
Chapter 5 One-month deadline

King Dragon?

What is King Dragon?

People in the hall looked at each other.

Duke Lewis and Batur were also a little confused, why did Mr. Pell kneel down to this rapist as soon as he came?

"So you didn't come to catch me?"

Worton York said lightly.

Kory Pell broke out in a cold sweat, and said with trembling lips: "King Dragon, you misunderstood, how dare I come to catch you? I'm here to catch them!"

"Come on, arrest Duke Lewis, Batur, and these people!"

With Kory Pell's order, hundreds of elites swarmed in and controlled Duke Lewis, Batur and their subordinates.

"Mr. Pell, why are you arresting us? We didn't make any mistakes?" Batur stared innocently.

Duke Lewis yelled: "Yes, Mr. Pell, you should arrest him. He is the rapist who raped Rubina Jorden seven years ago, and now he killed my father!"

Duke Lewis glared at Worton York fiercely.

"shut up!"

Kory Pell was furious, and if these two bullies continued to quarrel, even he would have to get involved.

"Batur, Duke Lewis, how dare you two say you didn't make any mistakes? You have committed a serious crime of dereliction of duty by arbitrarily mobilizing the troops of the garrison regiment!"

Kory Pell was furious, and both Batur and Duke Lewis were terrified.

"King Dragon, how do you think I should punish these people?"

Kory Pell looked warily at Worton York.

"You leave these two people to me, and the rest are up to you."

Worton York waved his hand slightly.

"Yes!" Kory Pell breathed a sigh of relief, since King Dragon said so, then the problem is not big, at least he will not be involved.

"Why are you standing still? Why don't you hurry up and do what King Dragon said!"

Kory Pell urged.

In a blink of an eye.

Duke Lewis and Batur's men were all detained.

"King Dragon, then I won't bother you. I'll be waiting outside. Call me if you need anything."

Kory Pell greeted Worton York, and then quickly retreated out of the door. Of course, he didn't dare to just walk away. If there was another accident here, even if he had a hundred heads, he wouldn't be able to cut it off.


Worton York threw Batur's army thorns to the ground, then looked back at the four Tristan generals behind him, "None of you are allowed to stop it for a while!"

"Yes, Mr. York!"

The four generals of Tristan replied in unison.

"Okay, you can do it now."

Worton York looked at Batur.

Do it?

What are you kidding?

Although Batur doesn't know what the title of King Dragon is, it can be seen from Kory Pell's performance that this person's background must be very important, and he is probably a big shot with all-hands and eyes.

He was completely screwed today, and it was all caused by Duke Lewis!

Batur looked at Duke Lewis with anger in his eyes, wishing he could tear Duke Lewis to pieces.

"Tristan give him the gun!"

Worton York waved his hand.

"Yes, Mr. York!"

Tristan throws Batur's gun back to Batur.

"Didn't you just kill me? Give you a chance!"

Worton York said flatly.

Batur was already trembling with fright, and he didn't even have the strength to hold a gun, so he slumped on the ground with a plop, like a puddle of mud.

"Come on, pick up the gun and kill me, shoot here, this can kill me with one shot!"

Worton York got up, pointed to his chest, and walked towards Batur step by step. With each step, Batur's heart trembled violently, and the amplitude became bigger and bigger.

When Worton York walked up to Batur, Batur's heart finally couldn't bear it and burst on the spot!


Batur spurted blood and died!

He was scared to death!

Worton York frowned, sighed, and then turned his gaze to Duke Lewis.

Duke Lewis was frightened by Worton York's aura and swallowed hard.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. As I said, I can recruit you casually. If I can't catch it, I will lose. I will give you, the Lewis Family, another month. During this period, you can use all means to deal with me. Of course, the deadline is up, if I am still alive, then I will personally send you the Lewis Family back to the west!"

Worton York said coldly.

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it, you will die!

Shea and Rubina Jorden are the reverse scales of Worton York!

The Lewis Family moved Shea and Rubina Jorden, and deserved to die!

The reason why Worton York didn't directly kill the entire Lewis Family was because he thought it would be too cheap for them. He wanted to make the Lewis Family's life worse than death and perish in despair!

