
The Truth Untold: A TaeKook Short FanFic

Namjoon was pacing back and forth in his Mon Studio after his V-Live, contemplating whether he should post a disclaimer regarding his statement: "Taehyung listens to so much music even more than I do nowadays. Him along with Jungkook." As he wondered about what to post on SNS, he was startled by a knock on the translucent door.

"Hyung?" It's Jungkook. "Nae, JK?" He asked without opening the door. "Can I talk with you for a minute?"

Namjoon's heart raced against his chest. Is he angry at me because I outed them yet again? He fixed his shirt, patted away the creases and moved the swivel chair towards his computer to make room for Jungkook. After a quick sigh, he opened the door and Jungkook came in.

"You changed to Puma." Namjoon noticed Jungkook was not wearing his formal clothes anymore. A red hoodie with the Puma logo on the left chest area replaced the yellow polo and black jogging pants with two white vertical stripes on the sides took the place of the ripped denim jeans from earlier.

"Yeah, I had to. Taehyungie-hyung and I are rehearsing the dance for the unit performance we have with Jin-hyung." Jungkook answered as he sat on the small sofa in Mon Studio. Namjoon sat on his swivel chair too.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked, watching Jungkook's facial reaction. "Nae. Hyung, Taehyungie told me to say thank you for speaking for us during the V-Live." Jungkook smiled. Namjoon had to reprocess Jungkook's answer. What does he mean by "speaking for" them?

"Tell him, it's not a big deal. But what exactly does he mean by 'speaking for'?" Namjoon had to clarify. Jungkook's expression changed from happy to wistful. "Hyung, you praised our vocals, our efforts, you gave constructive criticism, you promoted our works. You even commended our hobby." Namjoon was dumbfounded.

"You are not gonna ask me about my slip up in the live?" Namjoon had to ask. Jungkook looked unbothered while Namjoon's stomach churns with anxiety over that small statement. "What slip up?" Jungkook asked innocently.

Namjoon couldn't believe this. "I NEARLY OUTED YOU! AGAIN!" His exasperation made led himself to a face palm moment and Jungkook still hasn't catched up on the situation at hand. "Uh, hyung, please don't be too hard on yourself. We really thought you were commending our music enthusiasm. No offense taken, hyung!" Jungkook tried pacifying Namjoon's anxiousness, waving his hands as if warding of the idea of any offensiveness.

"Really?" Namjoon removed his hands from his face. "Really." Jungkook smiled. "I actually thought it was an obvious slip-up. I guess no one noticed it yet."

Namjoon looked a bit distraught. "Yeah. There is still no tweets blowing up about it from big accounts. Thanks, hyung..." Jungkook went over and hugged Namjoon, patting his back.

After a few more words regarding the video Bang PD-nim tasked Jungkook to do and then Namjoon was left alone again. He tweeted an apology for accidentally ending his live. He hoped TaeKookers would keep quiet if ever they noticed his slip-up.

Meanwhile, back in the rehearsal studio, Seokjin and Taehyung were practicing the routine that Jungkook choreographed for their unit performance. A few moments before Jungkook entered the room, Taehyung twisted his ankle. He dropped to the floor, right leg extended to prevent inflammation. Seokjin, took the emergency kit from the corner table then ran to where Taehyung sat. They were spraying Icy Hot when Jungkook entered the room.

"What happened?!" He asked them as he rushed to Taehyung's side, eyebrows furrowing as he take note of the growing redness on Tae's exposed ankle.

"I'm so sorry, Jungkookie... I was not careful enough..." Taehyung tried to apologize but Jin interrupted him. "I am really sorry, he was trying to give way to me as we rehearse the 'wings' part but I am still--"

"Hyung, it's okay. It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize. We all have clumsy moments, okay?" Jungkook cut Seokjin's sentence with a smile. Then he reached over to Tae's ankle.

Poking slightly, he made Taehyung wince. "Okay, Taehyungie-hyung, let's get you to the clinic." "But, I'm okay now, no need to--" Taehyung was fast to protest but Jungkook was faster, already scooping him up and carrying with both arms supporting his weight. Jin could only laugh at how sweet and reckless Jungkook could be when it comes to Taehyung. He raised an eyebrow and smiled as Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck to support himself.

When they were alone in the hallway, Taehyung pouted and looked up at Jungkook who has fixated his eyes on the direction they were going. "I can see you pouting." Jungkook smiled as he carefully walked down the halls leading to the company clinic. Taehyung kept looking but lost the pout. "You're unfair!" Taehyung whined. "This is unnecessary, I can still walk. Put me down!" His continous whining made Jungkook smile and shake his head. "You barely acted like it was fine with that boxy wince from a while ago." Jungkook was enjoying it. Taehyung was about to protest again but they're already in front of the clinic door.

