
The Tree Mage of Condellia

In the world of Condellia, awakened people is most respected and desired profession. Thousands of gods gives mortals of Condellia power in exchange for faith. Adair, someone from earth died in his sleep reincarnated in the world of awakened and god avatars. [King of Underworld wanted you to be it's pet] [Observer of Void wanted you to be it's successor] [God of Light wanted you to spread the light] [King of Harem wanted you as it's incarnation] [World Tree wanted to be your friend] "Friend? World Tree, i choose you!"

Azarcrow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

First day





"Agghhhh! My arms are numb!"

"I feel like i was going to die!"

"How are you two human? I'm tired!"

At the grassland, people are wailing at the ground tired.

Only Yori and Bora remained standing perfectly, they didn't even sweated.

It been a week when registration ended. During that time, they just rested, meet other teachers, and tour around the city.

This day is the official first day of school and the teachers made the student's life went from easy to hard mode.

"Looks like you guys are done, let's do another activity!"

A muscular man in sports wear suddenly popped out behind them.

Zhang Leilu reached T-7 on a young age, but the sheer difficulty of T-8 awakening quest chained him fron giong up.


"Master Zhang, spare us!"

Adair and others begged.

Watching the kids, Zhang Leilu sighed.

"All right, all right, i will give you guys ten minutes after that, we will be having a boss battle"

The kids wondered what master Zhang meant by boss battle but they still prepared.

Ten minutes later...

Master Zhang came again this time, wearing a full set of armor and a pair of gauntlets.

"Students, i hope you all rested well, this activity will tire you up"

"Because this time, you will be fighting me!"

Zhang Leilu flexed his muscles.

This didn't surprised the kids, Lea already given them some hints and they strategies this before.

The sound of summoning was heard, each of them taken out their exclusive weapons except Bora.

"Master Zhang, do i need to join them? I already did this before" Lea on the sideline questioned.

"Of course you are joining them, aren't you also a student?"

"Besides, you lost to me that time. This time, i won't hold back!" Zhang Leilu said in a cocky tone.

With Lea joining the ranks, the team's composition are complete.

Their current position is;

Bora and Lea as Vanguard.

Yori as Assault.

Allen as Ranger.

Unisha as Control.

Adair as Support.

Spending a week was enough for them to familiarize themselves. The problem is teamwork and coordination.

"Are you guys ready? I'm going to move first!"

As master Zhang's words fell, he rushed at them.

Being a T-7 powerhouse, his raw speed and power were incredible. He almost reached the kids within seconds.

Bora tried to intercept him using [Red Dragon Punch] but he parried it with his gauntlets.

Lea sneaked from behind, stabbing Zhang Leilu on the back.


A sound of metal was heard.

Zhang Leilu catches the blade while smirking, grabbing Lea's head then tossed her far.

Bora kicked Zhang Leilu's chest causing him to get knocked back.

Yori used his tentacles to bind Zhang Leilu's limbs, Immobilizing him.

Using [Death's Timer] Yori sucked the vitality of Zhang Leilu.

Due to Zhang Leilu's overwhelming strength, he broke free of being Immobilized.

He pulled Yori's tentacles towards him, causing Yori to fly to him.

Allen shot Zhang Leilu's head, penetrating his helmet.

But the bullet didn't hurt his skin.

Zhang Leilu catches Yori then choked him.


As Yori is about to passed out, Zhang Leilu's body stopped moving, frozen in time.

The kids used this time to ganged up Zhang Leilu.

But in the last moment, a cracking sound was heard. Zhang Leilu broke free!

A pair of gauntlets held Lea and Bora in the head and threw them away again.

Zhang Leilu also kicked the barely conscious Yori. Zhang Leilu looked at the remaining three and smiled while gesturing them to come.

Unisha and Allen did not move, they knew they couldn't fight Zhang Leilu head on.

Adair whose role was to heal the team suddenly stopped healing his unconscious teammates.

"Adair don't! We should surrender, he's to strong!" Allen said in worrying tone.

"His body is his strongest weapon but that's all, he doesn't have long range and AOE skills and that's where we have advantage"

Adair walks up to Allen and whispered something. After hearing what he said, Allen showed a smile.

"Maybe that could work, but we had only one chance!"

Adair nodded then looked at Unisha.

"You had time-based skills, can you boost me?"

Unisha nodded then cast a skill on him.


"Are you guys done chatting? The activity isn't done yet!" Master Zhang shouted.

Adair walked slowly.

