
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · TV
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9 Chs

chapter 5

(3 months later) Raymont POV

'The goldcloaks are now able to support themselves even the ones who are ment to be payed by the crown are no longer being payed by them instead i've had to scramble to find gold to pay them but luckily for me Tyrion works fast and provided the gold from my buisnesses and so im heading to the viper den or better known as the small council' I think as i walk the halls 'I have twenty of the best goldcloaks with me aswell as Joffrey and Mandon I have sent Sandor ahead to make sure the whitecloaks give us no issuie when we enter if my grandfather did one thing right it was to use the mouintain as his attack dog so I decided to get my own attack dog Joff doesnt mind me using him so it all works out.'

"Move aside" I say with a finality to it Meryn Trant and Borros Blout stare for a few seconds but they move out of the way when my Goldcloaks grab their blades after they move I walk in standing as proud as the stag on my chest infornt of these few people who rule the kingdom in all but name once I take my crown they shall be rooted out like cutting out a disease.

They all stood as the goldcoaks took up position at the door and the walls behind each of the council members I took my seat where the king should sit since it was the only seat empty and its rightfuly mine

"Where is my gold?" I ask looking between each person "What do you mean my prince?" the hand of the king Jon arryn asks knowing exacty what the prince was talking about "the gold that was promised to pay for two thousand of the goldcloaks the cost of it comes down to four thousand silver stags one stag is the mans wage and then one stag to feed themso two stags per man can the iron throne not deliver on it's promise" I say as my hands grip the arms of my chair the only sound in the room is the grandmaester sputtering and my uncle Stannis teeth griding I sat back and let them collect their thoughts before continuing the coversation but before that i poured three glasses of wine one for me one for Joff and one for Sandor who had been stood off to the side staring down the kingsguard that had enterd the room.

"My prince are you not able to pay for the goldcloaks you are their commander afterall?" said baelish with that stuipid smile on his face "I pay my share which is alot more then yours I pay sixteen thousand stags to these men but since you have not been providing your share ive been paying the extra four thousand just so they can support their familys" I point to one of the cloaks "Ronnel here became a goldcloak so that his sister doesnt have to sell herself and so he can pay for his food his mothers food and his sisters food he does his work well the least you could all do is pay for his leal service" the more i talk the more passion enters my voice the small council looks shocked at the information I provided well all except Varys he probably knows about all my officers and personal retinue of the twenty with me.

"I have a way to forget the debt and I'll also take full pay for the goldcloaks" I say looking at the hand he raises his eyebrow and nods for me to continue "I want permission to make farms and fishing villages along the balckwater I wont do it on other lords lands just the lands directly under kingslanding but I also want permission to have more goldcloaks in the redkeep right now i only have one hundred here but i want fourhundred stationed and garrisond here so i want permision to hire fourhundred extra cloaks to stay here" I say sitting forward to take a drink of my wine and toping up Joffs when he held it out to me.

"Very well I will allow this but only if you promise to pay for everything that you do" Jon said holding his hand out to me to shake "shouldnt we write this down?" I ask "no enough people have witnessed it so it's fine to not write down" I nod and then I stood up and waled out my goldcloaks in lockstep behind me.

"Joff go recruit and extra four hundred goldcloaks tommorow to fill the ranks and put the goldcloaks who are the best behaved in the redkeep I dont want any issuies this isnt like fleabottom where they can do as they please the people in the keep hold power some are knights or lords no people who we can arrest or kill if they commit a crime" i say to him listening to the rythem of my goldcolaks feet hitting the ground in usnison it took weeks to teach them how to do it but its worth it eventualy they will rival the golden company in skill and disipline.

"of course brother you can count on me where are we going now?" Joff says scanning the area for threats "we are going to go let the officers know about the meeting and then to let tyrion expand the industrys outside of kingslanding the fishing villages should be profitable and the farms will take a while but im going to send out five hundred goldcloaks to build a road leading to the farms and fishing towns" I tell him my plans pretty often he would be of no use if i kept him in the dark like others would in my position but I know Joff will never betray me

Before i could leave the redkeep a servent walked up to me and gave me a message I opened it and felt my heart drop the iron islands have rebeled and Balon Greyjoy calls himself king of the iron isles but this also brings oppertunity I hand the letter to Joff and once he finishes it we make eye contact this rebelion isnt a threat once the iron fleet is destroyed it will be over but they have burned the Lannister fleet and they burned part of the redwyne fleet about a quater of it was destroyed this leaves the royal fleet as te strongest making us even more powerful maybe if I was older I could go and learn more of war but im too young im only elenven and Joff is nine but it should be fine it gives me time to get more power in the city and the crownlands ill ask for all the sons of the crownlanders to acommpany me during the war so I can get a feel for their loyalty.

"We shall grow our power well everyone has left I'll be the strongest man in kingslanding once father leaves I'll replace the servents and courtiers with people who will owe position to me."

Its time to make waves in this great game.