
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · TV
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9 Chs

The army

Same day of last chapter

When Raymont made it to the training yard his father had just finished his spar, but Joff is still going against uncle jamie he had realy improved hes much better then him as he's only adverage with his weapon ,but thats fine since he will be surrounded by people who are skilled so long as he can fend of and attacker long enough to get help he will be fine but he had decided to walk over and confront his father about what he wanted to talk about.

"Father how was your spar?" he asked if he was honest with himself then he would admit that he and his father dont talk very often they just dont have alot in common the family members he speaks with are his brother, mother his uncles Jamie,Stannis and Tyrion ,he's not lonely he's just focused on bettering the realm.

"It went well no one could stand aginst me and win" he said ending it with a huge laugh "but lets not waste time what are you here for the only time you seek me out is if you need somthing" he says with a knowing look leaning on his hammer.

Ray sighs and says "i want command of the city watch and permision to start reinforcing it with more men ive already got plans to afford it i just need your permision to start it" he finishes bowing his head waiting for permision or rejection at this point the whole yard has gone quiet people are waiting for a reponce from their king.

"Very well but this is a big responsibility dont let me down on this, your lucky that we were looking for a new commander the last one killed a noble man and let his men have his way with his wife, I want you to have more disipline and control over the city watch and you can add to it your limit is seven thousand men and not anymore then that the crown will only pay for the current three thousand the other four thousand is going to be paid by your pocket same as where you base them you can base them anywhere in the city" he finishes letting out a long breath from the explenation "now i think it would be best if you go meet your officers and maybe pick some new ones that are more loyal to you" he says waving his hand dissmissing him.

nodding his head Raymont left but not before waving over his brother and the hound noticing the end of the spar they hurried over after Joffrey put away his equipment.

"So does this mean i will have to call you commander now?" Joff said with the classic lannister smirk the perfect mirror of uncle Jamies "only if you accept my offer as second in command i need some one who can order the watch well im not there and i trust you its not too big off a job you mainly command the higher ups well im away" he says keeping a fast pace towards the barracks "what higher ups would i be incharge of?" Joff asks mulling over his offer "I want to have seven commanders assaigned to me under each gate but they will also each have a barack to put their one thousand men I do this beacuse i dont want this city to be attacked and have few men on the walls one thousand at each gate a quater of them with crossbows and the rest with spear and a short sword but i also want them to have big shields of course they will keep their cudels for their main function as watch men who keep the peace, now do you accept my offer" Ray asks looking back at his little brother the person who he watched grow up to what he is now the person who he wants to rule the westerlands, he likes Tyrion but hes too ambitious and spiteful for small remarks but Joff he's loyal and commands respect from people it also secures the west after grandfather dies which could be anyday he's old and in a stressful job as lord paramount.

"I accept brother you alwas have my sword and my loyalty all you have to do is ask" as he says this Ray turnes and clasps hands with his brother they may not be twins but there are two sides of the same coin "now come on we have got people to meet and people to kick out of their job" he says before marching down the corridor to the court yard.

Upon reaching the baracks Ray got all seven commanders together and told them of his apointment as commander some reacted well like Jaclyn Bywater a man who only got command a week ago hes 22 not old but not young Ray had once heard that he holds honour in high regard and is loyal to those who he belives are worthy of it.

But some were quite filled with envy ,but this was of no worry to Ray he already knew he was getting rid of everyone but Jaclyn they were all corrupt and greedy so they would go and would be given to crownlanders and westerlanders and also stormlanders the main reason for the crownlanders was so that they would be more loyal and open to the new dynasty.

"I want everyone apart from Jaclyn to leave you are stript of your rank and standing in the watch" as soon as he finshed saying this the roon was filled with protest and only calmed once Joff,Sandor,Mandon and surprisingly Jaclyn put their hands on their wepons Ray on the other hand stayed steated and started to speak once it was quieter "this is why you are to be removed it was a test if you accepted and handled it with grace you wouldnt have to leave but since you reacted violently and in a way unbecoming of watchmen you are to leave and never return you will be given ten stags each for your service i wish you luck, but you have no place here" Ray finished pointing to the door once they hand left he told everyone with him to sit.

