
The Tree Mage of Condellia

In the world of Condellia, awakened people is most respected and desired profession. Thousands of gods gives mortals of Condellia power in exchange for faith. Adair, someone from earth died in his sleep reincarnated in the world of awakened and god avatars. [King of Underworld wanted you to be it's pet] [Observer of Void wanted you to be it's successor] [God of Light wanted you to spread the light] [King of Harem wanted you as it's incarnation] [World Tree wanted to be your friend] "Friend? World Tree, i choose you!"

Azarcrow · Fantasía
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10 Chs

[Earth Transmigration Private School]

Condellia is a big planet, bigger than Earth more than a dozen times.

Billions of peoples scattered around 3 major continents.

Exploration Guild naturally has branch in every continent.

That's why, a rank upgrade is important along with personal strength.

Gold rank may not be the highest rank, but it's benefits and privileges are massive.

For example; 5% discount on skill stones and combat equipments, Pass on some forbidden areas, Political bragging right, and many more.

For those saying 5% discount is small, one must know that T-1 skill stones alone cost 10-100 gold coins depending on rarity. Let alone T-2 skill stones cost 1000 golds and that's the cheapest one, that 5% definitely saves thousands of golds in the future.

High tier of equipments and skill stones almost never enters the public markets.

Thankfully, Adair is a god avatar. God avatars don't need equipments, they are the equipments.

Exclusive weapons grows alongside their owner plus the indestructible characteristic of it makes defensive equipments useless.

Adair clenched the rank card and golds in his hand.

This was his first mission and it's already hard for him.

If Olga wasn't only a T-2 but but stronger, he was already in her stomach.


Name: Adair

Age: 11

Tier: 1 (99.98%)

Patron God: World Tree

Exclusive Weapo...

But the thousands of monsters directly brought him up to 99% completion of T-1.

It normally takes up to years before becoming a T-2 but it only take him a couple of days.

Now, he only needed to hunt a bunch of monsters and completing T-2 awakening quest before he became an official T-2.

Adair decided to rest and relax for a few days.


4 days later...

Outside of Exploration Guild, Adair and someone beside him walks out.

Adair decided take another mission where he meets Marco, a normal T-2 awakened, who also picked the same mission.

The mission this time is not extermination but an escort.

This type of mission is where you most likely to deal with humans rather than monsters.

If there are chances of the mission being too difficult, he can abandon the mission directly.

He's a gold ranked anyway, he can use a pardon and it's okay. Worst case scenario, his rank will be revoked.

He also happens to buy some skill stones but met an unexpected message.

[Tier-1 skill slots are full. Please upgrade to unlock more]

Aquired skills using skill stones is limited by 4 every tier.

This prevents awakened people to be jack-of-all trades.

Though this was not a common knowledge since, few people can buy skill stones like they were buying a candy.

Adair and Marco were greeted by two bodyguards.

The target of escort was a son of noble.

Adair don't think this mission will be evenful, this noble is only a son of Baron and he didn't even know the Baron himself let alone his son.


2 days later...

As Adair's guessed, the escort is uneventful.

Sadly, there was no wild beasts showed up in the mission.

They ran into some bandits along the way but they are only T-1s some were even unawakened so they take care of them quickly.

Bodyguards were also T-1 and were a big help.

Baron's son is unexpectedly very friendly and polite. He even shared his foods to everyone.

Overall, the mission is a success and the reward of 500 golds is good.

The the mission ends when they reached Lubandia City.

Lubandia is where the school Yori recommended him located.

This is why he especially take the mission.

There are also a school in Erientol like [Royal Mages Academy] and [Temple of Fire God Public School] but they require large amount of gold or an specific attributes which Adair didn't posses.


Edge of Lubandia City

"I'm sorry madam your son are indeed a genius, but he didn't have a recommendation not know this image which is our only requirement"

A dark-skinned man guarding a gate was fighting a noble woman with her son.

An image of a muscular man wearing a black suit of armor with a bat logo in the chest was posted on the gate.

"How do my son supposed to know that man!? Even i don't know him!"

The woman angrily left with her guards. The kid was sad to the point of sulking.

[Earth Transmigration Private School] is a school builted two years ago. But this school has a reputation of producing a powerhouse.

Due to the strict and unknown requirements, only one student was accepted last year.

But this student demolished everyone and was placed in top 10 in Ronolca National Tournament.

Many nobles tried to get their kids in this school this year but so far, no one were successful.

Among the line of crowd, there was Adair.

It didn't take long before he found the school, this is the talk of the city afterall.

Adair watched as the line becoming shorter and shorter by a minute.

Not long after, something unexpected happened, someone gets in and it's the Baron's kid he escorted before.

Adair didn't saw what exactly happened due to the long line but the image was taken down and replaced by a man wearing a tight red and ble suit with a spider logo on its chest.

The crowd went wild and begun taking guesses of who is in the image. This also makes the line faster since there's only one wrong guess before its turn is invalid.

Ten minutes later and it's Adair's turn.

He simply showed the recommendation card and the man happily welcomed him.

"By the way, nice spiderman image, where did you get it?"

Before going in, he asked the man.

"Issue #47"

The gateman smiled, he also replaced the image.



Adair admired the buildings of the school.

Compared to the fancy and overly detailed structures of this world, a nice and plain buildings made it stand out.

This also brings a lot of nostalgia.

Adair found the others on the podium after walking for a while.

There was 6 people including Adair.

They suddenly stopped talking when Adair showed up.

"Well, well, well, someone finally showed up!"

A black haired kid walks up to Adair and raising his arm.

Adair reluctantly accepted his arm, confused who is this person? And why is he so familiar with him?

"I see... You don't recognized me do you? How about now?"

The kid puts on a skin mask and summoned his exclusive weapon. Revealing gunslinger or Allen.

"Name's Allen, we didn't have time to introduce last time"


Other students also introduces themselves.

"I'm Lea, second year"

"My name is Unisha, let's be friends!"


"You already know me, Bora"

After a while of talking, Adair learned more about them.

Allen, a professional gamer, died of car crash at the age of 22. He recently advanced to T-3 and his patron god is God of Accuracy.

Lea, a highschool student like Adair, died of burning house. Age 19. She's a T-4 currently and her patron god is Demonic Ice Conqueror.

Unisha, a multi-language linguist died by a bolt of lightning during a thunderstorm. Age 28. She's a T-1 like Adair and her patron god is Time Overlord.

Yori, a highschool dropout died of cancer at 18. He's at T-2 and his patron god is King in Yellow.

Bora, a beginner martial artist died of drowning during a tsunami. Age 21. He's a normal awakened T-3.


A gorgeous woman walked into the podium.

"She's Helena Dine the headmaster of this school!"

Lea whispered.

"I'm Helena Dine, the headmaster and one of the lecturers of this school"

"Like you, i and all of the lecturers here are from Earth. We traveled across continents just to find earthlings like us"

"This year, many of you traveled to this school yearning for a home. This is why we offer absolute freedom, to feel like home"

"Survival and living is different, this is Condellia not Earth anymore, there are monsters and other people that threaten our safety. We earthlings must band and be stronger together!"

"Thankyou for your time, and be safe"

With her long speech she left.