[Labyrinth of Grass]

The grassland suddenly grew in size, separating Zhang Leilu and the others.

Adair touched the grass wall, the grass begun to converge and mutate.

[Life Blessing] passively mutates all plantlife in Adair's contact.

In seconds, the grass wall became a long and big grass snake.

Zhang Leilu jumped high in the sky, but what surprised him is the tall grass latched on his foot, pulling him down with a bang.

He tried to punch the snake but it regenerates fast.

That's when he sensed Adair from behind, he punched Adair in the chest but his fist went through him.

It was a mirage, the real Adair was nowhere to be found.

[Flame Blast]

A blast of flame burned the grass snake, but it was quickly extinguished.

Zhang Leilu slipped out and ran away fast.

On the other side...

"He's so fast, i need him to stop moving or I'm going to miss" Allen said, aiming down at Zhang Leilu's moving figure.

Unisha beside him nodded. Thanks to her skill [Frieren], both her and Allen were at the clouds above.

"His armor should have CC reduction effect, my skills are ineffective against him"

"If Adair manages to wear off the armor maybe...

At the end of the maze, Adair is waiting.

'How can i stop him? Entangling him is useless now he has a fire skill, my physical strength is also inferior. What should i do...'

'My only advantage is range, all i can do is keep him at bay and spam skills...'

"That's it! Spam him till he loses!"

At his shout, Zhang Leilu broke through the grass wall behind him.

Grabbing Adair's head, then slamming him to the grassland.

Seeing Adair didn't dissipate, Zhang Leilu smiled.

"I finally found you! You have a lot of potential for hide and seek but you don't have power to beat me!"

Zhang Leilu lifted Adair in the air arming to throw him away, but it was his fatal mistake.


[Jungle Tornado]

A strong wind pinned Zhang Leilu down to the ground completely surprising him.

[Jungle Tornado]

But before he can get up, another one came.

[Jungle Tornado]

[Jungle Tornado]

Surrounding grasses were destroyed by constant tornadoes but Adair didn't stop.

Allen above the clouds didn't wasted time and shot Zhang Leilu's crotch repeatedly.

A sound of metal clashing was heard, Zhang Leilu's face were not good.

Allen stopped after some time, weakly falls to the ground.

The giant grass snake quickly cushioned Adair. It also used it's tail to slap Zhang Leilu.

30 minutes later...

Adair woke up on the smooth body of grass snake.

"Master Zhang! Adair is awake!"

Unisha who'se patting the snake alarmed everyone.

Zhang Leilu with some bandage on his hips walks by and checked Adair.

Adair said he's fine and greeted his teammates.

"Now that everyone is up, i will announce your scores of this activity"

Zhang Leilu eyed Allen as he spoke.

"Bora, 10 points!"

"Lea, 10 points!"

"Unisha, 20 points!"

"Allen, 5 points!""

"Yori, 10 points!"

"Adair, 30 points!"

"Even if you kids managed to beat me, It was only because of surprise attack"

Zhang Leilu smiles.

"Hey don't judge me for being a narcissist but truthfully, i could have demolished all of you in just a minute"

"So could you to me, with a minute you could have also demolished me. A minute in team battle is long time, with a proper teamwork even a T-7 like me will go down pretty quickly"

Zhang Leilu points at Adair.

"Adair gained 30 points because he did his role as a support and kept his power and released it at the last time. Which can be used as surprised attacks to the opponents who underestimates supports"

"Lea and Bora, you two are the vanguard of the team. Both of you did a good job of intercepting me but you two are so excited that others did not get a shot. Next time, analyze the opponent first then move"

"Yori, you gained 10 points because of your poor timing. As an assault, knowing when to strike is important. Don't always rush at the enemy or you might be caught like earlier"

"Unisha, you have the most skills broken I've seen, time based skills are a nightmare to deal with even at early tiers. You did a good job at controlling me but you must aware your surroundings not to hide behind your teammates always"

"Allen, you got 5 points instead of 20 points did you know why?"

Allen shooks his head innocently but the others are laughing out loud.

"I don't know Master Zhang"

"You!– you shot my eggs 15 times! Thats 15 points reduction to you!"

"Master Zhang! Please! I'm sorry huhuhahaha!"

Allen kneeled and begged but the laughing of others contaminated him like a virus.

Seeing Allen making fun of him, Zhang Leilu went mad.


Zhang Leilu chased Allen

"Hahaha... Master Zhang forgive me!"