Originally, Worton York wanted to keep Karry Lewis, so that the latter could witness the whole family of the Lewis Family go to extinction because of him, but it was a pity that Karry Lewis was too arrogant, and Worton York couldn't hold back for a while, and directly strangled him to death.

"let's go!"

Worton York turned around suddenly and strode away, followed by Tristan four generals.

Seeing this, Duke Lewis heaved a sigh of relief, no matter what, his life was temporarily saved.

Worton York walked to the door, stopped abruptly, and then flipped his wrist, and the military thorn on the ground not far from Duke Lewis immediately rose from the ground.


Half of Duke Lewis' arm was forcibly chopped off by the military thorn, blood spattered several meters away, the military thorn continued to fly upwards, and directly hit the plaque above the lobby.

The plaque fell from the sky, brushed Duke Lewis's hair, fell in front of him, and fell apart on the spot. The four characters of "a gentleman" on the plaque were also broken into several pieces.

"This arm is the interest. I'll come back to take your head in one month!"

"You, the Lewis Family, have human faces and animal hearts, and you don't deserve these four characters at all!"

The voice of Worton York Hong Zhong Dalu echoed back and forth in the hall, shaking the ears of the Lewis Family!

Outside the Lewis Mansion.

Seeing Worton York coming out, Kory Pell rushed over to greet him, "King Dragon, Mr. Peng has set up a banquet for you in the garrison regiment. Please condescend to go with Mr. Peng, so that Mr. Peng can fulfill his friendship as a landlord."

"No need, you just need to be the commander of your garrison with peace of mind. You don't need to intervene in my affairs!"

Worton York said lightly.


Kory Pell swallowed, looked at the back of Worton York's departure, and kept moaning, how could he be at ease even if ancestors like King Dragon Sect didn't leave?


Outside the Jorden Family.

A woman with a phoenix crown and a xiapei stood there. The woman had a stunning appearance and a graceful figure, as if she was a fairy walking out of a painting.

It can be seen from the woman's clothes that today is a woman's day of great joy, but from the woman's gloomy face, there is no trace of joy.

The woman's eyes were dull, her eye circles were red and swollen, and there were still two tear stains on her pretty face, obviously she had just cried.

"Rubina, the auspicious time has come. Get in the car quickly. Your grandfather said that as soon as you marry Karry Lewis, he will resume your father's position."

The speaker was Rubina Jorden's mother, Marry Wall. She was smiling like a spring breeze, and she didn't feel any reluctance or sentimentality to marry her daughter. On the contrary, she felt relieved and let go of her burden.

"Third Aunt, don't worry, I promise to send Rubina to the Lewis Family safely!"

A man in the Mercedes-Benz S350 waved his hand. The man was Rubina Jorden's uncle's brother, Hunk Jorden.

Originally Hunk Jorden's family and Rubina Jorden's family have always been at odds with each other, but Rubina Jorden is about to marry into the Lewis Family, the new four major families, and Hunk Jorden will come over immediately to curry favor.

"Rubina, hurry up and get in the car, it will be bad luck if you miss the auspicious time." Marry Wall put Rubina Jorden into the car, and pretended to wipe away a few tears.

Rubina Jorden was sitting in the car, like a walking dead, biting her red lips lightly with white teeth, and tightly pinching the corner of her clothes with her green fingers. She has been under house arrest by the Jorden Family for three months.

Having not seen her daughter Shea for three months, Rubina Jorden was very anxious, but she was helpless. She originally wanted to resist the marriage to the death, until she saw the picture of Shea being abused, and her heart was twitching.

In order to force her to agree to the marriage, the Lewis Family bribed Shea's adoptive mother and tortured Shea for three months. In the end, the Lewis Family threatened Rubina Jorden with Shea's life.

Rubina Jorden's heart is bleeding, for Shea, she has to agree to this marriage!

"Shea, it's mom who's sorry for you..."

Two lines burst into tears.

"Worton York, where are you? Can you come and save Shea? She is your own flesh and blood..."

Rubina Jorden cried silently in her heart, but a self-deprecating sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. She knew that her cry, Worton York, would never be heard, and she also knew that Worton York would never appear in front of her, let alone rescue Shea!

After all...Worton York doesn't even know Shea exists...

"Rubina, I'm back."

Just then, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice flew into Rubina Jorden's ears.