

Ria said goodbye to the headlady and left.

Shia was asleep when in her dreams she saw her mom calling her towards her. Her mom was chanting some words that Shia could not hear so she tried to hold her mother's hand . Her mother was moving backwards and Shia continued chasing her until she saw herself flying on cliff, she was supposed to fall but she was flying. Shia opened her eyes and saw herself again levitating but this time she did not fell. she tried to fly and jump in air . She soon realized that she was not a common girl. She decided not to talk about it for the time being. Shia was wondering if she could do more than this as she saw her other powers but had no idea how to use them.

Head lady was roaming around and thinking about the village security when her door knocked, there was a invitation letter sent by dwarves to attend their holy spirit ritual festival, dwarves asked for a representative of village to attend festival as a guest. Headlady was muddled what she should do then she suddenly came to conclusion that she will send Shia as her representative in the festival and she will ask Ria to go with her to strengthen the village security.

In the dwarves kingdom , a girl opened the door and waived her hand in air , thousands of dwarfs were standing and chanting her name ''hail Rain!". She was the princess of dwarfs and the future queen. Rain raised her hand and touched her heart and lifted a flambeau and raised her voice"hail Theiya ", the goddess of the village. all the dwarves started bowing .

After that Rain made announcement of festival beginning from next morning and went inside the palace.

Ria was at her home when she got a mysterious sand magic message , she touched the sand and village head image appeared , she said Ria I want your help in village inspection as you requested , we are going on a village tour and bring Shia with you as I have something to tell her. After receiving her message Ria stood and headed towards Shia's home. Shia was peeling fruits for her mother when Ria knocked on the door , Shia dropped the knife and opened the door Ria was standing on a big circle of windbeeds and was gasping, Shia smiled and asked what happened to you? why are you in such hurry? .

Ria took deep breath and relaxed herself then told Shia we need to hurry village head asked me to go for village inspection!. Oh! really, Ria i am so happy for you . You must have been surprised! .

Yes and village head told me to bring you there with me do not ask why ? even I do not know why ? so get ready fast we need to go .

Wait I was peeling fruits for my mother let me give those to her first. Ria said ok then let me help you too. both of them prepared fruit salad and Ria helped Mahitra to sit and Shia fed her . after that both left for head's house.

village head was waiting for them as they arrived she grabbed both by there hands and asked where they delayed. Ria asked why she asked for Shia.

headlady told them that she received an invitation letter from dwarf 's kingdom and she would not be able to attend their festival as it was village security inspection week . she asked Shia to attend festival as her representative for this time and she could take the book (Fla) with her .

Shia agreed and asked for the book , Headlady did magic and book came in her hand . She told them that book can be lifted by people who were either descendant or pupils of the owner of this book and have thunder essence in their magic.

Shia asked then how would I be able to lift this book.

Headlady told her "if you can not, no one can".

Shia felt strange how did she know about her powers that she recently discovered?

then Headlady took an amulet out of her neck and putted it around Shia's neck.

Shia looked at her in confused and curious way . Headlady smiled and told her this amulet can store share of anyone's power and I am going to transfer little share of my power .Remember you cannot loose this amulet Without this you would not be able to lift the book. She lifted her hand chanted some spell and the wind started roaring big blue dust started flowing in air and a tiny ball entered into the amulet.

Shia fell backwards, Ria ran and holded her hands . Shia stood up and touched the amulet and then the book she was able to lift the book . Shia asked about the festival and map. She asked for few days for preparation to leave but Headlady told her they have no time she will have to go now. Shia asked But Headlady I am not prepared to go I have no clothes , how am I supposed to go . Headlady went into her room took some dresses and came out she gave those dresses to Shia and brought some food snacks packed those and stored in a suitcase.

she holded her hand gave some dwarf 's money and opened a portal , pushed her and told her there is a ring in you suitcase do not forget to wear that you can talk to me with that and the portal closed after that Ria and Headlady left for village inspection.