Let our foes kneel down to us and and show them true power."

His shout was returned with the howls of bloodthirsty warriors itching for battle. A shimmer of red shrouded the soldiers and soon they were off.

His highness; Alexander the Great in front muttering a few words. "May the Gods help us now."


"A drug that stimulates and improved mental activity?" Jyouji was surprised about this, after all stimulation of the brain was one way they tried to do in order to awaken more like him.

But every experiment ended in failures. "Yes, as you know an ability user's source of power stems from their desires and memories. Depending on what you feel during the awakening, you will gain an ability related to that certain feeling."

"But I was born with it?" The boy was exasperated, after all he was a rare gem. "Of course, you are after all one of the thirteen people who were born with abilities."

Being born with abilities was obviously a rare occurrent. But the Overlords did not care, why is that? Orion was indignant and envious of those people, they were not only born with powers but even had full control over certain places.

For example Pallas was currently situated in Kansas which he rightfully holds dominion over in the shadows.

The government compromised and had come to the conclusion that the overlords only work in secret and never to reveal themselves to the world.

Of course all twelve of them back then did not trust the government; so they destroyed half the world and spread the terror so that the greedy people in charge would let them do as they please.

Until Jyouji came. He was under the radar at the time of fear but when he had enough of it he took control of the situation and began to erase all the civilians memory and sent the terrorizers to sleep.

His ability scared the government and his companions the most. Sleep Inducement and Memory Alteration. The former would send those affected into an endless dreamworld while the latter allowed him to play around with the memories of others.

"What was I saying before you interrupted me? Ah, yes. What do I do with the body?" Jyouji inquired his assistant on what the details of the job were.

"You need to erase his memories of your encounter with him and send him to Angé for a 'makeover.'" Orion emphasized the last word as to remind his superior that he needed to be delicate with the process.

After all he was a test subject. "No problem. Is it okay if I give him the code name since I'm his dispatcher?" His question was given a response quickly as it was something that was prepared for him.

"Yes! Alright, I'll just break off some neurons right now and place something that will place him to sleep anytime I will him to." As he was a careful man, Jyouji realized the value of this old man and wanted him to grow rapidly in order for him to gain a new subordinate.

"I haven't had a new recruit in a long time. Maybe you'll be the first one this year."

Please forgive me if there are any errors in my writing. And for those who are confused on why I had placed something confusing in the middle of the chapter, (the part about Adam and Alexander), is because it’ll be extremely relevant in later chapters.

Lord_Of_BioHazardscreators' thoughts