"I'll put you down for a moment so I can open the door. Lean on me for bit, hyung." Jungkook instructed as he let Taehyung on his feet, pulling him to his chest so he could support him. "You really don't have to do this." Taehyung murmured. "Yes, I do." Jungkook answered as he turned the knob.

They were greeted by a smiling Jimin sitting on the cot. "Another sprain, Taehyung-ah?" Jimin asked. "I'm guessing it's a twisted ankle." Jungkook explained and Taehyung just rolled his eyes and sat beside Jimin. "What brought you here at this hour, Jimin-ah?" Taehyung inquired.

"He was just asking for an oral spray." Yoongi, coming out of the comfort room in the clinic gestured a spray motion with his hand. "You guys okay here? We'll be leaving once the nurse is back with my spray." Jimin smiled. "Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks Jimin-ah, Yoongi-hyung." Taehyung hugged his bestfriend and looked gratefully at Yoongi.

As if on cue the nurse arrived with Jimin's oral spray bottle. Jimin thanked her and Yoongi gestured to Taehyung and Jungkook that they will be out. "Don't overwork yourself, hyungs." Jungkook reminded them before he closed the door. He knew they are working on a new recording. Their festa subunit is like a dream come true for YoonMinies and they wanted it to be as close to perfect as it can be.

He turned back to Taehyung as the nurse spoke. "What happened?" The nurse asked Taehyung. "Taehyungie-hyung twisted his ankle during rehearsal." Jungkook answered for him. "He winced when I poked it slightly."

And Taehyung just zoned out as the nurse gave instructions to him and Jungkook on what to do. They were given a crutch and an ice bag. The next thing Taehyung knew was that he was being accompanied by Jungkook through the halls towards the parking lot.

"Wait, Kookie, where are you taking me?" He stopped walking. "Uh, back to the apartment complex so you could rest?" Jungkook continued towards the company car which is used during emergencies like this. "But I can rest in the office lounge." Jungkook ignored Taehyung's protest and opened the passenger door.

"Hyung, just get in. The nurse said you have to fully rest it and put cold compress so it will heal faster." He gestured for Taehyung to get it. "I'll just carry you in if you won't move." This made Taehyung move. He doesn't like it when Jungkook carries him like a barbel. It makes him feel weak. But he likes the fact that Jungkook is such a caring person to him and his hyungs.

When they were both inside the car, Taehyung can't help but be reminiscing when he glaced over to Jungkook who was on the driver's seat. He was so small when they started out. Now he could carry Taehyung around literally with ease. He could show off that body for the whole world to see proudly. He can produce his own music and videos. But one thing never changed. Jungkook is still the shy boy from that first meeting they had at the vocal lessons.

"Hyung, you are making me feel conscious. What is it?" Jungkook asked, eyes on the road. Taehyung giggled. "You're still you." Puzzled, Jungkook tilted his head for a fraction of a second and furrowed his eyebrows. Every reaction makes Taehyung smile wider.

"Remember when you were so shy, you always try to sneak at night just to take a shower?" Taehyung smiled as he recalls their first night alone at the dorm. "Yeah, you made me undress in front of you." Jungkook rolled his eyes but laughed. Taehyung's eyes widened. "Not that, you idiot!" Taehyung slapped Jungkook's arm and laughed too.

"Admit it, you were having a confident gay moment and you took advantage of me because we were alone!" Jungkook teased him some more. "Shut it! I was trying to make you comfortable in your own skin!" Taehyung still laughed.

Jungkook stopped laughing. "We're here." He said as he starts reverse parking, leaning closer and putting an arm on Taehyung's back rest. Taehyung leaned his head back, smiling. "Why are you smiling like that, babe?" Jungkook, done with parking, asked as he unbuckled Taehyung's seatbelt.

"I am just really happy to be here with you, Jungkook-ah." Taehyung looked at him with all the fondness a lover gives his beloved. Jungkook returned this. "I am the happiest when I am with you too, Taehyung-ie!" And he planted a soft kiss on Taehyung's lips, which was reciprocated with another kiss, only this time it was a kiss of longing.

"I see you are well now." Jungkook remarked as he broke the kiss which was getting heated. Then his forehead creased. "Okay, nevermind that, you are getting flushy cheeks, I think you are having a fever." "No, I'm not!" Taehyung argued, slapping Jungkook's chest, because he knows why his cheeks are red. They both know. But this is Jungkook and if you look closely in on his actions, he is almost always cautious when it comes to Taehyung. It is almost always as if he wants to be mature enough with his actions towards Taehyung even if he is the younger one.

