
The Tower's Creator

The Tower's Creator. In other words... GOD, goes on a vacation into his own world. (Read tags.)

ExeDOTcOM · Fantasía
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2 Chs

God's Reincarnation (1)

In a dark room, around a large round table, stood 7 people conversing with each other.

"The creator of the world we currently live in. The world full of dungeons. The world filled with systems. The world with monsters and dragons, is soon to come."

Said one voice.

"Indeed. our creator is coming... is what the prophet said. But can she really be trusted? I get an eerie feeling from her. Something about her isn't right."

Said another, taller figure.

"indeed, I as well thought that, but she is trustworthy, she has never failed in predictions before. We should be carful, for if what she is saying really is true, then god will be reincarnated... As a human too!

Said the first voice.

Meanwhile, up in the secret floor in the tower... the floor made specifically for one being. God.

Floor 101 of the 100 floors.

"Interesting." Said a male voice.

"So... that's how the prophet wants to play it, huh? I wish I didn't invent that class. Oh well, makes things more interesting."

I suppose.. it's time for me to go on vacation now, huh?

The man starts saying gibberish.

"Il zui Azur reil drastavoree"

"While I'm waiting for the magic to finish, I might as well tell you everything. Yes, you! I know you are there. That's right. I, am a fourth wall breaker. You may call me, Zeroth, since God sounds weird. Basically, I was bored. Life was too peaceful on earth. Nothing serious or cool was happening. So, in the year 21,398, I had enough. I erased humanity and everything else in the world. Then, I created a tower, and destroyed the rest of the universe. After that, I took fantasy monsters' as you call it. They are actually just creatures from other planets. Nothing fun was going on there either. When video games were being invented, I decided to put some of the creatures in the creator's head. I actually used my former idea of video games as an inspiration for the tower. So I invented mana and put a lot of energies in the tower for absorption purposes. I even created a video game system with classes and rewards and everything.

Now... I am bored again! There was a human! A human started to become too powerful and knowledgeable on the energies! And you know what this piece of crap did next? He told his discoveries and how to get powerful to the rest of humanity! Now the monsters aren't even a challenge! This was around a month ago. People are speeding through the tower. Now you might be wondering, why don't I increase the power of the monsters? Well, I am gonna have to tell you to fuck off about that. The author is too lazy to include the full reason so all I'm gonna fucking say is: VAUGE CONSEQUENCES. So... I am going into the tower, as a human. I am going to have to manually teach the me-damn people on the 99th floor what to do and how to get more powerful. But the main point of doing this whole reincarnation thing is:

1. Stop the humans from reaching the final floor.

Reason? The final floor's boss drops a teleportation scroll into the nether realm. Even I have no control over that. I just added that cuz I didn't need. But now... I the humans actually manage to reach the Nether realm, then I am gonna be stuck doing nothing. I won't be able to see shit, and that was the last time I was able to redo life. Now, if I want to change something, I am gonna have to wait 2432 years. 2000 years of nothing!

2. Live life from a human's perspective. Be a participant, not a spectator!

I will live!