
Chapter 6 Reunion Seven Years Later

Rubina Jorden looked up and saw a person standing not far away through the foggy windshield. Although he couldn't see the person's face clearly, his posture was exactly the same as he remembered!


Rubina Jorden couldn't believe her eyes, tears of grievance rolled in her eyes, her vision gradually became blurred, and the figure in the distance gradually became unreal.

Is he... really Worton York?

Could it be hallucination?

Rubina Jorden wiped away the tears from her eyes, and looked over again. The figure had come close, only a few feet away from her.

The fog on the windshield gradually dissipated, and the figure became clearer and clearer!

That bright smiling face that had appeared in her dreams countless times, those delicate facial features that seemed to have been chiseled by a knife and an axe, and that whole body exuded a gentle aura!

It's him!

It really is him!

Rubina Jorden was ecstatic, and then opened the door to get out of the car, only to find that she had been locked in the car.

"Hunk Jorden, open the car door!"

"Rubina, since you've gotten into this wedding car, don't even think about regretting it. I won't let you get out of the car until the Lewis Family and I personally send you into Karry Lewis's arms!"

Hunk Jorden said coldly.

"Hunk Jorden, do you hear? You open the door, I'm getting out of the car!"

Rubina Jorden shook the car door wildly.

Hunk Jorden sneered at the corner of his mouth when he saw this, and immediately rolled down the car window, stuck his head out, and shouted at Worton York who was blocking the front of the car: "Smelly beggar, get out of the way, or I will kill you!"

Worton York didn't look directly at Hunk Jorden, he only had Rubina Jorden in his eyes, looking at Rubina Jorden's bridal attire, his heart was bleeding silently.

As bright as the phoenix crown and Xiapei on Rubina Jorden's body, his heart shed as much blood.



I'm late!

Worton York clenched his molars, and suddenly felt that it was meaningless to fight the world outside for seven years. If Rubina and Shea were gone, even if he owned the world, what would be the use?

"Hello? Stinky beggar, what about you, are you deaf when you are riding a horse?"

"You don't think I dare not bump into you, do you?"

"As for your low life, if I beat you to death, I will be worthy of hundreds of thousands at most!"

Hunk Jorden breathed out the fragrance, saliva flying everywhere.

"Haitao, stop talking nonsense with that stinky beggar, hurry up, the Lewis Family is hard to explain after the auspicious time!" Marry Wall recognized Worton York at a glance, the man who ruined her daughter seven years ago The innocent rapist, for fear that Worton York would mess up Rubina's wedding, hurriedly urged.

"Fuck! Court death!"

Hunk Jorden slammed the steering wheel hard, then stepped on the gas pedal and headed straight for Worton York.

"don't want!!!"

Rubina Jorden didn't have time to stop, so she covered her eyes with her hands.

The engine of the car let out an ear-splitting roar, like a streamer crashing into Worton York.

Hunk Jorden gritted his back molars, his face was full of ferocity, obviously he wanted to kill Worton York directly!


Worton York punched the front hood of the Mercedes-Benz, causing the front of the car to be deeply dented, and the two front tires sank into the concrete ground. Due to inertia, the rear of the car jumped up high, and the wheels were spinning rapidly.

inside the car.

The airbag had deployed and Hunk Jorden fell hard, bleeding from his forehead.

Rubina Jorden was not injured. Just at the moment when the car stopped suddenly, she felt an invisible force firmly bound her to the back seat.

At this moment, the front windshield has been completely shattered, and Rubina Jorden can see Worton York's face more clearly.

They haven't seen each other for seven years. Instead of the slightest estrangement between the two, they also inspired a strong love deep in their hearts. The two are like dry wood and fire. At this moment, gasoline is poured on them and burns blazingly!


The inertia disappeared, and the car fell heavily to the ground. Hunk Jorden, who hadn't recovered yet, slammed his skull into the roof of the car again, causing another big blood bag on the spot.

Rubina Jorden didn't wear a seat belt, but it was safer than wearing a seat belt. Her body was firmly pressed on the back seat by an invisible big hand, and she didn't suffer the slightest injury.


Worton York ripped off the rear door with his bare hands and freed Rubina Jorden from the car.