Once they got inside, Jungkook helped Taehyung up to his room. Yeontan was sleeping in his pen. "I'll heat up the pizza from the fridge." Jungkook said once Taehyung is settled on the bed. "But you're afraid of the microwave." Taehyung argued, pouting as he pulled the duvet up to his chin. "Oh, I won't use the microwave, babe." And Jungkook trudged out of the room with a smirk. Taehyung was left wondering how Jungkook would heat up the pizza. The toaster oven broke 3 days ago. "ARE YOU GOING TO USE THE STOVE?!" Taehyung shouted when he thought he realized what Jungkook was planning.

Yeontan started barking upon waking up. A few minutes of waiting and Jungkook came back up with a tray of pizza and a sippy cup of orange juice. "You better get well sooner, hyung." He sat beside Taehyung and gave him a smile, handing him a slice. Taehyung was counting the slices as he chewed "These are too much. Why'd you heat up 6 slices? You know I can only eat—oh!" Jungkook just laughed ang grabbed a big bite of pizza.

They passed the time eating and talking about their individual recordings for the upcoming festa. After they finished their snack, Jungkook got up and took the mefenamic acid capsules from his jeans pocket. "Time for meds, babe." Jungkook announced in a low-tone voice, acting all "hyung-like" and Taehyung just smiles at his actions. "Thank you, hyung."

And somehow, their lips found each other. Soft at first... Jungkook's hand on both of Taehyung's cheeks... Taehyung's hands on Jungkook's shoulders... They pulled apart and smiled at each other, eyes both crinkly with happy tears attempting to well up.

"What do you think TaeKookers are up to?" Jungkook whispered, bambi eyes widening and eyebrows raised. "Probably reposting our on-cam interactions and arguing with each other regarding our SNS posts." Taehyung whispered back, nose scrunching up a bit and a soft smile playing at the corner of his lips. Jungkook laughed. "I thought you're gonna say that they are probably theorizing on the lyrics of The Truth Untold and trying to find out if it's about us!" He fell back on the bed while laughing loudly.

Taehyung found this endearing that he had to follow suit and lay beside him, arm resting on Jungkook's chest. He patted Jungkook's collarbone. "I told you not to work out too much..." "And I told you to stop acting like you are not the most handsome man in the world." Jungkook booped Taehyung's nose with his right index finger. They both smiled again.

Jungkook had to remind Taehyung. "You have to get well ASAP. We still have a lot to rehearse... But for now, we sleep." Jungkook hugged Taehyung snuggly and closed his eyes. "You're not going back to the studio?" Taehyung looked up at the most beautiful being in his life. "Nope, I'm staying with you until your sprain heals. And then we practice together." Jungkook answered him, voice slurring. Taehyung closed his eyes too. Snuggling with Jungkook.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" Jungkook whispered against Taehyung's hair. "Hmm... Yes, and I do too." Taehyung whispered back, feeling Jungkook's smile on his forehead. "Let's sleep." Jungkook's words were like lullaby... Soon enough, they both fell asleep.

A few hours later, Taehyung woke up hearing a singing Jungkook in the shower. Their shared living room only has a divider in between and the bathroom is almost adjacent to it so Jungkook is really hyping loud and clear. As Taehyung got up and went to pick up his eyeglass on Jungkook's desk, he saw a new project on the screen. He watched it and smiled. It's the same song his boyfriend is singing.

There is a knock on the door and as Tae opened it, he was greeted by Hoseok. "Hobi-hyung! Come in, how can I help you?" He smiled as he gestured Hoseok to go inside the room, but the latter just held onto the door jamb. "I won't be long, just wanted to tell you that PD-nim just called Joonie and we'll be going to Saipan for Summer Package 2018 and you guys have to pack up A.S.A.P." Hoseok smiled as he delivered the news.

"Where is Saipan?" Jungkook who just came out of the shower and is wearing a blue robe shimmied through the doorway where Hoseok is standing. Taehyung blushed. Jungkook could have went in the door leading to his own bed but customs like this never fail to occur especially when they are only in the apartment complex with no cameras rolling.

"I don't know, just dry up and get dressed as soon as you can so that you can unpack for tomorrow. We're leaving at 10am KST." After that, Hoseok left with a dutiful smile and closed the door.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook picking clothes from the closet. When Jungkook turned and noticed him staring, Taehyung smiled. "Okay, you go dress up and I'll go wash up. We better pack sunscreen and repellents just in case."

Taehyung started picking up his towel and bath gel from the bed. Jungkook walked over to Taehyung and hugged him. "Okay, hyung." They kissed softly and then it grew into a wet passionate sloppy kiss with Jungkook gripping onto Taehyung's lower back then hips, and Taehyung gripping Jungkook's shoulders then nape hair. When Jungkook was sure they couldn't breathe normally anymore, he pulled away, leaving Taehyung in a hazy stupor.

"Okay, Kookie, I have to shower now. Thanks for reminding me to not take a bath for more than fifteen minutes." And Taehyung went to take his bath, leaving Jungkook smiling in the room, going back to picking out his clothes.