
the departure

As they are both following behind me I lead them to the garden of heart shaped herb

They walk in first and I tell them that this where they belong and I cannot wait any longer I teleport away as soon as they walk into the garden ( meanwhile on the moon)

So this is the inhuman kingdom that if heard so much about then I suddenly get a headache so bad I start to get a nosebleed and pass out I suddenly wake up In a bed in a room and I immediately get angry so I teleport to the top of the domed country it's truly magnificent too bad they pissed me off then I get a message in my head " young visitor if you are angry please take out your anger on me the one who did that to you I am sorry I didn't mean any offense I just suddenly felt a power strong enough to destroy the whole moon please meet me on the other side of the moon just us two let's talk about why you are here" ( teleport to him) me: I should have known it was you it's a pleasure to meet you sir Charles Xavier

Charles: you know of me

Me : who doesn't know the strongest telepath in the world but honestly I'm here to ask your king beast for training

Charles: ohh young man you must be mis informed about some things I regret to inform you that the man you are talking about has retired

Me: huh what happened I don't get it

Charles: let me explain before we left earth our king at the time had a wife her name was Jean grey she was pregnant and she was was expecting to give birth and earth at the time did not know about mutant kind so we thought it was best to move and so we did but when we got here we were surprised by the fact the inhuman people were already living here so we decided to join together and become one but equally and so since the inhuman royal family was also pregnant we decided that an arrangement was to be made to wed of the mutant prince to the inhuman queen but who was to rule the deciding factor was a duel between the kings of both people and the result was inhuman & mutants ruled equally over each others people on that day we received a prophecy stating through this union would bring the strongest mutant or inhuman and she will meet the king of legend and lead you to a new age that was 36 years ago and now we celebrate the first princess's 12 birthday today now that I've told you about us please tell me about yourself

Me: well I am a prince my self of the nation of wakanda on earth but I'm not human I have become something different a little bit more like a celestial entity more than anything I have gained three extraordinary abilities one is to control all and any space it has a bunch of sub abilities that I cannot fully control without guidance and another is to control all energy and power that also comes with strength unparalleled enough to blow up civilizations with ease and lastly I'm a Demi god able to transform into a panther and have increased senses

Charles: well I think I might be able to help you with that but you will need to be completely honest with my king and queen as to endear yourself to our nation and gain our trust and help

Me : okay I'll do anything

Charles: ok follow me and please don't forget to be respectful to the royal family

Me: of course

(Mean while in the throne room on Attilan)

Beast : what do you mean she doesn't have a ability she is my granddaughter she is destined to be the greatest inhuman and mutant ever born

Jean: please calm down Hank you are gonna make her feel bad and I will not be happy with you if she feels bad about something she can't control

(And suddenly a girl goes running from the throne room crying )

Jean: damn it Hank look at what you've done

as she follows behind yelling her name Cleo wait he didn't mean it like that

( meanwhile in the hallway) N'jobu pov

Me : Charles sir where are you taking me

Charles: I'm taking you to the man you wanted to see you will see

As we turn the corner I suddenly bump into someone and they fall down on me and we hit the floor or should say I cause I held onto her as I landed I barely see her hair covered my face but my hands were free and immediately tried to move her but suddenly I hear " get your hands off my granddaughter right now "

I try to move her but then I see her staring at me so I help her stand up and get up off the floor and ask

N'jobu: hello I am prince N'jobu it's nice to meet you what is your name

Cleo : Cleo my name is princess Cleo McCoy where are you from that you're a prince

Me: the wonderful wakanda is my home

Jean: who is this young man Charles his energy is dangerous guards restrain him immediately