"Has anyone got any recomendations for people to fill the watch?" he asked looking about "how about you Sandor any westermen you know that would fit the watch?" he asked letting Sandor think "there are two I can think of a lad of seventeen second cousin to lord lefford hes called Damon Hill a bastard but a hard worker alough he's humorless but good with a mace in hand there is also a older man called Bryden Jast around thirty years old brother to lord Jast hes a man who likes to laugh and tell jokes but is serious when needed they are the only ones i can think of, they are good enough men but only Bryden is a knight Damon isn't" Sandor finished he's been more talkative as time passed and is quite vocal about how knights dont follow their vows.

Ray wrote them down in his journel Nodding thinking of the gate for each to hold Daemon can have the lion gate and Bryden the kings gate.

"How about you Mandon got any crownlanders to give it to?"

Mandon nods "there is a lad whos nineteen of house Pyle youngest son eager for glory and a place to work honourably not a knight but i heard hes fine with a blade no master or genius but decent his name is Andrew Pyle ,there is also a monster of a man aparently he is twice as strong as a normal man and over 6'9 hes cousin to lord ramton and he weilds a massive axe he loves to fight his name is Willem" he says with a nod Ray starts writing them down and will give Willem the iron gate and Andrew the dragon gate which we will recall the Stag gate

"Thank you Mandon, Joff any Stormlander you can think of? i know grand maester is teaching you of the stromlands history" Ray says looking to his brother

"There are alot of options there but I can think of one his name is Balon swann the second son of lord swann he's a good fighter and is aparently honorable enough to be trusted hes good with a bow and great with a moringing star i would definetly reccomend him if what people say is true" Joff finishes looking happy i asked him since usualy people just ask him about wepons and focus other questions on me so hes always happy to give his opinion.

Ray will give Balon the old gate he seems like a good man if what Joff says is true.

"Well there is one position let and I want to give it to someone from a diffrent place then the three we said" Ray said as he thought he decided on dorne it will be good to try and strenthen relations with them the best house would be the yronwood.

"Does anyone know about house Yronwood's members if one is able to join us here" Ray asks looking around Jaclyn responds "i've heard of a half brother to lord Yronwood called Arthur he's around his late twentys and is like most of the dornish good with a spear i dont know his character but he's probably able to come and take the post" he finishes with a bow of his head Ray nods back and writes down Arthurs name for later to give the gate of the gods.

"I belive that is everyone now Im going to have the letters sent to the people until they arrive send all paper work and issiues about the gold cloaks to me but once people arrive then i will split up the work load" Ray says to everyone and then turns to Joff I want you to start drilling half the men and then when its that halfs turn to patrol drill the other half dont make it to taxing just keep it basic dont want them tired when they need to patrol i just need then to know things are changing" Ray says having Joff nod in responce "this will all start tommorow for now spread the news that im now incharge of the goldcloaks I might rename them aswell Goldcloak is a mouthfull, maybe the antlers are somthing along those lines I will figure it out but anyway dissmissed i need to go get my new armour started" Ray said standing and heading out Mandon,Joffand Sandor following and Jaclyn off to spread the news

once Ray made it to the street of steel he headed to a blacksmith called tobho mott he was a master smith and Ray wanted some armour that would protect him but also look flashy "master mott i would like you to make me some armour it shall be black and gold but focus more on gold and i want a helmet like the one my father wears I also want a second one but with a lion helmet instead of a stag one for my brother here you shall be paid upon completion of the work" Ray said getting straight to the point as was his way of doing things Mott was quick to agree "of course my princes if you would allow me to take your messurments so that I can start as soon as possible" Mott said excited to make some money doing what he loved.

It didnt take long to finish the mesurements and to iron out the finer deatails of what they wanted next was to the street of silk to get their cloaks done so that they looked the part of goldcloaks commanders he would let his future officers collect their own armour and cloaks but he will still pay for theirs as is his duty as their commander but it is also their duty to keep good upkeep on their equipment

once they made it to the place they were getting cloaks they asked for decent cloaks that could keep us warm but not suffocate them it was of course dyed gold they had it long but not too long to trip over in a fight they were only there for a few minutes and were on their way back to the keep wearing their cloaks to furthur confirm their rank once they made it to their office they found Tyrion waiting outside ready to tell Rey about his finacial endevors they made their way into his study.