Rubina Jorden threw herself into Worton York's arms, feeling Worton York's body temperature and heartbeat, and all the grievances she had suffered in the past seven years turned into tears, soaking Worton York's skirt.


Thousands of words merged into three words.

Rubina Jorden didn't have time to enjoy the joy of reunion, wiped away the tears on her face, and said hastily: "Worton, daughter, our daughter was taken away by the Lewis Family, please save our daughter!"

"Rubina, don't worry, Shea has been rescued by me, she is in a very safe place now."

Worton York laughed.


Rubina Jorden was beaming with joy.

Worton York nodded: "Really, I'll take you to meet Shea right now."


Rubina Jorden has not seen Shea for three months, and the thoughts in his heart are beyond words.

"No, you can't take Rubina away!"

Marry Wall stops Worton York.

"Mom, what are you doing? I'm going to see Shea!" Rubina Jorden frowned.

Marry Wall snorted coldly: "See Shea? Rubina, you are too naive. How can you believe what this trashy tramp says?"

"The Lewis Family are the four newest families in Finch City. Their hands and eyes are as good as the sky. Shea was captured by them, how could she be rescued?"

"Rubina, wake up, seven years ago, you were tricked into bed by this trash bum, seven years later, do you want to be tricked again?"

"If you really want to save Shea, the only way is to marry Karry Lewis, other than that, there is no other way. Just listen to my mother's advice, don't bother with this trash, change a car and happily marry the Lewis Family, not only can you keep Shea safe, but you can also fly up the branch and become a phoenix, killing two birds with one stone!"

Rubina Jorden felt a little worried upon hearing this, and immediately looked at Worton York, "Worton..."

"Rubina trusted me and Shea has been moved by me to a safe place."

Worton York nodded to Rubina Jorden.


Marry Wall spat at Worton York, "Don't talk nonsense here, you useless tramp, hurry up and stay away from my daughter, don't delay my daughter's marriage to the Lewis Family and become a master!"

"Mom, I'm afraid your wish may come true!"

Worton York said lightly.

After all, she is Rubina Jorden's biological mother, no matter how mean she is, she still can't afford to be courteous.

"Who is your mother? You are a rapist. If it hadn't been for my silly daughter who stood in the way, I would have called the police to arrest you seven years ago!" Marry Wall gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Worton is not a rapist. I told you that I took the initiative." Rubina Jorden defended.

Marry Wall was so angry that she immediately wailed and said, "Sin, I, Marry Wall, who is famous for the first time, how did I give birth to such a shameless thing like you!"

"Mom, don't be angry, I will take responsibility for Rubina!" Worton York said flatly.

Marry Wall pinched his waist with both hands, and immediately jumped to his feet and cursed: "Death and strong criminal, you have a good idea, even if I kill my daughter with my own hands, I will not let her marry you!"

"Also, don't think that you can stop Rubina from getting married by cursing a few words here!"

"I'm not cursing, I'm telling the truth, the Lewis FamilyKarry Lewis is dead, do you want Rubina to marry a dead man?"

Worton York's patience is also limited. Even if Marry Wall is Rubina's biological mother, she can't go beyond the threshold.


Marry Wall and Rubina Jorden stared at the same time, looking at Worton York, and fell into a dead silence.

After a brief silence, Marry Wall sneered, "Rubina, did you hear that? This rapist's speech is getting more and more unreasonable. Obviously, there is something wrong with his head. Maybe he has been in a mental hospital for the past seven years." Stay here, I forgot to take my medicine and sneaked out today!"

Rubina Jorden's eyes became a little complicated, and her white teeth bit her red lips lightly.

"Deadly and strong criminal, we had dinner with Mr. Lewis yesterday. Mr. Lewis has a tougher body than you. How could he just say die?"

Marry Wall looked contemptuous, and snorted coldly: "Do you think your mouth is open? I think you are dead, and Mr. Lewis will not die!"

A sharp coldness flashed in Worton York's eyes, "Then what if Karry Lewis is really dead?"

"I just agree with you being with Rubina." Karry Lewis couldn't really be dead anyway, so it didn't matter what he said.

"It's a deal."

"Whoever repents will be the grandson!"

Marry Wall swears.

As soon as the words fell, there was a scream from inside the Jorden Family Saxon Mansion.

"It's bad, the old owner of the Lewis Family, Karry Lewis, has passed away!"