"So uncle what have you found?" Ray asked pouring Tyrion a glass of wine and one for the hound since he asked "well nephew i found some propities all over that can be bought cheap they can also be turned more profitable if you upgrade their stock and image as for farms half of them are willing to sell to you aslong as they get to live and continue working there for a decent wage the wage they want is a bit above adverage but they know what they are doing so im sure its worth it" Tyrion says excitedly and taking a drink before continuing "I also heared that you are now incharge of the gold cloaks if you were to station a few near your places of buisness then they will turn a better profit since more people will go there since its safe and affordable this will make more people sell to you since they will gwt protection from your cloaks and your still doing you r job in the end so no one can complain" he said getting more excited each word.

"Your quite excited uncle and you are more cometent then I thought maybe i should allow you to be master of coin when im king and also yes I am the lord commander of the gold cloaks lucky for me the previous commander was caught doing some awful crimes" Ray says with a smirk on his face "but enough buisness now we celebrate the coming future we will start making moves in one week when the coin arrives and some of my new commanders hopefully accept to join" Ray says pouring everyone a glass including himself "to the future of this city may it thrive under real law enforcment!" Ray declared to all his guests a "hear hear!" was followed after

(3 days later)

Ray awoke to one of the servents putting his cloths on the side and running his bath he thanked her and gave her a silver stag he alwyas gave then one it made them work harder to make his cloths nicer and to make sure his bath was hot as he sank into it he let his thoughts wander to the letter yesterday on his desk once he finshed he then walked over to his desk and re read the letter

'Your grace I humbly accept your offer to work for you on the honour of house pyle i will serve you to the best of my abilitys' the letter was sealed with the sigil of house pyle

'He should be close and might arrive in a few hours so I should look the part of a gracious and dashing young prince' he thought as he got into his better court outfit but still attached the gold cloak to himself since it added a extra level of athourity to him

After a few hour Ray heard a knocking on his door saying riders had been seen coming bearing the sigil of house pyle so he headed to the courtyard to meet with his newest goldcloak once he made it there he only waited for about 20 minutes before Andrew arived with a few men he dismounted and kneeled before Ray and said "my prince you honour me by greeting me here and giving me the opportunity to prove myself to you" Ray smiled at him warmly and said "rise lord Pyle no need to kneel we shall be working together often now come along lets go to my study the servents will take care of your men" Ray started leading him to his study once they arrived Ray told him what gate he is too keep and how many men he will currently have under him after that Andrew left to his room to rest and Ray did work that was sent to him about the goldcloaks.

(4 days later)

Ray was eccstatic the gold had arrived and he instantly sent half to Tyrion to buy some land and then sent some to master Mott for the armour and any left over was put away for recruting goldcloaks and feeting and arming them and during the time waiting all but the dornish officer had arrived but he was about two or three days away but he had enough to distribute the work load of the goldcloaks of course Ray does all the big work like giving out money and anything to do with noble and also complaints but its alot less then before he already had people spreading word about hiring people into the goldcloaks and thousands wanted to join mainly from flea bottom since they realy needed work so he too a few hundred every day to not overload us and give time to build and find baracks for them but so for they have close to five thousand so with the money now here he recurted he hired enough to make it two thousand and with food coming from his farms feading them became easier he still had to buy alot of food but it made it less of a burden with seven thousand he gave Joff the thumbs up to train them into the ground with their spears,swords and Shields in a few month he will have a more organised army within the capital everyone knew thats what it was but they couldnt argue beacuse their goldcloaks not some new institution that has been made.

For the first time in a while Ray was satisfied.

(Ok this is the longest chapter yet decided to write next chaper will have a few month time skip hope u enjoyed feel free to point out any mistakes that i made ill change them and i will still upolad thursday and mybe before if i feel like writing these oc will have some role but nothing crazy same with Balon nothing crazy but will still impact the story)